Grymm Ramblings
The last two months have basically just been me screaming internally without pause.
Now is the time of screaming. All will be good soon enough, but for now, the screaming continues.
God, we're so close to the end of this arc. I can smell it. I can taste it. I just want to get there. I just want to share there things in my brain with you all and hope they entertain you as much as they do me.
0 thoughts on “Extra Credit 39: Put Up Or Shut Up”
I can’t wait to find out whether they make it out in one piece or if they have to scramble because CK is left a drooling mess.
Most likely both. Both is good.
Just saying, there’s good reason adult Grymm and CK seem a distinctly… less focused than their younger selves.
I thought that was just the unmedicated ADHD….from experience. I mean once I get diagnoses and pills that let me focus on one task at a time there is SO MUCH HAVOC I PLAN TO WREAK!
Much like Stephen King handicaps minor, yet powerful characters, reality throttles powerful people with ADHD and executive dysfunction to insure over the top super villains don’t exist outside of political circles.