Grymm Ramblings
It occurs to me that because of the hiatus and the length of this and the previous storyarcs that things are spread a bit thin. So it's time for a healthy dose of linking back to some important bits of the story. As always, I have to advise that the best course of action is to actually go back and start reading from the "Next Morning" arc onwards, as everything since then has all kind of been one long narrative of a sort. The Takedown of Cyradwee and Infernum Cyradwee Imprisoned and Experimented on The Duo Discovering the Fall of Infernum Wrath of Con After Wrath The Start of Kill Your Heroes On a very slightly related note, I recently did my annual googling around for mentions of Voodoo Walrus and found someone talkin' about us on a webcomic forum. Apparently it was someone pointing out how aggravating it was that at some point we went on a five month hiatus and when we came back we completely neglected to pick up the story line we had been working on. This utterly baffled me. So CK and I put our heads together and all we could figure is that this reader was speaking of the Great Hiatus that occurred after the end of the Black and White Era and before the start of the Color Era, a time ripe with chaos and molten lava and lizard men. A time of experimentation and awkward glances from across the room. It's true that we did rather clumsily neglect to finish out the "Voodoo Walrus makes a movie with Cyradwee" plot. We also left a huge, gaping, bloodied, wound in our own continuity from a reader's perspective. There's good news though. We never intended to ignore the movie making, the fallout between Mac and the guys, the fate of Mac's arm, or exactly what happened to Cyradwee's Doomcano. We just kind of got sidelined from tackling those things. We're working on it though. You'll see very soon. That said, feel free to issue complaints and grievances if you feel like we've dropped the ball in our story telling somewhere. The absolute worst we can do in response is simply pretend you didn't say anything and try to repress the horrible, soul shatterering criticisms you've offered up. Best case scenario is that we'll actually improve from it though!
0 thoughts on “Kill Your Heroes 25: Priorities”
After filling my rusty old tub with VW comics and allowing them to permeate my every orifice and infect my mind, I can’t think of any instance other than The Great Hiatus where a storyline was just completely dropped. There were one or two ideas or characters teased that nothing came of (I’m looking at you, THE GATHERING STORM 2), but I figure you guys are just holding them in your back pocket, ready to spring it on us like a talking crow trying to eat your head.
I have no grievances. You all are cool as pope-flavored milkshakes in the 9th circle of hell.
Grymm reacts like a normal person when he’s hung over. This makes me feel uncomfortable. Nice to see CK got up on the right side of the tranq dart though.
Are you kidding. Lord Creepknight probably pops classier tranqs then this on his morning breakfast cereal as he lounges nude in what I imagine is a red plush chair and being fanned by palm leaves.
…I’m translating that as “drooling while lying in an old beanbag chair with an oscillating fan next to it”
Raron, Akonite, you both totally get Awesome Points for those comments. I needed that laugh after 8 hours of retail.
I empathize and am glad I could offer a good laugh. I keep trying to get work and for some odd reason I’ve yet to get anything so it looks like this Halloween season I get to sell my soul to Spencers again (at least I earned the rank of assistant manager this year)
You dare disregard my majesty! The audacity! The impertinence! The gall! My drool stays in my mouth, as is befitting a man of my station! All of my beanbag chairs are resplendent and filled with beans! My fan is so powerful that it has no need for oscillation! Also, I couldn’t afford that model! It was TOO EXPENSIVE! Also those pictures of me drooling while lying in an old beanbag chair next to an oscillating fan are totally not me! They were some other dude! They were Photoshopped!
My word is good! My beanbag chairs are resplendent!
That icon really complements your comment.
Woohoo! Awesome points from Voodoo Walrsu! Now I just need 396 more and I can trade them in at the front counter for prizes!… Now what to get?…. hmmm… well the plot of my life’s point and click adventure says I am supposed to get that set of lockpicks but I am being drawn towards teh sticky hand at the end of a sticky rubber band thing. .. and nothing about THAT description sounds right.
We have no grievances.
For you sirs have collected a cavalcade of the unstable, evil, and occasionally mad, as you dear followers. If this menagerie of persons had issue with your work, you would know. From the blow-darts and arson-bats, to the blood-runes painted on your bathroom ceiling, you would know. By our keening wails while you feign sleep, you would know.
But we are more than sated, but fulfilled! So be content, as we retire, somnambulantly, to browse the archives.
Glad to see Grymm’s hair is coming in nicely, I was worried that it was bound by the usual laws of hair growth rate.
HE IS GRYMM! HE IS BOUND BY NOTHING!… Except chains occassionally but we are not supposed to know about things like that.
Just discovered that the comic’s up and running again. Been way eager to see what mayhem the boys can cook up for a while now.
Is Sascha really dead? Because it’s looking like Cyradwee may have gotten a new Sascha or 3.