Grymm Ramblings
That's it folks! Meatnecks and Boomsticks is over! Cyradwee is now captive of the nefarious forces guiding the hands of Mac and the Meatnecks and god knows what else. The shall be no epilogue to this storyline. No wrap up. This is the wrap up. When next we look in on the wily escapades of Mac, Shmeerm, and even Cyradwee and Mungo, it'll be 2011. But don't worry. The rest of 2010 is reserved for looking in on all of the main cast that we haven't seen in like... what? Three months? Conflicts will be resolved! Mysteries shall be uncloaked! Fates revealed! But at the same time, future rumblings and possible threats and promises of what's to come shall rear their heads in baffled astonishment. NOW ON TO OTHER VERY IMPORTANT MATTERS: The Voodoo Walrus archive as you know it, specifically the black and white era pages, are even now undergoing an overhaul. You see, this past week, we just finished putting the finishing touches on a huge project involving remastering all the old pages for printing status. Not only can we now say that 99% of the entire archive is available as glossy, awesome prints, but we're also going to go in and replace the entirety of the B&W era with the new, improved, more betterer files. Fixed contrast, improved dialogue, typos fixed, smudges cleaned, crisper, cleaned widgets and thingamabobs! So have a look through the archives! Check out the changes! If you want a print of anything in the archives, email us at Prints are $15 a piece for those of you here in the states and $20 for everywhere else. I know that sounds unfair, but that's only because that price also includes the cost of shipping and the materials used for shipping. Each print is 8.5" x 11" and is wonderfully glossy. They are printed by my own hand for maximum quality control and I'm a snob about what I let get past my eyes to a customer's hands. I settle for nothing less than immaculate. So if you want one print, or several, email us at and we'll get the ball rolling. Paypal is our preferred payment mode of choice, but we're open to a couple of other alternatives as well. You are all awesome and loved.CreepKnight Says Something Here
As Grymm mentioned above, we have gone through and pretty much redone the entire black and white archive. That's right, every last piece has been re-lettered and in some cases re-written all for your amusement.
At least, that's the story I choose to tell.
I had originally posted something here encouraging all of you to buy our prints... but I deleted it. It didn't feel right. Don't know why. So instead I thought I'd try an experiment. So for a couple of weeks now I've been trying to record the first verse of the male part for the song "Baby It's Cold Outside" at Marron's suggestion. It has not been going well. For those of you familiar with the song, it is call and response, with the male portion being the response. Try as I might, I can't quite get the timing down, even with a metrognome (which is similar to a metronome, except it wears a pointy hat and keeps better time). So before all of Voodoo Walrus' fans I humbly cry "MARRON, I HAVE FAILED THEE! I AM NOT THE RECORDING GENIUS I PROCLAIM TO BE! Please let me know if you wish me to commit Hara Kiri (I think that's how it's spelled). To make up for it, or perhaps just to boost my ego whilst deferring attention away from my failure, I thought I'd try to post one of my original songs right here for all of you. So... here's my attempt. It's right there at the top. Apparently there's a maximum upload size of 2 megabytes which comes out to about 1 minute of quality sound on an mp3. I tried.
0 thoughts on “Meatnecks and Boomsticks 19: Mungo’s Lament”
dude, this day just gets more epic. first ozzy and judas priest are confirmed for graspop, and the make over of the archive. and then this scene, suddenly i feel more connected with schmeerm
You can buy rice paper at target
Wait… what’s this about rice paper?
Complete overhaul? I am curious. Depraved, giddy, bloody-handed, but mostly curious.
Good on you, Grymm. Between this and the announcement about SG being printed, you must be prouder than a ghoul in morgue.
Sate your curiosity then! The first 15-ish pages have already been swapped out for their usurpers! New pages will be added every day until nothing is left of the old black and white.
Shmeerm and his violent tendencies. They really are handy, I sorta feel bad for Mungo, poor guy…And now we won’t know what happened! WHO is this mystery….this…daddy! Who ever gave DNA to spawn the likes of Mac must truly be an evil that out matches that of Cyradwee.
And is it just me or is Voodoo Walrus actually getting a litter serious as plots start coming together in a giant collective ball of intrigue?
