Grymm Ramblings
Friends! Fans! Cohorts! Co-conspirators! Walrus Embracers everywhere! We are doing it... After over slightly a year of activity, is starting to see a distinct spike in traffic. This week has broken all previous records of pageviews and visitors. I cannot lay thanks to any one area though. Project Wonderful is definitely helping, but the numbers don't support the idea that its all thanks to PW. No. I think we have a few more people out there spreading news about us that we thought. Maybe we do, maybe we don't. But, if you are out there spreading word about us, using the new icons and propaganda images, telling friends, enemies, other artists and writers about us, then thank you. Really. Thank you. You are beyond awesome. You're helping us entertain a greater audience. See, we're not in this for money. If we were, we'd pander the lowest common denominator (you know, like making pokemon porn comics that read like they were written by a retarded, perverted chimp. Or Twilight fan service). No, we're not here for money. We don't expect to make any money. Hence why we let our t-shirt designs sell at cost with maybe like only a few cents of profit going to CreepKnight's Mountain Dew fund. We're here to entertain the masses. We're here to entertain you. We want to share all of our bizarre ideas with you. And that's what we're going to do. We have some much awesome brewing in our crockpot of creativity right now its insane. Within a month's time, we're opening up a whole new section of the Voodoo Walrus world to you. An idea we've been working on for years. And we're going to set it down before you and let it entertain you for a while and hope you dig it a lot. We're here for you. To amuse you. To confuse you. To snark with you. To make your day just a little bit better. We're Voodoo Walrus. We love you because you're awesome. We know you're awesome because you read our stuff. Our stuff is awesome because we're awesome. So let's all be awesome to each other. If we all keep being awesome together, its only a matter of time before the Walrus begins to ascend to the point of going viral. Imagine if you will, major webcomic names mentioning us. Be it with joy or hate or disgust. Trolls coming forth from the woodwork attempting to harsh on our parade, finally giving CreepKnight victims to verbally brow beat to the point of complete mental atomization. Attractive people cosplaying as our characters. Let's keep the awesome flowing. Let's see 2010 go out as the First Great Year of the Walrus. Come with us. We have such pretty things to show you.
11 thoughts on “Epilogue the First: The Fall of Captain Thud, Wichita, and Derrick Rook”
I’m already making good use of your banners and icons in an attempt to hopefully bring in more traffic for you.
And also because their awesome.
“And also because their awesome.”
Awesome what? Their awesome prowess? Their awesome maleficence? Their awesome plotlines? Why are you keeping secrets! Why won’t you tell meeeeeeee?!!!
See, this is why Grymm keeps my password a secret. Even from me. I FOUND IT YOU BASTARD!!! IT’S ALL MIIIIIIIIIINE!!! MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
I need Mountain Dew. Seriously folks. It’s like an addiction, or something.
Oh, also, I found a whole bunch of great music on my old computer last night. You know who I miss? 8stops7. In Moderation was such a great album full near grungy angst. It was the soundtrack to my senior year in high school, right next to Better than Ezra and Social Distortion (Ha! Now you’re all decadally confused!).
And the Badlees. Seriously, am I the only one in the world who’s heard of these guys, who wrote such classics as “I Liked You Better When You Hated Yourself?”
But no, in all seriousness, you’re all awesome. Really. I don’t like you better when you hate yourselves. As long as you don’t try to force tofu on me.
Yeah, I need Mountain Dew.
I cannot believe I’ve just finished studying English with an A pass and yet still manage to make such an asinine grammar mistake. I meant “they’re awesome” but had I intended to put “their” it would have read as follows: “And also because their awesome prowess and magnificence cannot be matched as nothing can compare with an explosion of cats and live to tell the tale.”
Sadly, we in the cold, damp hills of Scotland have neither Mountain Dew (At least, not in an easily drinkable, commercially produced form. We have dew on mountains.) nor have heard of any of the bands you mentioned. But if we had heard of them and we did have an easily drinkable taste sensation named Mountain Dew then I’m sure we would treasure both forever and give praise to you for introducing us to their wonders.
T’be fair, half the time I’ve never heard of half the bands CreepKnight talks about either. And we live in the same goddamn modernized castle-esque compound. This leads me to often believe that CreepKnight is regularly experience another plain of existence that only he can interact with.
That said, 8stops7 really was a great, though very obscure, band,
I’ll see your 8stops7, and see you Gogol Bordello’s “Start wearing purple”. Very Walrus.
We in the wastes of Tex-ass, (yes, that is how we say it, to conjure images of big-assed women) have “there’s a scorpion in the bathroom, and you have to kill it”. Nothing better to get you started at 6 in the fucking morning. They wait, don’t you know?, till you have nice, lace-and-silk dreams, then fall asleep in your rinsing glass.
Muleface? Scotland? Makes sense I guess…you seem a little stable for American, too lively for English.
The real life Mirth introduce me to Gogol Bordello a couple years back. Tis very interesting. Awww look at this, we’re gettin’ to know each other and conversin’. Ain’t that adorable?
Creepy, actually, but it’s me and the arachnids. And they’re terrible conversationalists. Yay Voodoo!
ya’ll live in a modernized castle? Which one is jeremy, and which one is nils?
Don’t be silly Khavren. I’m obviously Ziegfred and CreepKnight is Raoul.
So is Marron Kate or Dougal then?