Grymm Ramblings
Hey, there's that mention of the Purple King again. I think we can all agree it's Mirth's dad. Or Mirthdad as we've affectionately been calling him for a couple years now. So hey. I mentioned a few posts ago that linework originals were going up for sale again soon. That time has come. I have a rather hefty home repair bill from getting those busted pipes fixed in January. And while I don't have a lot of money, I DO have a giant pile of art. I would love if any fine folks out there would be interested in helping me reduce my art mountain and help mitigate those repair costs at the same time! Offering up five originals this time: The very first ever appearance of Bowler from oh, so very long ago. Done in pen and inkwash. $30

0 thoughts on “KIll Your Heroes 77: All According to Plan”
*puts on morgan freeman mask* It was at that point he knew something had gone wrong with the plan. Truely it was to be expected honestly anyone with two seconds of interactions with Grimm and Creepknight know that any plan even as simple as going to the store to buy some meatballs goes as predictable as a rubber ball tossed in a room filled with mousetraps, springs, other balls, and a screaming greased up naked man swinging a baseball bat while blindfolded. You know it is going to go wrong but you must watch it anyways.
That mask… why is it all meaty and bloody and raggedy along the edges? Why is it… bleeding? What have you done, Raron? What have you done?
You’ve played non-euclidean handball? I thought my friends and I were the only ones that did that.