Grymm Ramblings
Wait, who's the guy with horns and furry thighs? Where'd he come from? Why's he in Rook's old room? What's going on? Don't worry. You're not missing anything. You've simply forgotten about the note Rook left where he mentioned subletting his room while he was away on business. Looks like the boys are bouncing back into action now and getting things done. Also, just a little update on ongoing behind the scenes stuff. The PDF collection prep work is now beginning in earnest. CreepKnight's starting layout design and I've started designing the all new cover art. Yes. That's right folks. This isn't jut going to be some slapped together file dump. This is going to be a real book. Get excited. Cause we're fucking excited.
0 thoughts on “Academy Award Winning Comic 17: The Goat-man Cometh”
Good news! My overlord authorized my stabby powers! I still have to be good before I get to add fiery to the stabby. In honor of this, I am offering one free assisination to the first person who calls it. Also, Grymm and Creepknight acting as the badass people sent to ask “Where’s ‘da money?” is awesome.
That is one sicko satyr!
Will B
Well goat boy, if you don’t have the money, get your ass out on the street and peddle that ugly ass. You have one hour to come up with the rent, or you become chops. Either way the boys getting the money.
MMM…the guys in suits and threatening violence.
So that’s where that “Phil” guy from Disney’s bastardization of Greek mythology went. Shoot it. It’s looking more and more like Danny Divito every time I look at it.
Mn~ Men in suits indeed. With not guns or knives, but measuring devices to threaten with, so they can tell you just how far you’re going to get beat~!
Oh I wanted to ask. Is Creepknight still working on that Voodoo Walrus Tabletop game idea he mentioned a while back. I would love to induce horrible trama… I mean play that… with my gaming group.
Yep! It still in the works! He’s working towards getting the system ready for a Walrus crew play test! We’ll make sure to keep everyone posted as news develops on it and the pdf archive collection!
Any idea how character creation is going to work out? What with the Sayter, you’re opening the game up to letting you use fantasy races in your game.
Awesome Suit – Check
Threats with an item not normally considered a weapon – Check
Ah. It’s good to see Creepknight back to his good old bad ass self.
Mercenary Clown
ooooh!, i bet if you make him into chops, i can get one or two of the Cornish game hens to add to the meat fest…course, now we just need bacon
Violence should always be done in suits. Always.
Will B
Just not wool tweed. Too expensive to get the evidence out.
Unless of course, you can go for a bloodless kill. Not as satisfying or gentlemanly… or fun, but there is a certain appeal to being able to literally scare people to death while wearing fine clothes.
Amen to that. Also, the more expensive the suit is, the more justified you feel when you’re violently beating the crap out of someone and they DARE to get some of their blood on you.
Or their kneecaps on your shoes. If you were only going to take the one, the pieces of them on your shoes means they lose the other.
Guys have you forgotten the principals of violence and gaming? Pick your target well, kill, loot the body, use money to buy better clean suit, repeat.
But sometimes they don’t give enough for the better suit. Than you have to go and kill /more/ and dirty your suit further and walking around in blood soaked clothing is not fun…I would know.
Avon is evil by the way. Over priced bad products. Bleeegh…
my last experience with an avon product were the rolling bath crayons from when I was a kid…smiley face shaped rashes are hard to forget
My last touch and go moment? Over priced perfumes that give me a headache. I hate pushey sellers…needless to say she drowned in a bathful of her own perfumes. Suicide some said, because she never got that pink Avon car. Such a sad sad world.
I have to credit Arizona for the fact that it’s too hot during the summer for door to door Avon ladies. I just have to deal with the pushy mall kiosks “how long does it take to straighten your hair?” (No time at all, asshole, I wake up and brush it, it’s too heavy to hold curls without an ozone depleting amount of product) I think one of these day’s I might snap and they’ll find the lucky sales person crammed into the kiosk still alive but with curlers and straighteners projecting from all available orifices. The report will at some point mention the horror of the nostril violation.
Oh…oh those as well. I give them a look and they choose another person to dupe.
Avon, one of the reasons I’m glad to be male, or it was untell an acquaintance got roped into selling there products and informed me that they make male oriented items now as well. I’m no longer safe. The only reason it didn’t turn violent is I consider my self a gentleman and refuse to strike a lady without provocation.
As far as suits and violence related stains, It’s particularly problematic if you prefer Victorian era style suits like I do. Thankfully there is a fine men’s clothing store near my home that sells, among other items vintage style suits and accessories.