Musings of a CreepKnight
You know what's delicious? French bread pizza with fresh basil, sun dried tomatoes, and goat cheese. That's what I'm eating right now as I type this. It's crispy and sweet, with just the right amount of saltiness. What is it that makes certain delicious food combinations taste that much better? This delectable culinary delight is not a first for me; it's been a favorite of mine for a long time. And yet today, when the sun is warm and the music is good, it tastes like something else entirely, something better.
But that's the power of circumstance. Sensory input combined with a relaxed vibe just makes for a better all around experience. Remember this when you're reading our webcomic-- always go for the optimal experience.
This message brought to you by goat cheese euphoria, where excellence is only a creamy crumble away.
Grymm Ramblings
Fascinating. It looks like the Achmed Brothers just keep widening their entrepreneurial ventures.
I did have a little blurb of "Nothing else to say. Too much to do" here up till a little after midnight, but I realized...
Here's the deal we want some honest, earnest feedback. Throw out the meta and the violence just a bit and give it to us straight on a couple of things cause we do this shit for all of you. Even those of you who never comment. But because sometimes things don't get commented on, we have no idea if you like them, hate them, or just don't care either way. And if nobody likes something we're doing... well... there's no point in putting much focus on it now is there?
1. How do you feel about the "Ask CreepKnight a Fucking Question"/CreepKnight Answers Your Fucking Questions" series? Do you like it? Would you like to see it continue on a regular basis like every two weeks or so?
2. We want to put together archived CD's for sale containing not only all Voodoo Walrus pages up through to the end of 2010, but also bundle with an additional disc full of commentary tracks by us, Mirth, and Bowler. Would this be something that you'd want to buy? We'd probably keep the price around the $20 mark. If this is something we know people want, we can start putting it into production.
3. Is there any interest in video logs of just CreepKnight and myself rambling on about various topics, be it our thoughts on other comics, funny stories, things we hate, etc.?
4. Who is your least favorite Voodoo Walrus character that you hope you never see again ever? Why? Alternatively, who's your favorite that you want to see more of and why?
We ask, because we want to know how you, the reader feels. Even if you never comment, consider commenting this time and letting us know your thoughts. Alternatively, if you'd prefer, you can also just tell us your answers on the Voodoo Walrus Facebook. Just scrawl it on the Wall there. It might as well get some use afterall.
And again, I ask that you be earnest in your answers here. I like a good bit of meta comment fun as much as the next guy, but this all does have a very good point and motive behind it.
Our kind thanks in advance.
0 thoughts on “Bad Cheese from the 5th Dimension 2”
And never take Grymm grocery shopping. Good to know. Great work boys.
1. Its an awesome idea keep it up.
2. Possibly.
3. Hell yeah
4. Eh. The worse they are the more they get pissed off. So I dont really have one I dont wanna see again. More badger cause badgers rock.
twilight cereal… sickening both literaly and metophoricly, wonder if its possible to convince Mcfarlane to create Spawn cereal……
1. yar keep up the awesomeness
2. Id happily buy it
3. Go for it
4. no complaints on the charecters at all, i cant remember any i didn’t like, or ive forgoten the ones i didnt like. personaly im waiting for more shmeerm, lol…
i need to go return some tapes…..
Spawn cereal would be crispy cereal bits all linked together in one long chain shape with marshmallow spikes all over it!
totaly awesome, personaly i like the idea of a box full of mini spawn faces….
Sunshine The Destroyer
1. It’s pure win in my opinion.
2. I would buy it (though I am dead broke so…you know)
3. Go for it. Random rambling can be some of the best amusement ever.
4. If I had to pick one I’d say Sherman. Reminds me far to much of every guy I went to high school with. And my favorite…ummm not including Grymm and CK I guess I’d have to say Rook or Mirth. Both are equally awesome in entirely different ways.
Wait… Sherman? I guess you mean Shmeerm?
That or CreepKnight and Marron have been creating things while I’ve been asleep….
Sunshine The Destroyer
Yes that’s what I meant. I was just testing you…yeah that’s it. That’s the story I’m sticking too.
Ah! Makes perfect sense! Then huzzah! I passed!
Sunshine The Destroyer
Indeed you did sir. Here’s a cookie and a big gold star.
Mercenary Clown
I love the ask creep a fucking question
That sounds like an excellent idea
I always enjoy a good vlog
There isn’t a charecter I specifically hate…though the robotic granny (can’t remember her name) does look a lot like a hated teacher of mine
didn’t we suffer through enough gay fake fairy vampires?
It’s alright brother: we can still kill them.
Sunshine The Destroyer
Can I help? There’s just something about sparkly vampires that makes me want to kill something….namely them.
I have both a stake gun and a flamethrower. I’ll share.
I approve of complete eradication of the Sparkle-pire threat. I suggest neutralizing the source of origin though. Smash any and all paraphernalia with which Stephanie Meyer can work her so called craft.