Don’t feel too bad for Mungo. He’s not dead. He’s just lost a few pints from his blood collection.
Maybe things have a touch more seriousness to them… But its serious plot development covered in a hard candy shell of floating pygmy cows, non-Euclidean geometry, and catsplosions.
@Grymm *grinning* And I note you don’t touch my question of father.
But that’s good to know Mungo is still around.
As for the last part, I do so miss Napoleon. The adorable floating bundle of garbled French, rage, and conniving. I’m not so sure about the geometry…but a good catsplosion makes up for anything! The only thing better is seeing a hobogadeon style explosion.
@Rose To say anything about Mac’s father at this point would be jumping the gun. That’s something for 2011. Something horrible. Yet awesome. Like the rest of the Walrus.
@grymm, im glad mungo isnt dead…I thought for a second there that he just got face fucked to death by schmeerm… the worst possible death I can think of… wait wait, Ive got a worse one… Justin Bieber concert…being tied to a chair, then face fucked by Schmeerm… THAT is worse…
Rose – Good to know someone else picked up on the daddy issue.
Grymm – Ah, poor French, fashionable hats, and wily badgers. I’m comin’ home.
Curator – There is but one worse than that, but it requires knowledge of higher necromancy, an Elder God, and – of course – Schmeerm. Whiny, androgynous music not required.
I see your horrors and raise you a Shmeerm face fucking coupled with Shmeerm’s mouth hanging open, drooling on you, and at the same time the a Bieber album is playing on repeat and its coming right from his throat. And I’m not talking about Shmeerm singing. I’m talking about some kind of horrible tear in reality has occurred and a live Bieber concert is some how oozing from the big man’s esophagus.
I see all your horrors…and raise them myself~ That does not compare to listening to one of your coworkers whine the entire shift about how much there is too do, whilst there are giggling teen boppers trying to decide what they want to eat at your counter, when your co-worker is doing /no/ work at all. AND all the music you can hear on the intercom is horrible, horrible re-makes of classic songs and soft rap and gospel!
I’d /rather/ deal with Shmeerm on a bad day…than deal with my co-workers and annoying customers that use UM every other word, as well as bad grammer and poorly spoken ENGLISH and all they end up ordering is a PEPPERONI PIZZA! *tosses Napoleon and Kaboodles at those people* I…hate bad grammer, when you’re supposed to be working with people and it requires good communication skills.
Oh! And Gum popping…nothing is as annopying as some one smacking their gum, using the word um like its going out of style, and ordering at the same time.
Now that was some venting right there. Feel slightly better?
A little yes. *deep breath* My apologies. I get…aggravated by excess of stupid.
No apologies needed. Tis completely understandable. I’m a big believer in venting the rage to ensure against self induced implosion.
Venting is perhaps the greatest stress relief in this oft blasted world. To spill one’s rage and exasperation could be the only thing between us and true machete-your-neighbor madness.
The only thing we can hold to in such trials is a bliss. Necromancy, world domination, sex, or even writing a commission and completely failing to meet the deadline, can break the immense terror that living in a world full of shallow fools – greasy idiots that must presume human, as the difference in language, politesse and intelligence would lead many to believe that they are in fact a different species!
But don’t worry Rose – one day, I will Italian necktie them all. Starting, with due chivalry, your co-workers.
@everyone Y’all make my day better. Please never stop being so awesome.
“suddenly i feel more connected with schmeerm”
Don’t… don’t tell him that.
Trust Vensik on that. He knows a thing or two about Shmeerm. The real honest to the fallen, forgotten, gibbering gods Shmeerm.
Didn’t you even sleep on that blood stained mattress he had that one time?
Yes… actually. I slept on it a whole week. And as I was leaving with my suitcase, he went to change the sheets and half the bed was a blood stain.
“Oh… yeah. My Step-mom blew her brains out with a shotgun on it. Dad wanted to throw it a way, but it was still a good mattress.”
At least I got an explanation.
He’s a scary desk pounding blood thirsty beautiful manbeasty.
@vensik, sorry, he already knows, and he’s heading over tonight to get more connected with your face XD