Grymm Ramblings
I would say "If you read this page and find yourself getting offended, maybe you should take a few steps back and look inside yourself and ask WHY it offends you." But I don't have to say that. Because Voodoo Walrus fans tend to be smarter than your average neck tie wearing bear*. No. This page isn't meant to reflect any fan interaction we've ever personally experienced in reality. See, our fans are lovely, understanding people who actively want to support this venture. Buying the PDF, buying t-shirts, or at very least, showing interest in buying merch even if they're strapped for cash** and being verbally supportive.Unfortunately, we have been witness to some rather terrible fandom mentalities in our time. I'm pretty sure I've filled hours of time jotting down frustrated 4am blogs on that matter in the past. All one needs to do is to look at the comment sections of any popular internet reviewer such as The Spoony One or Diamanda Hagan or spend more than five minutes looking at anything on Youtube to realize that fandom is a filthy, snarling beast that loves something so much, it'd just as soon rip the subject matter's throat out and roll in its blood than speak kind words about it.
And while we've never been called sellouts as Voodoo Walrus, I have personally had to deal with being called a sell out on a pretty regular basis as a commission artist. I've been told I'm a sell out. That it's not morally right to sell art. That my prices are too high. That I'm not good enough to sell art and only idiots would be willing to pay for it. There are not enough fingers on my drawing hand to count how many times people have tried to haggle over my prices when what they're asking for it something that will take days on end for me to create. The fact of the matter is, there are lot of assholes out there. Luckily, Voodoo Walrus, as in this webcomic, so far seems pretty immune to assholes and fandom entitlement. In fact, our fans are all around awesome. What other fledgling webcomics can say that within their first three years, they managed to cover over half a year's site costs from PDF sales alone? You folks did that. And we're so very grateful for that. However, that doesn't mean we're not going to explore and attack the issue of venomous fandom in the comic itself. *Voodoo Walrus fans have proven time and time again that they are far more skilled at stealing pic-a-nic baskets and getting away with it. The scorched earth campaigns they use don't hurt much in that area either. **We understand this all too well. All. Too.Well.
0 thoughts on “Wrath of Con 33: Herk”
C. Collins
You also give your fans the respect they deserve…
I think the bag has fused itself to his head and eaten away his eyelids!
Grymm Grymmowski
I know right? And where the fuck is his nose for that matter?
William Brown
So when are you bringing back the Angry Nun Squad?? *Ducks into the bunker built to withstand C.K.’s rage.* Joking aside did I miss the announcement of the second pdf being released?? Or is that still in the “soon as we can” category? Either way works, just need to budget.
Grymm Grymmowski
Volume 2 is still in the works. We’re working on an idea that it’ll it 10 times more awesome than volume 1 but at the same time will take us a bit longer to finish it.
Mirth Shangri-La
Grymm, are you wearing my top hat in this?
Grymm Grymmowski
…. NO! Mine has a monocle on it!
Mirth Shangri-La
….but mine is the one with the green ribbon!
Grymm Grymmowski
Well… this is true… But that’ Grymm-Green. And it’s his fancier hat. So yeah… HEY LOOK OVER THERE! GHOSTS!
As a necktie wearing bear, I’m offended by your insinuation that I’m dense enough to be offended by your comic. Dapper Fuzzy Men have been persecuted for long enough!
Grymm Grymmowski
I see what you did there. Well played sir. But the footnote clearly
suggests that we speak of the poorly animated, cartoon animal kind of
bear. Not our dapper, hairy peers. After all, insulting such a
demographic would mean insulting ourselves too!
Mirth Shangri-La
What about that silly man who needs a shave and wears a fur coat?
Grymm Grymmowski
In that case, a representative will be along shortly to determine if he’s actually a rawr, claw, hibernation type bear and if so, he’ll be comfortably escorted back to a cozy bit of the wild and given a nice plump salmon.
Just let Grymm push the button and make that guy’s bag mask squeeze even tighter. His head will pop like a ripe melon… Maybe that will get the point across.
grymm just taze the ingrate
also if i had the money i would buy commisions off u
u guys r awesome!!!!
so hillarious
plus even artists like davinci sold their art
albet not gettin much as they didnt become famous til after their deaths