I WANT TO JOIN! *snags my double barrel and loads it with a wild grin* Just let me at that pack of sparkling wanna be’s. I can barely stand Mr. Emo and more emotional than a pregnant Rhino as it is….but to desecrate the holy sanctity of breakfast is unforgiveable.
We’ll make a party of it. I’ll bring the booze and pointy things.
1. Yes, excellent. Keep on it.
2. Sure, I’d buy it.
3. Show me what you can do.
4. Worst: Guy Fieri. But then again, you did kill him, so no problem.
Favorite? Marron/Mirth.
In general: Rock on.
I approve of this comment.
So do I!
1. Yes, although I still think that some kind of voice-over for the questions would be a good idea. I did offer to lend my voice to CK for this purpose.
2. Yes.
3. Yes.
4. I think you know very well whom I would like to see more of, sir.
And, just so you know, I have every intention of taking you up on that offer, just as soon as I get the stuff for the next episode together.
… I need more (better) questions.
AND you need to give better advice. The duct tape took an hour to remove. Now her ass is bald.
Well he did kinda put out that warning of not knowing about animals. Besides, warm weather’s on its way and no one likes swamp butt.
Yeeesss. Marron voice overness can lead to nothing but additional awesomeness!
Huh. I am fascinated. Either you all, our loyal consistently vocal fans love everything we do. Or you’re deathly frightened of what we may do if criticized. Wait no. There are the occasional examples of open critiques sprinkled here or there. I guess we’re just doing everything right.
Thank you for you responses so far everyone! Here’s hoping some of the rest of you pipe soon as well!
We do actually care. Fear doesn’t really play into it, since the exploding box full of scorpions you sent failed in every respect except my amusement.
Nah. That’s just our version of a welcome basket!
Mercenary Clown
hmmmm…you got scorpions?
man, all i got was poisen dart frogs…wait aminute…i can use those….awesome…..thank you walrus!
Mercenary Clown
ugh…total fail for spellchecker
Remember: be professional.
Handle the frogs one at a time with laboratory gloves. Gently rub a collecting swab or spoon against the back and belly. Administer low grade static charge for better results.
Never, ever ask me how I know that.
Mercenary Clown
March- seeing as i cant die, why use gloves…and i will remember the rest…something i didnt know….i was just going lob them into peoples mouths….
I VERY have low standards. You can’t do a damn thing on this comic that will make me want you yell at you and demand you to change it.
Twilight…must you bring the mortal enemy of all literate individuals into this?
1) YES! I have a question, and if I don’t procrastinate I will get around to sending it.
2)If and when my monies are not being always drained for necessities like College and bills, I would love to own a piece of the Walrus.
3) Considering the love I have for Ask Creepknight a FUcking Question and the Hilarity of the New Years video…PLEASE~! For the love of my sanity and my sense of humor post more so that I might have something fun to enjoy.
4) My least favorite Character….hmmm….That’s actually very hard, they all added something to the cast and the comic as a whole. But on a personal level I hate Cryadee. Simply because…he reminds me of every asshole customer that walks into the shop and acts not only snooty but is far too picky and than when they get what they want the proceed to complain about price/quality of item/service. I would burn his effigy if I could find something suitably hideous enough. The people I’d like to see more of? Creepknight, Grymm, Marron, and Kaboodles. I love that little badger, and we’ve only caught glimpses of Marron since she had her awesome new stuff and gaped in horror and than CUT SCENE. More of her would be lovely.
Was that satisfactory oh bearers of the word of Walrus?
More than satisfactory! Our kind thanks!
Wonderful! Oh! And wish me luck oh miscreant of chaos. I’m trying to get a new job as a desk jockey. *grins evilly* If I get it they’re going to let me file people’s Medical files. *cackles than stops* Ahem…so yes. I am aiming for that cushy A/C job dealing with computers and less idiots.
Good luck!
Best of luck to ye!
(Comments not functioning – once more with feeling)
Good luck!
This just in…
That is all.
Better a Murder Ranger than a Power Ranger, you’d think it’d be like wine and get better with age, but its still a cheap hooch from the 7/11 that’s on par with drain-o in drinkability.
Well you can only expect so much when you take Japanese TV footage that’s 20 years old, stitch it onto cheaply filmed feel good, goodie goodie “teenage” character footage and than use the toys of the very series itself for half the special effects.
They should’ve just made it all about Bulk and Sull.
Sunshine The Destroyer
Neat what color is your costume? Though you do look fetching in acid green latex I think that a darker shade of green or perhaps a blue would really bring out your eyes. Not to mention darker colors hide the blood better.
Hey this reminds me i need you bitches to get me some of that tasty blue spider tequila next time your really out. drank the cabinets worth last night. seriously guys why do you only got a dozen bottles of the stuff on hand? fuckin liteweights.
and jerky! the fuckin badger ate all my jerky again! i need my duck jerky to keep my brain regular! helth condition. i can prove it.
Eat bear jerky. It tastes like getting mauled.
Do you mind if I use that line?
Not at all.