Important Walrus News
Hi all. Grymm here. For the rest of this month, Voodoo Walrus updates are getting scaled back to once a week. As some of you might know, there's been some family medical stuff brewing on my side since January and while the emergency side of it's been over for several weeks, I have been and continue to help with the recovery end. Suffice to say it's far more trying and exhausting than I expected. To the point that between it, and this very complex Walrus arc, I'm left with no time to actually tackle paid commission work that's been all too long neglected. As soon as I finish one Walrus page, see to things that must been seen to, deal with life in general, and sleep, I'm having to sit right back down and begin work on the next page. There's no question that I continue to love drawing Voodoo Walrus, but I have to be a realist on occasion, and do what needs to be done. At the same time, CK and I refuse to let another Great Hiatus consume our grand work, so an update scale back is the best course of action. So, Tuesday Walrus updates will temporarily be discontinued in favor of me keeping my sanity and trying to actually make some money.In the meantime, if you want to continue getting your Walrus madness fix, you should totally be taking the occasional gander at the work in progress Voodoo Walrus wiki page that Freakshowmonkey has been dedicating an insane amount of time and effort on!
And if you're one who likes to edit wikis and likes to bend words to your whims, feel free to dive in and contribute to the wiki itself! There's even achievement badges in it for you! Just like on those fancy video computer games all the cool kids play now!
Okay. I'm out. I just spent like three days on the above page and now I need to go watch cartoons and not think and/or move for a while.
You are all loved.
0 thoughts on “Entropy 101 4: Squeal-y Noises”
Whatever you need, guys.
We’ll still be here when you get back.
Rhaina Kincaid
That we will. It’s quite kind of them to give us weekly fixes while we patiently await life to become a little more normal for them.