Grymm Ramblings
Its Sunday night. Both today's and this past Tuesday's comics were uploaded together. Right now. Which is Sunday in my subjective time perspective. My back hurts from sitting and drawing too much and I keep refreshing a page waiting for The Spoony One's latest video to be available because I need entertainment. And while I have no interest in Final Fantasy, I love the way he reacts to the franchise in his reviews. Plus the man's damn hilarious to listen to concerning anything at all. Like a number of the online personalities I watch now, I found him by way of the TGWTG site. But he and Brad Jones the Cinema Snob so totally outshined the rest of the producers right into my snarky, riffing heart. You have no idea how many Walrus comics have been drawn while I've listened to Brad Jones talk about his obsessive love of Crystal Pepsi, or Spoony sounding as though he's curled up into a fetal position and uncontrollably sobbing over a terrible movie or video game. Okay, I'm done. Back to working on graphite commissions. We'll see you next week when we get to see CreepKnight and Grymm continue to make things right again.
0 thoughts on “Academy Award Winning Comic 18: Like a Tube of of Disgruntled Toothpaste”
That is awesome and gross at the same time. It actually made me laugh out loud. Only you guys could pull off making it stylish too.
When it comes to money just take a deep breath (I recommend using gas mask before taking that breath) and remember you can almost always just wash the horror off.
I have been licked by a cow before it’s on the top 5 grossest things that has ever happened to me.
I’ve been licked by a camel. As in turned at the sound of a noise and had a full frothy post-spit camel tongue slap me from chin to forehead.
Cow tongue has nothing on that, m’lady.
Tis not Sunday night…are you exploring with theoretical and practical time travel again? I wish it was SUnday night, than it would be Mondy and a day off tomorrow!
COw, you never stood a chance. Creepknight /always/ finds what he’s after. Especially when wearing a very spiffy suit.
Ah Time travel. Always fun. I’m in fact building my third time machine at the moment. This time out of a VW Micro Bus.
You speak the truth Rose. Creepknight WILL get what he’s after so you may as well hand it over and you may get by unscathed.
I always speak the truth. Its simply how I work. It depends on how much of the truth you seek to look into that dictates how big of a truth I have given. I still don’t think you’d be unscathed, for the Creepknight has been there…has been there and you have paid tribute, There is no such. thing. as. unscathed.
A minibus? Not something with more…style? For shame, for shame.
It’s amazing how much one can mislead while only speaking the truth.
Because everyone expects it to be a lie.
I can make any thing stylish, and it gives me more room for snatch and grabs involving people that annoy me. Nothing drives home the point better then seeing ones futuer self bruised and bloodied. It was Igor’s idea honestly and I did want to do something different for my third time machine. My other ones are a 67 Impala and a 72 Sprint.
Meh, I’d prefer a tank if I was going to do that. A nice truck…complete with body burial kit and or mobile acid trailer.
The VW microbus chronodrive utilizes more compact volumes of acid.
I’m still not convinced…I get really great mileage in the Time Truck.
How in the world has Marron not popped up here to make a Doctor Who reference yet? I’m slightly disappointed.
I was almost expecting the “CH-CHING” sound effect!
That would make sense. But we opted for the slightly grosser angle! Its not a proper week until we’ve disgusted someone or made their wobbly bits feel confused!
Well if I had known you could do that.
My super powers aren’t like other people’s super powers.
Nor are your hallucinations.
Huh… it’s odd. This is the only thing I have seen on Voodoo Walrus that disturbed me a bit. Seriously I have been through the arcieves multiple times. Have seen a man with a mustace and a top hat on his hoohaa… and this disturbs me a bit. Nothing else in the arcieves did that… This says NOTHING good about me… Also I think I just challenged Voodoo Walrus to top themselves… crap.
Nothing in the archives disturbs you? The skull in the dashboard? The centipede-whale? Nuxxor? And you challenge them? Oh, loveable fool… what have you done?
