Grymm Ramblings
But this ain't quite the end of the year yet folks. Take a look at yer calender. Thaaaaaaat's right. New Year's Eve is an update day. We got one more strip left for blowing out 2010. We think it makes for a nice little wrap up for the entire wrapping up of the year.
By the way, I have yet to mention this, but I figured its time since its finally seeing more traffic. Voodoo Walrus is on The Facebook. Yes. We call it THE Facebook. Like how we say The Twitter. Or The Place Down Route 301 Where We Take The Sacrifices. Friend it. Talk at it. Dribblings of news and bonus art sometimes wind up there. Along with crossposting when updates go live.
I think that does it for me. I'm trundling back into my art cave like the wild, belligerent thing that I am.
0 thoughts on “Punch It, Chewie!”
Interesting tidbit. This comic went live right about the time that Vill sent me the finished comic for this Friday. Its fantastic. But you all have to wait for it. #GrymmsAGoddamnTease #ThisIsntTwitterGrymmWhyTheFuckAreYouDoingHasTags #ShutUpYourFaceIsAHashTag
#illhashtagyourFACE #waitwhat #nevermind #itsmybedtime
#YouCanHasTagMyFaceAnytime #WaitHowDOESOneHasTagAFace #MaybeIDontWannaKnow #RestWellOhGloriousWebMistress
just sended a friendship inveite on facebook
I am disturbingly aroused by this.
Also, SOMEBODY went bat shit crazy with all the tags? LOL… i somehow sense that is my fault?lol…:P
Every so often I like to abuse the fuck out of the tags to see what new combinations of words plugged into search engines might bring people to the Walrus.
well, at the very least, it made an interesting read,LOL… is it weird I read them all? “We will murder all of your pokemon.”… Come for the walrus, Stay for the poke slaughter.
I am most pleased, corset is a search word~!
You wouldn’t be the first to weird all the tags. Someone commented months upon months ago that the Walrus was the only comic with amusing tags worth reading.
Then again, I’m pretty sure everyone involved in the Walrus be it creation wise or readership wise has to be a bit weird anyway.
Ah, this is what I need after a long day of charring corpses.
Thank you Grymm, thank you from the bottom of this heart I’m holding in my hand.
‘Finding new ways to confuse our readers’
Bravo, but I’m curious about Rook’s ideas on fashion.
I only wore the maid’s outfit cause it was the family way! Don’t you dare fuckin judge me!
Sunuvabitch! I told you stay outta my closet! Wait… I don’t have a closet up here. You guys need to gimme a closet. Or a trunk. Something. What’s for dinner Natch?
Hey! Hey! Why do you guys get to have yer twitter things on here and I don’t? I’m on there to ya know!
Goddammit Rook its like 3am! Either go to Denny’s or go to sleep! I have comics to draw!
My butt clinched in pity for poor CK. Doesn’t she know that one should use silicone based lube to keep the element of surprise?
What exactly are you implying?
That stories my friends tell me of Crisco related escapades are disturbing and end in people walking funny.
Mercenary Clown
that you are being put through torture which i couldnt even imagine….hope the walking goes well
Mercenary Clown
poor CK…
Silicon is definitely the way to go:) non-toxic, doesn’t wear out, wipes off when you need it to… and doesn’t leave a buttery stench…although I guess some are into that…
high five on the Super Troopers reference! Also, keep up the good work, the comic is great!
Okay, you know what, I have no doubt that CK is going to go through tortures that would make even crawdee himself shriek in terror, but still, DAT ASS!!!!!
I would so let the Doc kick me around the room.
No no no! Growing older is inevitable. Growing up is optional!