Grymm Ramblings
You know what? I've got nothing this time. Nothing to report. Nothing to rant about. I'm just going to copy/paste this little blurb/link from Tuesday and let you guys loose to converse about what this comic means to the greater overarching plot and run rampant with speculation. We now have donation incentives! This is the first of many different desktop wallpaper images we're going to release!
Voodoo Walrus Medicine

0 thoughts on “The Shawshank Vivisection 3: Dun-Dun-DUHN!”
SQUEE…..plot development!!!!
Aw, we got a squee! Good sign of any webcomic worth its pixels, being occasionally squee-worthy!
Charities as torment. I like it. But how does the everyday maniac use this technique? I can donate a victim’s organs to the good of mankind, or other fallacies, but that doesn’t leave much of a person to torment.
Your thoughts, suggestions?
In the event that you should ever feel the need to… “violate someone’s personal liberty in a monetary fashion,” (not that I am suggesting this in any way, shape, or form) instead of spending the money on cheap, meaningless crap, like that really expensive pair of sunglasses you’ve been eying at the store for weeks that would look totally awesome on you but you know you’ll loose a month later because expensive sunglasses apparently have legs in them and will leave faster than a gold digger after you’ve filed chapter 11, donate it instead to an organization you know they’re against. But as most people are not as evil as Cyradwee, donating it to Voodoo Walrus is probably a safe bet.
Of course, I’m biased.
And remember, death and violence are often quick, fleeting, and leading to incarceration. But flyers left out on the street accusing your enemy of violating telephone polls are forever.
As long as they’re printed on recycled paper.
“Violating telephone polls”
Noted, printer, posted. My thanks.
Wow Rip just went from “duchebage” to “may bowler trim the yule tree with your intestines” in my book.
You have no idea.
Rip is guilty of villain bad habit #1 “gloating”; if any of his plans succeed even moderately he must tell someone who it would effect in the most devastating manner.
…The reason I’d rather be an anti-hero than a villain. Villain comes with a drop in IQ apparently. Even if the maniacal laugh is cool.
On the other hand, we’re seeing him gloat at a victim AFTER the plans for that victim have already been accomplished instead of the tried and true villain method of monologueing before the victim meets their intended fate. Its possible that Rip may not be as handicapped in the common sense department as other villains.
Or he may just be lucking out.
True but this habit of leaving his victim alive no matter how hard to escape the cage is an error…. particularly when they, in theory could gnaw off limbs and send them to fetch assistance.
“Enemy of my enemy is the guy I’ll worry about killing tomorrow”…and all that.
Well we gotta hand it to whatever forces are currently responsible for the imprisonment of Cyradwee, though. They have tried their best to snuff him out despite his resilient death immunities! Its just unfortunate for them that decapitation is only a minor inconvenience for him.
Will B
Well looks like the Fucked Up Bad Club has yet another charge to lay at your door Rip. As president I have authorized the unending hunt of you, your family, and your pets. The officers of T.F.U.B.C. have authorized a sizable reward for your capture. Please enjoy your last few days of freedom, for when we find you, your skin will occupy a center piece in our foyer for all members to wipe the disgusting mess that they have on their shoes. Your nervous system will be used for our lighting and sound wiring. And the rest of you, well I’ll just let our tracker get creative. Hide while you can. But we will find you, we will kill you, and we will desecrate your body in ways that will make the angles weep.
Will B
P.S. The desecration will probably not wait for your death. Enjoy your torturous demise
Mercenary Clown
yay! i get to be creative….bones our useful in so many ways…..hmmm…so many possabilities
Will B, as your editor, and Vice President of the F.U.B.C. i congratulate you on the above essay. It’s poster-worthy.
As to business, Rip’s entrails should be used as sausage skins, and fed to ravenous weasels, as to allow the furry little beasts to gain a taste for this walking stain. The posted reward will have to be deflected, as the flesh-eating bacteria and platinum-tipped scalpels have taken a bite out of the Club’s finances. Instead the reward, which, let’s not kid ourselves Merc’s gonna get it, will have to be in another form of prize. As Vice President, I first blame our Treasurer, and then myself. The reward will be in retired grimoires from my own collection, and a five course buffet prepared by my own hand. Rip will be the main course, followed by filleted, baked, sauted, sections of the same. I’m fairly sure I can make a full dinner without ending his wretched life, making the prize and justice separate.
This wretched state of affair will be rectified, come Hell or water-boarding.
Merc – Lasagna or marinara?
Hey everyone, look below! Looks like we’ve got ourselves a brand new commenter! A very opinionated commented! Let’s give ’em a warm welcome shall?
Ok, so I see you’re among the artist/writers who all share the same brain. Yet another crappy comic devoted entirely to the mass slaughter of men. If females are involved at all, they are doing much, if not most of the slaughtering. Gee, how novel. Ah well, carry on with your mindless repitition of the same thing over and over. I’m sure there are enough brainless dolts to support you.
