Grymm Ramblings
Work is wrapping up on the first Voodoo Walrus PDF collection! Now's a good time to throw out a question:
Would you prefer to be able to directly download the PDF online or get it on an actual CD to have forever and ever? Take note that the actual CD would cost you a couple bucks more to cover shipping it out. Right now, we're leaning towards online download. But if enough people are interested, we'll have both available.
Also, we should throw this out there right now and mention that purchasing the PDF will NOT be strictly dependent on you having a Paypal account. We are going to offer up a couple of additional methods of payment. Most likely by way of money order and/or personal checks (or if you want to risk it and shove money into an envelope and send it to the castle, that might work too. We know many of you don't like/trust/have access to Paypal, so we want to make things easier on you!
More details to follow soon, like final, set in stone price. Right now we're looking at a price tag of $10 for the digital download and $12 for the CD copy. But that might have to change as we finish nailed out the details. Though don't expect either price to pass $15.
0 thoughts on “Marronican Dream 2”
I wouldn’t rule out the cd for some people. But I predict most would prefer the direct download. A few question though.
A. If I send you cash through the mail, how will I do the direct downoload? Or will I have to spring for the CD?
B. Where should those of us who don’t use Paypal for a variety of reasons send our money? Do you have a PO box or something?
hmmmm…Tough choice I think I’d go with download and then I can put it on a disc for safe keeping and my hard drive for access.
When will people learn that the two of you take a hands-on approach to chaos and never intentionally send minions?
Will B
count me in on the direct download for now please
Download to make sure the mail does not attempt to eat my beautiful beautiful Walrus CD.
I too hate coconut. Just tastes terribad.
My cats have the magical ability to break CDs, so I think a downloadable PDF would be better in my case.
P.S. Love the sketch of Vaius on Grymm’s notepad.
Will B
nice catch. So why do you need pdf?? You doing the work with the boys aren’t you?? *stupid bargain basement ninjas always getting their intel wrong*
Mercenary Clown
i’ll lend you some of my intel gatherers…..just be warned…they are a bit….funny….
no flashing lights around em unless you wants lots of things dead
Yes, I run the back end of the website and so on and so forth; but I also enjoy supporting fellow artists and creative people. More times than not, that involves buying things. We’re not called “starving artists” for nothing.
PDF is my preference, is it proves sensible.
Also, the villagers are trying to burn me at the stake again. I’ll just douse myself in A1 sauce and get it over with.
Will B
Should i have the resurrection team in place??
I have officially been awake for too long as your comment caused a truly traumatizing mental image involving that boyband…