Careful boys. Too much awesome might break her. I never did like the appearance of the 11th doctor. I’m with Akonite there. I prefer the tenth doctor, David Tenant, above all others.
I have to admit, he DOES have a kind of sauveness about him. Also, the way he gets straight to the point as opposed to Tenant’s roundabout way of speaking is refreshing. Sometimes, if I’m watching a Doctor Who marathon, I’d go several episodes of Tentant and then just pop in one with Eccelson.
Eccelson always won major points at me for screaming and flailing huge, cumbersome space guns at Daleks. It was fun watching him be driven by rage and spite and Dalek-Hate.
I’m under privilaged. I’ve only been exposed to 3 doctors.
I’ve been exposed to all of them. I found a place online where you can view all of the old Doctor Who episodes and I also have a british friend who used to work at a library. When the library closed down he was allowed to abscond with all of the Doctor Who books, along with some other good novels, and he lets me borrow them.
If you can, find some of the old Tom Baker stuff. The earlier ones had horrible effects, but he sold the character. I know there is some on Netflix. if you have it.
Random question for whoever actually runs the site from something that I just now noticed. Why are over half the ad spaces used for a webcomic that’s so full of pornography that its creator used to post the strips over at Hentai-Foundry? Not that I’m complaining mind you.
No idea which ads you’re talking about since they do change with some regularity. But the trick is Project Wonderful is a pretty autonomous thing. We’re not picking and choosing which ads get to appear on the site. If they want to bid until their ads achieve winning status and appear, that’s their prerogative. We’ll gladly take the handful of cents that come our way and funnel it back into advertising for the Walrus.
Last night 4 of the 6 ad spaces where devoted to Chimneyspeak, which is a highly pornographic comic. That’s what I meant. But maybe it was just a coincidence of timing or some shit.
They probably had a Project Wonderful campaign set up. Campaigns will sometimes disregard that an ad for an account has already been placed on a site and double, tripled, or quadruple (or more) up on snagged the high bids on a page’s ads.
Wow….I so wish I had awesome friends that would kidnap me a Doctor and serve me desert on the bridge of the U.S.S. Enterprise. I also wish I lived in a cool castle with many hot tubs and a room devoted to sharp pointy things …sigh a girl can dream i guess.
It always takes me a bit by surprise when the fashion I draw gets a comment of “I want to wear that!”. Grymm; webcomic and smut artist AND part time fashion designer? Unpossible.
GODDAMNIT!!!! Do you know how far behind you’ve put me with that dress Grymm. You had better send me the info on it so that I can add it to the list of things VW girls want. Other then that great comic gentles.
Yeah I know! I’ll be sitting down tonight and doing the sketches for ya. You’ll have ’em tomorrow evening at the very latest. You’re one of the three things that are currently on the Priority List.
Something that I want to ask after looking at this comic more closely and refrencing it to other comics and TV. Why do all the waiters at fancy restaurants have there eys closed? And how do they get around that way?
Oh, and as far as to why their eyes are always closed, usually it’s because the waiters have no interest in actually having to look at the ugly, ugly people they’re serving.
In Grymm and CK’s case in this particular instance though, its because they know if they actually look at Marron in the dress they’ve sent her, there’s no way in hell they’re be able to keep focus on what they’re doing.
Tight pants: 3 Banality: 0
Will B.
That and Marron will rip there wobbly bits off if they actually dared to look at her like that.
0 thoughts on “Dinner and a Show and a Bribe 1: What’s Wrong with Matt Smith’s Head?”
Marron, I envy you (though I’d go for Tennant, personally). I don’t have anyone that would kidnap for me.
Careful boys. Too much awesome might break her. I never did like the appearance of the 11th doctor. I’m with Akonite there. I prefer the tenth doctor, David Tenant, above all others.
I’d go with Tenant for dinner but I liked the darkness of the Eccelson doctor.
I have to admit, he DOES have a kind of sauveness about him. Also, the way he gets straight to the point as opposed to Tenant’s roundabout way of speaking is refreshing. Sometimes, if I’m watching a Doctor Who marathon, I’d go several episodes of Tentant and then just pop in one with Eccelson.
