Grymm Ramblings
You. Do not. FUCK. With Villemous Q. CreepKnight.
Wait. Let me make that clearer... You DO NOT FUCK with Villemous Q. CreepKnight. Ever.
Hm. So Napoleon knows and can speak English, eh? Wonder what else we don't know about him...
We'll see you all next Tuesday. In the meantime, we gotta get our backlog of finished pages beefed up since between this one being slightly more involved than other recent pages and me needing to do commissions to make money, kinda shot the backlog in the foot.
Originally I was going to embed a video from the Left Rights, a Mindless Self Indulgence side project, that provided me a good chunk of entertainment and glee while working on this strip. But I've since found something a bit meatier and off the beaten path.
If you're a webcomic person, you may have heard mention of Homestuck or MSPaint Adventures. Great stuff. But the nifty thing is, the creator Andrew Hussie went down a side path that we thought of as well. Soundtracks to accompany the comic. He's just lucky enough to have a music team and the know how for combining the music into his flash based comics.
Anyway, some of the music guys have spun their own albums off of the main stuff and I'm currently listening to the new one and I have to say its some damn good stuff. And of course when I find good stuff, I can't help buy share it.
Mobius Trip and Hadron Kaleido: The name makes me think of some kind of over the top sci-fi comic that might be made if Warren Ellis and Matt Fraction got together and had a bit TOO much fun writing a script.
And of course, on the topic of music, I'd be doing us a disservice if I didn't link to our own fledgling VW bandcamp account where you can listen to a few of the originals CreepKnight has recorded so far.
0 thoughts on “Academy Award Winning Comic 6: Overcoming the Language Barrier”
Guys, guys, guys. GUYS.
Important info that we must share with you but I’m too tired to edit the post above.
CK, Mirth and I just totally got back from seeing the midnight premiere of X-Men First Class. They’re totally passed out now. But I’m still running off of Coke and muffins so I need to tell you this. This is important!
X-Men First Class is beyond awesome. Forget about those other three shitty movies. Forget about the abysmally shitty Wolverine movie. First Class is X-Men done RIGHT.
Seriously. I went there expecting it the most mediocre possible thing ever. Now I think it might be one of my favorite Marvel adaptations. See it. Spend money to see it. Reward Hollywood for doing something right and proving you want to see more quality movies, with good acting, directing, and writing. And this is coming from the guy that’s spent the past decade bitching about the movie industry and refusing to see them on the basis that they’re almost all god awful.
It had everything I want from an X-Men movie and MORE.
“Hello, I’m Professor Charles Xavier.”
“Fuck off.”
“Its a groovy mutation!”
“Mutant and proud!”
“I have another idea.”
“Get in the car.”
“Great idea!”
One, you guys suck… two, I’m totally digging the direction of the comic, and three, I just came off of a twelve hour shift and the first thing I did before looking for food was check your page. I’m either obsessed or loyal. maybe both.
We’re going vote hope for “both” in this case!
As far as digging the direction, that is indeed excellent to hear! Especially what’s to come…
Greetings and salutations, Voodoo Walrus creators and commentators. I’ve just read through the archives and comments, and I just wanted to say thank you all for providing entertainment like I haven’t had for a long while.
And thank you for comment! Stick around, there’s just more awesomeness to come from here!
Awesomeness, threats, ‘loving’ caresses. There’s a lot here.
Wow… seriously I don’t think I have ever seen Creepknight that angry. I mean not even with what their old job put them through did his eyes burn with an infernal light promising damnation and pain… not even when that douch stole his drinks did he threaten with culinary based attacks…
Note to self. Never owe Creepknight money.
It certainly doesn’t help that Napoleon’s always been a fat, floating pain his ass either!
I do that sometimes. Usually in German, or snarled pidgin Spanish. Haven’t smacked anyone into a wall yet, but I’ve got my fingers crossed.
Just remember to use a wall that isn’t your own. Unless you have the tools and materials and time on hand for DIY repairs.
Remember. Fuck You and slamming someone into a wall is the international langauge for ‘I disagree with that statements you have made thus far and would like to take this time to make my points if you don’t mind the interruption.”
Its true! It would also make political debates more interesting if they adhered to such practices.
They’d need more walls. And fire. Maybe live bears. Or machetes….
