Grymm Ramblings
Got a few things to cover. Important things. Take a seat. Uncle Grymm wants to "rap" with you and some turkey "jive" hootenannies in the neighbor hood. First off, I have discovered that there a very distinct lack of Voodoo Walrus to be found on This must be rectified. So if you happen to be someone who makes edits to, and you get the chance, please weasel the Walrus in there if only for a few things. I'd do it myself, but I have no clue how to edit wikis and no time to play around with it. We're basically just looking for more ways to get the Walrus out there. Project Wonderful is okay... But it really only shines when you're pumping money into like an old time arcade game cabinet of House of the Dead. So as per usual, never hesitate to spread the glory of the Walrus around. Especially if you happen to be on speaking terms with any of the rather highly popular webcomic creators. Wink wink, nudge nudge. Second! We gots a new t-shirt design! Make way for BLOOOOOOOOOONDESTAAAAAAAAAAR! That's right! You can now relive the awesome of those late 80's/early 90's afternoons coming home after school and tuning in to Blondestar's latest adventures to rock the galaxy, battle the Commitrons, and figure out just how he was going to find time to partake in a tasty taco or twelve. Wear the new Blondestar design with pride and let other Blondestar lovers know they're not alone. Reminisce about the epic four parter where Blondestar was trapped in the oppressive anti-future world ruled over by the Commitrons! Maybe see who can do their best "BLOOOOOOOOOOONDESTAAAAAAAR" YELL. Or introduce Blondestar to those unfamiliar with him! I know, that seems odd, but many missed out on the craze! Until I moved to Virginia in 1993 I had never even heard of him! Lastly... the comic itself. Yeah. You're going to recognize a few names. We're believers in brand loyalty. You'll also notice a badger. And that Grymm still has a hammock instead of a bed. Looks like he has a new skull lava lamp instead of the eyeball one. Wonder what happened to the old eyeball lamp though?
0 thoughts on “Another One of Those Mornings 2”
How do I get a visit from the free shit fairy?
hahah. very nice.
I love the free shit fairy. Now if only I could get her to bring me new corsets I’m tired of patching the old ones.
I know how you feel m’dear I know how you feel. Except in my case I need new Fedoras…You go through fedoras so fast…
Durnned fairies skipped my house again! :C
See, the trouble here is, you can’t expect anything from the Free Shit Fairy. And you can’t make requests. You just wait for it to dump a load of stuff in your room and you revel in the miscellaneous….ness….ocity.
You know what… I got your voicemail last weekend but forgot to call bqck. Sorry… Its been a week. Still need me?
No worries! In the end, the problem fixed itself enough that I could nuke the problem areas.
The Free Shit Fairy just dumped six inches of snow in my central Texas acreage. Native Texans, having never seen the odd substance before, attempt to snort it, believing that the Crack Fairy came instead.
Free Shit Fairy has given me the gift of laughing at internal frostbite victims.
The Free Shit fairy owes me two new wheels and a rim, or at least the cash I ended up paying for said things…*sighs, face palms* I know snow, I grew up on snow before I moved to dear beloved Tejas…than you blow a tire and the snow makes sure you dun stop soon enough to avoid the curb hidden under said snow.
March…We need to find the free shit fairy and rope her down for any and all damages. At least you got some amusement though.
Having lived in The Great North long ago, I am perfectly comfortable with subzero temps, and the hazards involved. That being said, I know some terrible tricks involving icicles and snow-blowers.
The Fairy will pay.
HA Haa ha ha ha. I live in Wisconsin.
Wisconsin: nice countryside – good beer.
And cheeeese. Mn, fresh Cheese curd~<3
Blondestar is about me isnt it?
No sir. He is not.
I could be a blondestar…..
I know, buddy. I know. You’re very pretty.
Christ, even in type it sounds condescending.
Mercenary Clown
i didnt even know this…free shit fairy….existed….why hasnt she visited me?
You guys know there’s no such thing as the free shit fairy, right? I just made her up to… to…
Ah, screw it. I just don’t want to share her. She brings me tequila and Mountain Dew when I am sad. And I don’t like being sad.
I should probably take a nap now…
Mercenary Clown
i prefer mountain dew and everclear…but thats because im banned from having tequila….
long story involving me, tequila, and the daughter of a command sergeant major…..yeah….
I have to admit while I like Mountain Dew I am thoroughly addicted to Coca-Cola I have been known to squeal at ungodly pitches in glee when gifted with cane sugar cokes. I’ll happily share my Mountain Dew with you if you’re in AZ but I don’t drink for reasons undocumented.
Sunshine The Destroyer
Keep your free shit fairy I just want to steal that Lava Lamp on the bookshelf there
What’s wrong with Ferretman? Why do you have his poster all crossed out and stuff?
Let’s just say that in the confines of the story, Grymm and CreepKnight are just a little resentful towards some things regarding Ferretman. We’ll be getting more into that later though!
Hey everyone. This is gonna be another one of those stints where I’m out of action for a bit. I have been will for a little while will continue to be stationed firmly behind the drawing table working on commission work. Utilize the contact information if you really want to grab my attention for something important.