Curtains. Lacy gently wafting curtains. This entire page made me laugh more then I have in a while.
Also yes. Yes the internet. The internet explains away all things. God bless it in its many scary forms.
I’m not sure if this is “came to in a blind rage because I was in terror when I blacked out” or Captain Thud did something, I don’t know what and I do NOT want to know.
If it’s the first… been there. I hear they left the hole in the dry wall where I put his head through it to warn others.
Marron… Scares… Bowler… Bowler… Bowler… The bowler the lady who tramatized Mac over a HAT… Bowler who fights lazer tag punks and guts them life fish. Bowler who has been side to side with the entire walrus crew through out most of these adventures… I need a thicker door? Does anyone have a bank vault for sale?… and has anyone seen my pants?
The pants with the leafy pattern on it?
I took them from you.
For your protection.
Because Marron’d kill you for your leafy green patterned leg coverings.
0 thoughts on “Kill Your Heroes 15: The Beatings Will Continue Until Complete Devastation Is Acheived.”
Curtains. Lacy gently wafting curtains. This entire page made me laugh more then I have in a while.
Also yes. Yes the internet. The internet explains away all things. God bless it in its many scary forms.
Truly it is both a blessing and a curse. A terrible, moody, judgmental curse.
Once again, Marron has made me sexually excited in an oddly disturbing way.
What can I say? I’m part Irish. It’s in my blood to be attracted to redheads with an extra dose of psychotic.
Honestly, I’d be surprised if Marron’s berzerker rage didn’t excite at least one or two people.
I’ll be in my bunk.
I’m not sure if this is “came to in a blind rage because I was in terror when I blacked out” or Captain Thud did something, I don’t know what and I do NOT want to know.
If it’s the first… been there. I hear they left the hole in the dry wall where I put his head through it to warn others.
Marron… Scares… Bowler… Bowler… Bowler… The bowler the lady who tramatized Mac over a HAT… Bowler who fights lazer tag punks and guts them life fish. Bowler who has been side to side with the entire walrus crew through out most of these adventures… I need a thicker door? Does anyone have a bank vault for sale?… and has anyone seen my pants?
The pants with the leafy pattern on it?
I took them from you.
For your protection.
Because Marron’d kill you for your leafy green patterned leg coverings.
They’re also tasteless.
Shows what you know, they taste like grapes. so there.