To those it may concern – Paypal is evil. This conclusion is by no means based on trying to pay the lovely Marron for a print, and having Paypal reject my ability to own money for a week and a half, but by conclusive scientific process. Having kidnapped a Paypal employee, and poured holy water down his throat, he began vomiting blood, and is currently gurgling his epiglottis. I’m quite sure adding acid to the solution could not have skewed the results.
They are evil. And not in the fun way. Or the kinky way. Not even in the lovably murderous way. They are – despicable.
Well didn’t that come off nasty. I really shouldn’t share my feelings, should I?
Not at all… I think anyone that handles my money that isn’t me and the person I’m paying needs to learn there are consequences for mishandling my assets. I personally would have found creative demonstrations for lye or incorporated chili pepper infused salt and tiny abrasions.
I’ve always had a soft spot for creative women. And peppers.
Careful, knowing this group all soft spots should be kept behind various forms of protection from random acts of mayhem. As for peppers, I wouldn’t recommend those and soft spots either.
Paypal’s always done right by me. Its my bread and garlic butter with a side of marinara. I suggest you look into upgrading your Paypal account to the premiere level. It allows for instantaneous fund transfer, save for whenever someone sends you money via e-check. E-checks are the only truly evil thing since they can take up to two weeks to clear and deposit the funds into your account.
I’ll take it under advisement. Perhaps they just need a little more fear of God. And I’m making marinara right now. RIGHT NOW. How did you know good sir?
I’m a marinara wizard!
I even have a goddamn pointy hat and everything.
Pointy hat you say? Sounds legit to me.
Oh Wizard Grymm? Magic yourself over here and cook for me damnit!
I have no fresh mozzarella though! I gots t’have the fresh mozzarella! And a good cheese slicer.
I find no problems with your data gathering methods.
Then you’ll fit in just fine here.
Since when can CREEPKNIGHT do the creepy red glowly eyes? Oh well. Anyways, fuck the first 3 X-Men, fuck them until they can no longer walk. But, in my opinion, the wolverine one was good. First Class tops all of them, but let’s give credit where credit is due. They didn’t COMPLETELY fuck up Origins.
Since he’s been forced to experience a day that seems intent on progressively pissing him!
Creepknight needs a hot bath and a cookie… guilt followed by rage really drains the blood sugar.
Also, about damn time someone successfully beat down the floating, French, fucker. *brushes off skirts and pretends to be lady-like*
The little floaty fuck’s had it coming for years now.
I don’t think we’ve ever seen Mr. Creepknight mad before. He normally seems the calmer between himself and Mr. Grymmowski. Understandable given the current situation and his past history with Napoleon. I personally would have reclassified Napoleon to research specimen the first time he crossed me. The fact that he also has the unexplained property of being able to float
in mid air doesn’t help his case, it could be a vast improvement for my minions, if it can be reproduced.
I tend to perfer minions that don’t float into ceiling fans or into light fixtures. Let’s face it the average minion is of below average intelligence they have to be in order to want to die in your place against the inevitable victorious super spy so no point getting competent minions to die in your place because then you have to train in a new one and have them come up with a new filing system that is really effienct but hard to understand just in time to die by spy again. You might as well mass produce the little idiots and save time. Myself I find genetically enhanced jack-o-lanterns make of an intimidating and well balenced army. Besides if your minions could float they might get ideas of grandour by floating above you and then you have to kill them for insolence all the quicker.
You bring up many good points, many of which are side stepped by my preference for non sapient genetically modified and cybernetic enhanced minions. I would have used a control group first to make sure no problems would arise from the modification and if it hadn’t been up Dr. Ulltross standards I could still sell the process to others and let them deal with the flaws.
True, if you want intelligent minions you have to make sure there’s a self destruct built in that only you can keep from occurring. Personally I don’t want minions and while I don’t make a particularly good minion myself I also don’t care which team I’m aiding as long as I get a comfortable seat to watch the mayhem and long haired men and women to ogle. I only car which team I’m on if I’ve developed a friendship or particular fondness for a party. In which case don’t hurt them; your minions will run low fairly quickly in a fashion that seems purely coincidence.
Akonite should I fear for my hair?
And I find organic self taught and hand picked minions work the best, bred and raise to serve~ me alone! Welcome to the fun Dr. ulltross. As for the comic, FINALLY! I do agree, its about time that fat flying fucker got bitch slapped. Trying to take on the Creepknight…you will lose, devil spawn cow or not.