Will B
*Ques up “It’s the end of the world as we know it”, puts on a whole pig on the Barbeque, grabs a two liter of Mountain Dew and watches the fun.* Figure a challenge like that is gonna cause a lot of entertainment. Don’t want to miss a minute of this one.
I’ll bring the sunscreen. If history has taught us anything, it’s that this will end in fire.
What hallucinations? What are you accusing me of? Who sent you? What do you come for? Why are you in a covered wagon?!!
No idea, but I lived on Lindbergh street once. Interesting place that.
Further proof there is no such thing as coincidence. Only Lord Creepknight plotting against us for his amusement.
Don’t do that, don’t put the Lord there. His ego is already a sentient being.
Why whenever I see CK in a suit do I think ‘Boondock Saints’?
Because he’s Classy like that.
Because CK is awesome, suits are awesome, and Boondock Saints is awesome. The mind naturally links awesome things together.
This. It’s kind of like gravity.
Will B
So which one of the brothers are you? Do you bring the rope? Or do you bring the knife??
I tend to bring the rope. CreepKnight stopped letting me get near his knives after what happened back in ’07. Unless I’m making chicken parmigiana that is.
So I spend a couple days lost in a stupor of “bad” movies, graphite commissions, and weird sleeping habits and I come back to find that the topics dominating the comments involved being orally molested by large beasts and livestock and various methods of time travel.
I can dig it!
That said, time for me to disappear again. I still have a couple dozen things that need doin’, also I need to keep working on this all new cover art for the first VW pdf volume.
That reminds me, I have a surprise for you. I need to deliver it.
Fascinating! I am intrigued and hopeful that its is something awesome!
I have no problem being orally molested by large beasts (Hell, that describes half my exes) but livestock I draw the line at… the only time I should encounter cow tongue is if it’s been stewed and put in a burrito.
wow this webcomic is 2 parts of awesome, the webcomic itself and then the comments
Welcome to the fun.
Will B
“Fun! Fun! THIS IS WALRUS!!” *kicks Marchosias into the pit*
Yes I know it was bad. Yes I know I gonna get Pun-ished for it. But couldn’t refuse.
The second I get out of here – there will be a reckoning.
Still, I give you points for wearing flip-flops when you did it. Ballsy.
Flip flops equals kinda foot slap Thingy I don’t know I drank 4 to many monsters doo dee doo caffffiiiiine
So that’s what bovines keep in their multiple stomachs… I’ve been raiding skyplexes and all I had to do is kidnap a herd of pygme cows.
Hey, snatching pygmy cows is not something to be considered lightly. They’re sly, clever, evasive little buggers. And just when you think you’ve got ’em , they start biting you. All over. ALL OVER. Seriously. They’re like toddlers. They’ll put anything in their mouths and just chomp down. The trick is to use that fact in your favor though.
Line your gloves with tranq darts
I was thinking more like heavy leather gloves with electrical leads for a taser like effect, that or contract CK for the job.
yay i’m caught up! you guys rock. love the comic. much love!
and i was hoping the money would come out of his mouth and not some other orfice
Aw, thank you! We feast upon love and use it to fuel the production of even more comicy goodness!
Wow! Some many new commenters on this page! Welcome all of you. Stick around. Keep commenting! We’ll be over here silently working on next week’s comics.
You’re steadily becoming popular. *gets plotting gleam in eye* Soon you and Creepknight will have to tour conventions and I shall meet both of you.
Yes – the cons will be toured, the fans will gather, people who look eerily like their avatars will show up, and just… grin. Grin the naughty grin.
I dunno my naughty grin needs to have more than just fangirl excitement behind it. Then again I was promised a paddle and that I would be sent forth to beat my fellow walrus fans.
thank you sir. i will. =3
I will try, I need copious amounts of attention to do so but I shall try
And judging. Don’t forget the silent stars of judgement of our antics as we dance to their amusement.