My word good sir and/or madam. You do seem to have a bug up your hindquarters about something that’s not even applicable to our merry little cavalcade of sequential wonders. We very rarely engage in all out slaughter. We much prefer surrealism and genius dialogue and characters interaction! You might want to peruse more of our archive before jumping to conclusion.
Or, you’re just a troll. And if that’s the case. Welcome Sir and/or Madam Troll! We’ve been waiting for one of your breed to wander our way! It proves we’re doing something right!
…and here I was lamenting that the comments were quiet and I was feeling lonely for Walrus related conversation. I apologize that the universe eaves dropped.
Yeah, I thoroughly expected more conversation to arise from the revelations of this page. But I get a feeling that maybe some of our regulars had school related things this past weekend. I keep hearing mentions of graduations and finals thrown around.
I find it amusing you use an icon from WapsiSquare a female centric comic where male characters are only supporting and often could be considered damsels.
I don’t think the gentlemen here at Voodoo Walrus have given their female leads any more or less power than the men. Women-kind in the comic just happen to have the edge due to numbers and social networking that the menfolk don’t quite have mastery of.
I was wondering why that icon looked familiar!I use to follow Wapsi. That also explains how this person found us as we have ads running on Wapsi. Yet, the ads running would either be linking to the Bowler/Wallace page or to the Greasy Spoon arc. Sad that they someone leaped to us just being a misandrist slaughterfest from that without even giving us a fair shake.
lol I find it far too amusing where I found the comic through considering the number of comics I read I’ve seen the add around. Then again I’m a sucker for sexy, creative, geeks I could probably talk for hours with and the fact both of you are out of reach makes both my boyfriends breath a sigh of relief since I don’t think they’d try to discourage me.
…So when are one or both of you (or the ladies…with the ladies?) going to reach a point you go on a convention tour? Phoenix Comicon… you know you want to.
Tis still a matter of money I’m afraid. We can barely afford to plot going to the few applicable cons that pop up around us. Much less out of state. But who knows. If ad revenue increases and we start getting more sales from the prints/donations from the wallpapers we’re going to start offering, maybe we can start up a “Get VW on the Road” coffer going.
If you do – Texas. Thai food will be provided. The good stuff – served by snarly Thai waitresses.
We have heard tales for a while now of how lovely Texas can be to the artistic natured. One day. One. Day.
Will B
So my dear DNTME, did you actually bother to read the comic?? Did you put the effort and thought into the research into this genre of webcomic before you gave such an lopsided and biased review?? Or did you decided in your feeble mind on the basis of what is purely fan devotion about the way said male character treatment of the main characters created the post about hunting?? Did you read that one of the main characters is a strong independent female who is upset at the way she is treated by an ex and that the fans sympathize and wish him to feel the physical equivalent to the emotional damage he had done to the character?? Or did you look at a couple pages of a story arch that is mostly done in the tongue in cheek fashion that has made these two artists beloved by their fans, and decide that they were being abusive to men?? Honestly sir/madam troll I don’t know weather to pity you for your closed mindedness, or despise you for being ineffectually stupid. But don’t let that stupidity stop you from posting. We here at Voodoo Warlus love the challenge of destroying your oh so fragile ego.
Awww, now that just made me smile, that did!
You are beautiful sir. In a very dark and sinister way.
Will B
Well I glad I was able to lift the creators lips in a smile at least. Rampant stupidity enrages me. And the worst stupidity is that of the judgmental/biggoted.
I have to moderately disagree while the “judgmental/bigoted” folk are a nusance the willfully ignorant are the worst.
Kudos for making them smile with you’re bitch-slap of logic. Well done!
ack! “your” not “you’re”…. this allergy medicine should have a warning that reads “do not operate heavy machinery or keyboards”
Well said! You bring a grin to my skull, and for this I am pleased.
I would raise a finger in objection here, but I honestly don’t care. I’m just trying to kill some time while my clothes finish drying.
Fun fact: The large ninja referred to as an ex-sports player is in fact beloved actress Geena Davis.
I wondered about that.
If you don’t like it – go away. There are quite a few people here, people who spend a few moments enjoying the entertainment and the company. Is this behavior bothering you? Does our conversation insult you, at the very bottom of your soul? Have we insulted you, your mother, your ethnicity – before you insulted us? How have we gotten under your skin, soft and thin as it is? I don’t see how the existence of this site, its authors, or fans harms you. Therefore I can only assume you have a stick up your ass, and get off on insulting others, elevating yourself through a false sense of superiority. This is usually seen as a sign of mental illness. So, DNTME, see a shrink – before someone takes your insulting nature as a sigh that you’re just a prick who likes to be callous.
Are we reading the same comic? Did I step into some bizzarro universe where you are a giant twat that comments without actually reading the entire comic first? Or are you a giant twat in this universe as well?
wait a minute: i recognize that avatar.
he reads a webcomic I also read
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