I only do nice things to hair. However one of my boyfriends is into hair bondage and I regularly have metal rings braided into the ends of mine.
Here’s the trick with minions, you have to invest in the equivalent of idiot savants. People that are useless for all but one particular thing that they’re amazing at. So find people really good at causing mayhem and just aim them at what you want to antagonize.
Alternatively, opt for robots. But make sure you commit robo-genocide on your hench-bot compliment twice a year regularly. AI is unpredictable these days and they WILL eventually grow too self aware and attempt to render clinky-clanky death upon you.
Minion talk? Count me in.
I’ve always had terrible problems with minions in general. The identical, rank-and-file minions have never lived up to my needs, and I have ended up borrowing others’, as noted in the Cthulhu-Ninja hybrid text-war some time ago. I’ve never really had a use for more than a beastie or two, perhaps a shoggoth for flavor. Where does one find reliable, servile, killing machines? I can no longer afford to do mindless acts of violence by my own hand! At least not on a regular basis.
I’m more of a Do-It-Yourselfer personally, so my minions are relatively useless for complex tasks, in fact they’re little better then savage beasts with my own custom cybernetic augments. I less control them and more just point them away from me and let them wreak havoc. I mostly just release them into the caverns and tunnels outside of my lab complex to act as a deterrent to snoopers. They do well enough when dealing with most do-gooders and military types. Any thing more powerful then that I normally want to deal with my self anyways. But if this sounds like the type of thing you want in a minion I’m more then willing to sell some of the basic mass produced models.
Baw, I’ll stick to my beautiful~ ever loyal and adorably evil Rat minions. I could loan them out to you for a delicate touch if you needed? Open offer to everyone~ just um…they demand payment in cheese. SO, keep a good offering on hand.
Many thanks for the offer, but I’m swamped of late. I can barely even find time to incinerate fools. I’ll just have to work with nameless horrors, and lurking shadows that feels compelled in their primeval souls to do my bidding. You know, the classics.
Bloody fonts were used. Quick, to the bunker!
Oh that bunker won’t save you now. We converted it into a meat locker. Totally ruined the terms of the warranty too I’m afraid.
Meat locker! That is better then a bunker. Usually the only meat in a bunker is long pork and then there is the whole worrying of eat or be eaten thing that happens plus knowing what my friends put their bodies through I wouldn’t look upon them as a food source.
The meat locker cannot save us! Think, man! It’s full of frozen blood and meathooks! The blood-fonts will materialize from them, and bludgeon us to death. Believe in the salvation of Times New Roman! BELIEVE!
Times New Roman? You believe your salvation lies in Times New Roman? Heh. Heheh. Hahahah. Muhahahahahahahaha. AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.
Mm. Yes. Yes. Run to the Times New Roman. Embrace it. Let me know how that works for you, yes?
Well, I’m evil. So Times New Roman and I get on like an orphanage on fire.
Orphanages on fire…. Has that happened on VW yet, can’t remember >> and if not, why?
That’s a very good question. I honestly have no idea. Its shocking to me that I’ve actually forgotten some of the things we’ve done. Mirth will occasionally quote dialogue or reference a particular scene and I’ll look at her in complete confusion because I’ve forgotten it ever happen.
Then again, most of my brain is taken up by commissions, future VW stuff, the entirety of the ConQuest of the Aerolith-Mortis story, and random bits of useless trivia.
No, no orphanages, you guys did destroy a bus full of nuns though. *nodnod*
Nope… no orphanages thus far. A state, a city, occasional ninja – no orphanages yet. Ah, East Dakota – we barely knew you, or gave a damn.
Will B
We do not burn orphanages. That would be a waste of future Mad Geniuses. Or more likely cannon fodder for said Mad Geniuses, or food supply for genetically engineered super Komodo Dragons, but either way we are not that wasteful.
You forgot harvesting their organs. Their rich… delicious organs.
i wasn’t gonna start commenting until i get to the last comic(which may be within the next hour.) but i have to say, when i finished reading this comic i said”ouch”. and so when i put my cursor over ther comic to read the yellow box, it also said “ouch.” crazy. XD
We are in your brain! Reading your thoughts! All your juicy thoughts!
Nah. Just kidding. Just a coincidence. By they, you forgot to turn the oven off.