Grymm Ramblings
That's right. Th pet badger has some how managed to to find the time to not only set up a control and surveillance room, but also to build some kind of security system in at least part of the apartment building. Isn't that what Christmas is all about after all?
0 thoughts on “Twas the Night Before Crispy 3”
Guess the doorway will be piled with crispy meatmen morning after.
Let’s see a fat elf with reindeer beat that.
Her stalking skills suck if she doesn’t know he’s not home.
Joe "The General" Foley
I thought Christmas was about Holiday spirit, being kind to one another, giving rather than receiving, and accidentally Tazing Santa when he came down the chimney to steal the scotch and cookies you left out as a joke.
Maybe it’s different out here in the Southwest.
Or it could be me Irish heritage.
Either one.
Still, Science Badger Grymm of Doom is awesome. I wish I had a badger like that. At any rate, keep up the good work, Sir Grymm! I do believe we’ll all look forward to the next page of hilarity and science-fiction-y goodness!
And Merry Christmas!
The General
is it just me or does that muscleman on the left look like Johnny Bravo
also BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA that was absolutely brilliant *slowclap*
I thought Christmas was about how it’s acceptable to turn a blind eye as an elderly pedophile breaks into your house to watch your children sleeping and leave them “gifts” to buy their silence.
As opposed to Easter in which a giant, rabid, monster rabbit breaks into your home, shits candy in hard to find places and probably spend entirely too long breathing heavily as it weighs the pros and cons of gnawing the hell out of the children of the house.
On that note what about Saint Patrick’s Day. A tiny, drunk. shriveled up dude promises gold if you will just leave home and follow the rainbow to it’s end. Also, he goes around pinching people.
All leprechauns are nothing but tiny perverted liars. They also have the bad habit of pissing in your beer and turning it green. God only knows what STD they have that makes that possible.
Crystal K
Good sir I believe that your mistaking those leprechauns with something else. I believe that you are talking about little green men from mars who piss green beer. I would advise you not to drink it because who knows what might be in the beer and what it could do to you. Also leprechauns only lie so they can take your gold items and melt them down into gold coins. Then they laugh at your confusion as to where those said items went.
I hear badgers taste good in stew. And I’m also fairly hungry at the time of posting this comment.
personally I love the forth of july. We celebrate our country by getting drunk and blowing up as much stuff as possible with illadvised explosives. Remember it is all fun and games till a bottle rocket flies up your neighbor’s pants. then it is hilarious.
Will B
I AWAKEN!!! Damn internet. Now having to drink that nasty ass starcrack coffee substitute to use their wireless. SOMEONE WILL PAY FOR THIS.!!! That being said, damn I’ve missed this. The comic, the mayhem. The sexy outfits on HOT women. (I’ve always been attracted to nutziod thick women.) Now to answer my previous challenge. Yes if you want this outfit I can make it Mirth. (no cost to you.) If that okay with the boys. And if I can get one of the creators to email me the material he envisioned used in the making of said outfit and dimensions and things like that. (Two inch strips or four inch strips Grymm) Let me know one way or another.
Will, I would never ask or expect an artist to create something that would be that in depth free of charge.
The idea of seeing the custom costume designs I create for the Walrus realized in reality is an outstanding idea that I fully support. But only if the crafter can be paid what their work is worth.
Its earned me the slur of “Sell out” more than a few times, but I’m a big believer in “There’s no such thing as a free commission.” And to be honest, I just wouldn’t feel comfortable with one of my designs being brought to life, if the crafter wasn’t getting paid their due.
That said, if it came to being an actual proper commission project, then I’d be in full support of things.
Mercenary Clown
agreed, making clothing, much like comic artist’s/writers, is an artform which is more then acceptable to charge for
that, and never do something for free if you can charge for it.
i also fully support the idea of Walrus clothing being made.
They have a point. I’m all for affordable costuming but not “free” at the very damn least shipping and materials should be paid.
…says the girl selling hand-made, hand-painted papermache masks for $5 a pop at social events so she can take public transit
Mercenary Clown
as they say in Skyrim,
“work for your coin girl!”
Fusebox count: 1