Grymm Ramblings
Something will be put here shortly. When I'm fully awake and not being ravenously nibbled on by voracious skip weasels. Maybe CreepKnight will be nice and post something in the meantime to amuse you all.
Also... Hey look! Its THOSE guys again!
Musings of a CreepKnight
Ready, willing, and able. So, we're now toe deep in our MIND BLOWING, STORY CHANGING, OH-MY-GOD-EVERYONE'S-GONNA-DIE year end storyline, and already things are starting to become clear. Kind of? Maybe? I don't know. I'm a writer, dammit, not a literary analyst! But it's entirely possible.
Three things: first, it's Spocktober, and you should be grateful. To show your gratitude, you should meander on over to Geek Life and celebrate with them. Seriously. Go now! Adore the Spock! Admire the Spock! Try to understand his harsh, unemotional Vulcan ways and love him in spite of them!
Second, it's also October , which means that Grymm's and my alter egos of Edgar Grymmstone and Simon the Storyteller return to romp and roam the wagons at Creepy Hollow Scream Park in the Hayride event (where you might also catch a familiar face wandering the cemetery). While there, you might also take a walk through Scream Forest, which I'm told is completely awesome and far more intense than the hayride but lacking in Voodoo Walrus cast members (Just for the record, I am way too timid to go back there. Seriously. It freaked me out way too much last year. And I am not easily freaked out.). It's a fantastic way to spend a cold, October night.
Finally, it's still October, which means that the General Mills Monster Cereals have returned. As an avid fan (of them and delicious tequila) I always try to snag a box of each when they come out so that I may enjoy their spooky deliciousness. This year, however, I have been unable to secure a box of Frankenberry or Booberry. If you have access to these delicious cereals (beyond ordering them online), please, leave us a comment. Seriously. CreepKnight wants his Booberry.
Grymm Musings II
See how awesome CreepKnight is? No way could I have thought to make such a succinct and effective post. I'm-a gonna go plug in the rest of the keywords for today's post now.
0 thoughts on “Meatnecks and Boomsticks 2”
Why can’t I ever get tear-away hoods? All I can find are pants, and shirts
We have a custom tailor that makes all sorts of specialty clothes. Seriously. Last week he finished my leather, studded straight jacket and matching pants.
The tailor also managed to craft me a stovepipe hat out of the flesh and entrails of dozens unloved orphaned infants. Though he seemed to weep openly the entire time. Don’t know what that was about.
Could I get said tailor to do something in baby seal, or would I have to pay for his therapy too?
Oh we have strict company policies against the use of therapists. All issues are dealt with by way of handing a patient a padded cudgel and putting them in front of a whack-a-mole arcade cabinet. You’ll have to provide the baby seal though. All VW employees and affiliates are banned from handling livestock.
Banned? Lawsuit, or personal wishes?
Damn, and my Lovecraft theme party is coming up – Halloween just isn’t the same without a hat of mewling sea mammal. And the neighborhood has gotten wise to my suit ‘o’ tongues scheme.
Costume advice please?
Oh man, I can barely come up with good costume ideas for myself. Maybe if you’re lucky and ask real nice, Mirth will pop up and give you some ideas. She’s good at that kind of thing.
Lovecraft Halloween Party sounds like awesome fun although there’d be a large over-dose of Cthulu look alikes and plenty of books with “The Hungry Caterpillar” or similar scored out and “NECRONOMICON” written in it’s place in purple and red crayon…
Ha! A fair bet for most parties of the sort, but mine are a bit – involved. The last Cthulhu costume involved a full grown octopus draped over the party-goer’s scalp. Not recommended.
And as for dread grimoire, copies of Wiccan-ish versions are available from Amazon. Also not recommended. If you’re going to drive yourself mad with occult power, do it right – get the original.
For extra oomph, one can cross genres and bind a copy of the Necronomicon with human flesh. Groovy indeed.
Random change of discussion: can you ever be too bored to sleep?
Creep Knight, Its how I found this comic in the first place…Its a beautiful and inspired state of mind…hehe
Yes, bored into insomnia exists. It makes you evil, and makes you use words like ‘gibbous’ and ‘primordial’.
and “doily”.