I don’t know what I’m more offended by. A question that makes it seem like I’m out of CK’s league and the confusion of how he could ever possibly “score” me or the not knowing who Mick Jagger is!To borrow a phrase, “I AM DISAPPOINT.”
Hm. Let’s see. Nope. Not at all. Ona Fortune sounds perfectly fine to me! You might just be pronouncing it wrong. There’s many variations possible. Like ” On-Aye” or “On-Ah” or “Oh-nay”.
That said, if you’re reading it as “On-aye”, you’re doing it wrong sweets.
0 thoughts on “Dinner and a Show and a Bribe 3: The Ever Terrible Boredom”
I must ask Creepknight, how did you manage to score a girl as hot as Ona? Besides being smooth as hell.
I don’t know; I’ll ask her:
Apparently, I’ve got “moves like Jagger.”
She thinks she’s funny, but she’s not.
I, for one, find her perpetually amusing.
Will B.
So perpetually amusing definitively scores points. Of course creative use of boa always a plus. Hmmm, now have to get a boa for the pet.
You’re thinking snake? I was thinking feather boa….much more common in burlesque.
Will B.
Was thinking feather boa. For my pet. Think about it.
Feathered is more common, but a good snake routine can be amazing. trouble is, snakes do not like to learn choreography.
Will B.
That just brings up sooo many wrong imagines. No wonder I like you.
BrickJAK BouncerPants
Dammit! Going to have that scene from STRIPTEASE stuck in my head now. Curse youl Mirth!
And by curse, I mean lick.
I’ve got another question. Who the hell is ‘Jagger’?
Sir Michael Philip “Mick” Jagger, lead singer of The Rolling Stones.
Ah. Thanks Mirth.
I don’t know what I’m more offended by. A question that makes it seem like I’m out of CK’s league and the confusion of how he could ever possibly “score” me or the not knowing who Mick Jagger is!To borrow a phrase, “I AM DISAPPOINT.”
Seriously. What measuring stick are these people using to decide who is in someones “league”?
BrickJAK BouncerPants
I gave up giving the whole stupid “league” thing any credence in high school.
I’d have gone crazy trying to figure out what the girls saw in me if I still thought there were such things as leagues.
BrickJAK BouncerPants
Also … gods bless the ladies who are into fat men.
(- My appearances in The Devils Panties and other comics make me out to be a LOT skinnier than I truly am. -)
You know you love it!!! <<<<<<3
Bugger. That comment was a reply for you CK. The comment nesting on the site’s weird!
…I’m noticing parallels to my life here.
Will B.
Hey if it not in pictures it not happened. So we can only take your claim for parallels here.
On a tangent thought. Parallel bars can be soooooo much FUN! hmmmm another thing to test out on the pet.
…Who said there aren’t pictures?
oooo being kinky at the the governer’s ball. classic!
Okay, gotta ask… Does anyone else think her name just sounds wrong? On a? Really?
Hm. Let’s see. Nope. Not at all. Ona Fortune sounds perfectly fine to me! You might just be pronouncing it wrong. There’s many variations possible. Like ” On-Aye” or “On-Ah” or “Oh-nay”.
That said, if you’re reading it as “On-aye”, you’re doing it wrong sweets.
Will B.
What ever you do CK, DON’T SCREW THIS ONE UP!! She’s perfect.
More perfect than Marron? Not hardly.
And Bowler hasn’t killed him yet. Rare perfection right there.