Grymm Ramblings
With this page we conclude the first part of this "Academy Award Winning Comic" arc. Come back Friday for the triumphant return of our patented "Interlude for a long term story arc to see what other characters might be up to and to break the sweaty, godawful tension!"
You're not going to want to miss this one. It features sexy times and faces you haven't seen in nearly a year!
And remember. It doesn't matter how bad it gets, there may be a point to it, and things will definitely get better.
0 thoughts on “Academy Award Winning Comic 13: Boiling Point”
I have a strong desire to tie Rip down coat him in peanutbutter and release the scarlet macaws.
…This…makes me painfully…sad. So very sad. Bowler…I think I might cry at the sheer agony that the sight of Bowler stalking off into the unknown because of two great prides clashing. Akonite, the Macaw’s are too kind.
Goffin Cockatoos? That way we can emasculate with the small, pink, cute but evil and bitey.
I do not think that’s good enough. So I have a suggestion. While he is being pecked apart by viscus pink birds force him to watch The View. I used to think that was a fate no male should have to endure, but I was wrong. Rip should die in the most ego crushing way possible, and I know that as this week goes on the rest of the commentators will improve on this exponentially.
On an unrelated note. Lady Rose, your ninja rats performed the task I set out for them well beyond even what you led me to expect of them. As a small thank you for this I have doubled the payment, and I will also offer a significant discount on Ulltrosstech goods and services including access to items not normally available to my clients.
I keep telling you, ninja rat minions are the way to go. I am ever so grateful for your praise and shall pass it along to them, they were quiet thrilled to be put on such a trying job. I’ll keep your delightful offer in mind.
AS to Rip…Not just the view…but Tiara’s and Toddlers. Let him suffer the fate of his brain oozing out of his ears and any lest shred of masculinity not just to be pecked away but utterly torn to bits, eviscerated over the rage and hate of tiny children parading like adults.
Yes, Ulltross, we will improve on this. With fire. And rebar. Rusty fuckin’ rebar. Rusty fuckin’ rebar on fire with brown recluse venom –
*begins swearing in German, with surgical precision. A beautiful language.*
Excuse me please, but I must find a ziggurat and some chains. Once Rip is found, captured, broken and weeping, I will chain him to the summit of said ziggurat, in the burning Texas sun, and let my ghouls slowly devour him. Without condiments.
Ah German~ the only thing that might compete is Russian. No offense to you. Do let me know when you chain him up, my minions will be there post haste, to assist your ghouls in nibbling him to death…
Will B
You forget Klingon. It swear nicer then both them. And is much more brash then both combined. That and it allows you to say sooo much more.
Russian is can be a beautiful language, especially for writers.
I’ve even yelled ‘yob tvoyu mat’ at people lately. The acerbic sound of it is almost as satisfying is the confused look people make.
Still, my Teutonic blood stirs whenever the words Scheiss-ficker and Arschmade roll off my tongue. I can even conjugate them into a single fiery term, guaranteed to lash the egos oft the unprepared.
i predict a cyradwee CK team-up in the (near) future: “the enemy of my enemy is my friend”
Hmm… visionary.
I still foresee a ‘the enemy of my enemy is the guy I’m still gonna kill’ reaction.
Mercenary Clown
Hmmmm… I definatly cannot wait for the next issue…must travel forward in time to satisfy my curiousity….ahhh…..I just gotta wait until my buddy returns with my time machine….I knew I shouldn’t have rented it out as a cozy cardboard box…or as I call it….chateu. de merc
MC, this place is filled to the brim with Mad Scientists and what not. All you have to do is ask. You can take my spare. Fair warning, the clutch sticks a bit and it won’t go to Chicago during any part of World War Two for some reason. It’s the black GMC Sprint.
My, oh my. All its taken is a phone conversation, a letter, a cloaked in shadows appearance, and some vague references and already the teeth are gnashing and the mechanisms of destruction are firing to see Rip Flintlocke destroyed.
C’mon folks! There HAS to be a reason Bowler’s giving the guy a chance after all!
As a female, I can say for a fact that even the most intelligent and clever woman can be laid low by schemers attached to well trained penises unless they learn the first time to nip in the bud the desire to try again after the first mishap. My first ex finally got the hint, the second ex is still a bit dense, the rest heard their tales and willingly left me be when it ended or ended it as a close friend I’d trust to hide bodies (or create them).
For all we know, going back to Rip is an idle threat thrown in because he was the only one not living in the building that came to mind.
You are right of course, Grymm. We don’t have the full story. Unfortunately the part we do have is the part that sends most of us into a blood rage. Also this scene takes on a different light when you remember Creepknight dose not have pants on.
I love the background effects. You experimenting with a new style Grymm?
Huzzah! Yep, just playing with ideas to emphasize things. Also doing some new stuff with shading.
It looks good.
Thank ye kindly!
Mmm… I just got back from breaking into the walrus vault. I’ve seen the future and it is good. And sexy.
*fap fap fap
So THAT’S why the archives smell like money and macciato!
The macciato smell is probably from that puddle in the corner. I actually got trapped down there for quite a while.
Ummmmm… Im I the only one who remembers that CK is naked from he waist down as this is happening?
I do not recall any wardrobe changes since he became the ‘Murder Ranger’.
Which only goes to prove Bowler is angry but still his friend. Wobbly bits displayed during an argument asks for trouble.
I have spent all day up until this point thinking it was Friday, and wondering why there was no new comic. Now I know. Sadly.
Soon! There will be an explanation! Or so I hope…