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01. Regenesising 02. Jerry 03. InfernoCon 04. Mild Strangeness 05. CreepKnight's Birthday 06. High Strangeness 07. The Next Morning 08. Eggrolls 09. A Clockwork Drag Queen 10. The Revenge of Captain Thud 11. The Greasy Spoon 12. Meatnecks and Boomsticks 18. Academy Award Winning Comic 21. That Ol' Walrus Voodoo 22. Twas the Night Before Crispy 23. Flashback 1: First Meeting 24. Publishing Shmublishing 25. Flashback 2: Trauma Builds Character 26. Wrath of Con Part 1 27. Wrath of Con Part 2 28. After Wrath Part 1 29. After Wrath Part 2 30. Flashback 3: Entropy 101 31. Kill Your Heroes Part 1 32. Kill Your Heroes Part 2 33. Kill Your Heroes Part 3 34. Kill Your Heroes Part 4 35. Eye's Wide Open Part 1 36. Eye's Wide Open Part 2 37. Flashback 4: Extra Credit 38. Pig-Hearted Perversions Comics VW Archives
0 thoughts on “KIll Your Heroes 75: Bear-Blasting Their Way to Victory”
You know… I would almost think the guys looked like Villains here if I wasn’t 99% sure it’s pure rage at this point after the shit they were put through.
IS… there not a wonderful day for bear blasting?
Also bear blasting? Was that a power thirst reference?
Is it wrong I want to figure up D&D stats for the void bear?
Definitely not wrong and most assuredly encouraged!
Well then, in a fit of inspiration, I came up with this:
According to CreepKnight, you’re pretty damn spot on. And now he’s going to end up spending the rest of the day figuring out stats for the main cast.