Grymm Ramblings
Hmm. Looks like Mac's not the only one to have murdered her up one of Cyradwee's beloved Sandworms. On an entirely different, I'd like to direct your attention to this article I drafted concerning an independent show of sin, filth, and evil that's currently touring the US. When you're done reading my article, you should also totally browse around the rest of the Geek-Life site too. It's the only other site on the web that dares to affiliate with us and it's also run by our own ever glorious Marron! No. Seriously. It's the only other website that will officially have anything to do with us. Pretty sure we scare everyone else. And on the off chance you didn't click either of those links, I'll be direct: Check out "The Devil's Carnival" if it comes to a location near you. It's the spiritual sequel of "Repo the Genetic Opera" and created the the same team. Now excuse me while I retreat back to the art dungeon and promptly lose all track of time and date. The Volume 1 Voodoo Walrus PDF collects the B&W era and Hobogeddon along with exclusive art and extras that will never be available anywhere else. It carries a price tag of just $10 and every cent of purchase goes to site costs and the material costs that help create each page! As always, it's all for you!
0 thoughts on “Wrath of Con 8: Boob Dagger”
Mercenary Clown
Will B.
Well haircut complete. That going to take months to regrow.
Remember always check for sharps BEFORE motorboating.
Or slap on some shaving cream and kill two birds with one stone.
Okay…that would be totally hot. Now to find someone crazy enough to use my tits as a razor stand while they shave.
*raises hand*
Put the razors on nipple piercings and we’ll talk.
Sorry no nipple piercings. That’s on the list of body modifications I want but it falls into 5th place after tattoos (Crow skull twined in Ivy, Triple Morrigan, and potentially a tattoo that covers my love of Lovecraft with other fandoms) I have planned and other bits getting pierced.
Besides do you know how long I’d have to abstain from hot tubs and play that could get them damaged or infected? The idea of a month or better of playing nice until everything healed fully is daunting.
We hear you loud and clear folks. You want more nipple piercings. We’re going to deliver! Next week: Five straight days of Shmeerm playing with his swollen, pierced hate-nipples!
You’re welcome!
…could be worse…I kinda want to see what horrible things Mac’s been doing to him.
Grymm… Someone I know owes me a favor… Yes… THAT person. So unless you want me to call them and have them fuck up your life… you will not air those pages.
THAT person? Nah. They’re on my side now. Made ’em some chicken parmigiana. Now when I say jump, they break free from Earth’s gravitational hold and fight the sun for me.
Now, now…We remember how threatening the artist or writer of this awesome comic goes over with the rest of the readers RIIIIIGHT?
Scary. My sister is like that in the morning. Except whatever SHE throws is usually on fire.
This is obviously a sign magic exists beyond necromancy. Manny’s been holding out on us man. We need to shake his ass down and get us some pyro-fist powers.
Honestly, I think I’d like to learn aeromancy. I’m a big fan of breezes and the ability to fuck with people sitting in front of fans.
Ohhh… This explains so much… Ck hasn’t had his caffeine fix yet. That explains why his throws are so inaccurate.
Unless of course he’s purposefully chasing his target into a corner. Or stabbing closet…
I doubt it. CK doesn’t seem like the kind to do something so elaborate before his caffeine. And I’m pretty sure his stabbing closet is in the other direction. And he has no need to corer his targed because he is usually so lethally accurate.
Knife throwing… yes, I think the Devil’s Carnival fits in quite nicely with this page.
I’m so sad I wasn’t able to go to that when they passed near me.
Just read you article, Grymm.
There’s about twenty hobos on the altar – just for you.
Hobo sacrifices are filthy and I’m allergic now. I only accept offerings of extremely artery clogging cinnamon buns and very attractive, alternatively dressed people who can engage in entertaining conversation while I work myself to useless insanity.
But if you really want to show appreciation, pimp the awesome of the article, the Devil’s Carnival itself, (or the Walrus) on any social media you might belong to.