Grymm Ramblings
Yeeeaaah... We fell off the grid there for a bit but we're back again. That's my fault. The art on this one took way, way longer than I expected and life kept getting in the way of me just being able to sit down and art. Thankfully, the next comic is already done and in the autouploader for next week. The comic after that has been started and it doesn't feel like it's going to be a time consuming one to produce so updates might be stable the next few weeks. Thanks for your patience everyone. We love you all.
0 thoughts on “Kill Your Heroes 80: Doesn’t Look World Savey To Me”
Just letting you guys know between updates I dreamed I was listening to Nightvale and heard.
“Hey listeners, there is a couple new visitors in our little town one apperently has a large and commanding presence and the other is smaller but seems to have unheartlhy hair.” (somehow I knew it was leading up to be you guys) “They have taken to stopping by Big Ricos for a bowl of pizza. You know Big Ricos, No one does a slice like big Rico, no one. Anyways it seems several of the hooded figures have been sighted there too just sitting around and pretending not to be looking at the two and telling each other things like. ‘Why don’t you go talk to them.’ ‘Me are you nuts? You do it.’ ‘I would but I just got my pizza.’ ‘I will totally go talk to them.. I mean it is them… but… in a bit don’t wanna be rude you know.’ And things like that. I don’t know who these strange visitors are but this much I do know listeners if the hooded figures have no interest in chasing them off then I more then welcome them here to nightvale.”
Or something like that.
Truly this joins the ranks of the best comments we’ve ever received.