Grymm Ramblings
Remember in the last news post how I talked about acquiring a tablet computer and practicing art on that? Well this is the first VW page where the art was done completely on the tablet. From the notes, to the rough, to the lines, the inks, the colors, and the shading. Honestly, I don't even know how long this took any more. A couple months? It took a while. Everything took a while. It was mainly having to shift perspective and muscle memory and proportions. Also I might have gotten lost in a haze of power tripping over being able to have different sections of linework on different layers and being able to do transform commands on figures that looked too big or out of place. So, bad news is that going all digital gives me the chance to be even more of a detailed orientated control freak over minute details most people won't notice. But the good news outweighs that as it means I can work on the comic in the studio, on the bed, in a bar, in Vito MacSullivan's, sitting on a stump in the wilderness while people throw questionable things into a fire, while doing my best impression of Spider Jerusalem while I have filthy assistants light things on fire for me, or while simply sitting on the roof waiting with bated breath for the chinese food delivery guy to make it past the mine field. One day, one day he'll make it. More good news is I'm a lot happier with the linework here than I have been in a long time. Mainly because digital inking gives me a lot more control and fluidity than I get with simple tools clutched in terrible, convulsing meat hands. Next comic is currently* in the line work phase. About half way inked with a couple panels left to rough out and ink. As long as we don't have to fight off any protesters this week, we should have another page ready for you again this time next week too! *Currently, as in at the time I'm typing this, which isn't right now but in the past. So the Future Grymm currently inhabiting your subjective timestream might already have the linework done and be diligently coloring the comic and cursing the fact that it's not really possible to live on nothing but ice cold cokes and chipotle. That or he's browsing tumblr and looking at Steven Universe and Welcome to Night Vale fanart. And if I find out that's what he's doing then I'm going to have words with him! Mark Past Grymm's words Future Grymm! There will be words!
0 thoughts on “Kill Your Heroes 32: And Marron’s Here Too!”
Officially, Future Grymm can neither confirm nor deny Past Grymm’s allegations. Unofficially… ‘HAH! I CAN DO WHATEVER I WANT PAST GRYMM! YOU’RE LOCKED AWAY IN THE PAST! BITE ME!’
Seriously, though, next comic is underway. Linework is steadily coming to completion.
I think I’ve had the conversation Bowler and Mass are having with my boyfriend. He seems to think I’m just a thin justification and his death away from entering the supervillain business.
I keep telling him I’m much more of an ambitious lieutenant letting the lead villain draw all the attention.
Same here. I tell people I’m much more of a Cheney than a Bush.
You know what I gotta say I am LOVING some of the current cartoons that have somehow escaped from studios and wrecking havoc on the minds of tomorrow. Steven Universe, Adventure Time, Gravity Falls, Regular Show it’s like… the networks have figured out that if you make good shows then… people might watch them! Also you don’t have to have a main character that you would punch repeatedly in the face until the crunchy noises stop to make a good cartoon! Though I do think it is fairly awesome that Steven Universe is partly around because of webcomics like this because one the supervising director and co-developer of Steven Universe was the creator of the online comic RPG World… and that to me is Amazeballs… so Lord Creepknight, Sir Grymm starting making your plans because in about ten years I am expecting an awesome new cartoon.
Voodoo Walrus, the cartoon? Yes. Yes, this is a thing that must happen. To the blackmail files! I have animators and producers to bend towards this!
I did actually try my hand at doing a rubbish little animated thing with the new software I’m using on the tablet. It proved what I always surmised; animating is haaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrd. But that’s okay. If we’re ever in position to make Voodoo Walrus animated, I’ll simply leave the actual animating work to underlings.
Remember, Grymm – multiplicity of self is a symptom of the deer. The deer on Route 800. A StrexCorp chopper is on the way.
S’okay. I’ve got a deal worked out with Erika. And Erika. And Erika, Erika, Erika, and Erika.
Voodoo walrus is back, Swatkats is having a kickstarter to bring back that awesome cartoon and I recently got hooked on listening to Welcome To Nightvale…. now if only work was gong as well as the stuff I like.
What? Swatkats? *googling*
Huh, already funded. *tears off smoking jacket* GLORY! GLORY TO THE HIGHTEST! GLORY TO MY CHILDHOOD!
*runs to tell the geek coterie in the rest of my home*
Fiat Verbum! Let there be words!
Next comics are still in productive. We had to deal with a goblin infestation in the Writing Dungeon and it’s thrown scheduling off a bit. Hang tight, updates are coming soon.
Okay now you need to gear up your team. Now I recommend a healer to your team… or at least enough healing potions. I mean goblins are goblins but sometimes they have surprises.
Are we talking Pathfinder or Henson goblins? One you can trade a neighbor’s child to get rid of; the other is going to require a box of fireworks and 3 dogs at least.
*dons raid boss armor*
Alright, let’s do this. Who’s tanking?
In…vader… zim.. comic books as well?…. Did I die and by some loophole end up in heaven?
Pulse thready, pressure dropping. *deep breath* GO INTO THE LIGHT RARON. GO. INTO. THE – no wait, pressure’s fine. You’re alright, walk it off, praise Vasquez.
So. I am going to a welcome to nightvale live show on October 8th. Should be fun.
Those are amazing! I saw the Librarian one live. Word of advice: the crowd can scream you deaf, especially when Carlos gets mentioned.
Welcome to Nightvale live show was awesome. Cecil pointed in my vague direction!…. I find that cool for reasons.
Good times! Very, very excited about the book.
Knew I missed someone of the New Years tide.
Happy (slightly belated) New Year, my friends. That goes out to all the fans as well. Anyone I can share this with is a friend to me.
Now that I’m done with being all sincere and friendly, it’s time to kick off 2016 with some good old fashioned black magic.
I keep forgetting to peek at the comments despite daily visits. Are we talking human sacrifice or naked on a full moon black magic….cause been working fashion retail and frankly I’m in for either.
I’m looking at some soul-stripping, eldritch, and unspeakable magics. You know – whatever it takes to get updates back.
Basically your basic lunar nudity magic, but with 20% more tentacles.
Sounds like my kind of party.
Where are you? We miss you!
I miss you guys. There has been way too little mayhem and chaos in my life lately.