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0 thoughts on “Wrath of Con 26: Too Much Information Friday”
0 thoughts on “Wrath of Con 26: Too Much Information Friday”
The third panel’s all wrong. How is killing hobos with their own viscera and then riding a souped-up murder vehicle over them NOT considered art?
He probably means his own body fluids.
I have never slapped a yelling homeless guy on the ass.
I have never torn off my shirt and yelled “The music dances to Techno-Viking!”
I have never punted an armadillo.
I have never kissed a goth girl because she was getting on my nerves.
Rhaina Kincaid
I have never gotten handcuff bruises and scared a vagrant in a cemetery at the same time.
I have never been randomly snuggled by a waitress I’ve never met.
I have never convinced people I was actually a kindergarten teacher during a LARP.
I have never made the storyteller say “How the fuck did you just win Call of Cthulhu?”
Is Bowler wearing special lenses, or do her eyes just turn that color in combat mode?