Eccelson always won major points at me for screaming and flailing huge, cumbersome space guns at Daleks. It was fun watching him be driven by rage and spite and Dalek-Hate.
I like Tennet and Eccelson, they were both amazing in their roles. However, I have to go back and ask for Tom Baker.
I’m under privilaged. I’ve only been exposed to 3 doctors.
I’ve been exposed to all of them. I found a place online where you can view all of the old Doctor Who episodes and I also have a british friend who used to work at a library. When the library closed down he was allowed to abscond with all of the Doctor Who books, along with some other good novels, and he lets me borrow them.
If you can, find some of the old Tom Baker stuff. The earlier ones had horrible effects, but he sold the character. I know there is some on Netflix. if you have it.
You know, I recently found a movie clip of Matt Smith in a love scene with Eva Green.
Doctor Who bangs a Bond girl…Awesome x 2!!
Random question for whoever actually runs the site from something that I just now noticed. Why are over half the ad spaces used for a webcomic that’s so full of pornography that its creator used to post the strips over at Hentai-Foundry? Not that I’m complaining mind you.
No idea which ads you’re talking about since they do change with some regularity. But the trick is Project Wonderful is a pretty autonomous thing. We’re not picking and choosing which ads get to appear on the site. If they want to bid until their ads achieve winning status and appear, that’s their prerogative. We’ll gladly take the handful of cents that come our way and funnel it back into advertising for the Walrus.
Last night 4 of the 6 ad spaces where devoted to Chimneyspeak, which is a highly pornographic comic. That’s what I meant. But maybe it was just a coincidence of timing or some shit.
They probably had a Project Wonderful campaign set up. Campaigns will sometimes disregard that an ad for an account has already been placed on a site and double, tripled, or quadruple (or more) up on snagged the high bids on a page’s ads.
Wow! Smith only had one line, but I would say you nailed it CK. “Brilliant!”
Wow….I so wish I had awesome friends that would kidnap me a Doctor and serve me desert on the bridge of the U.S.S. Enterprise. I also wish I lived in a cool castle with many hot tubs and a room devoted to sharp pointy things …sigh a girl can dream i guess.
I also wish that I had Marrron’s pretty dress, I’d wear that thing every where.
It always takes me a bit by surprise when the fashion I draw gets a comment of “I want to wear that!”. Grymm; webcomic and smut artist AND part time fashion designer? Unpossible.
I’m Marron, and I approve this comic.
Yay! We got Marron approval! I’m gonna put it in a jar and use it to heat the Drawing Dungeon!
Will B.
GODDAMNIT!!!! Do you know how far behind you’ve put me with that dress Grymm. You had better send me the info on it so that I can add it to the list of things VW girls want. Other then that great comic gentles.
Yeah I know! I’ll be sitting down tonight and doing the sketches for ya. You’ll have ’em tomorrow evening at the very latest. You’re one of the three things that are currently on the Priority List.
This is really happening? Awesome!
Something that I want to ask after looking at this comic more closely and refrencing it to other comics and TV. Why do all the waiters at fancy restaurants have there eys closed? And how do they get around that way?
Echolocation…that’s why they always wear shiny shoes that make a tapping sound as well
That makes sense. Thanks.
Oh, and as far as to why their eyes are always closed, usually it’s because the waiters have no interest in actually having to look at the ugly, ugly people they’re serving.
In Grymm and CK’s case in this particular instance though, its because they know if they actually look at Marron in the dress they’ve sent her, there’s no way in hell they’re be able to keep focus on what they’re doing.
Tight pants: 3 Banality: 0
Will B.
That and Marron will rip there wobbly bits off if they actually dared to look at her like that.
Currently stressing out over art and taking a look at the almost ready for release Volume 1 Voodoo Walrus PDF. All for you folks. All for you.
Will B.
Still want a pdf. Just gonna have to wait a month as I am ordering supplies for VW line this month.
I have that dress, in red.
I’d wear that dress in red…
You’d look smashing in it Vensik. But only if you made sure to wear the pearls too.
Will B.
Welcome back Bowler. Amy requests for a Grymm original?? Let Grymm know and he’ll pass the word onto me. Won’t ya Grymm??
oooh, Marron always gets the best costumes. After Grymm of course.