Grymm Ramblings
Remember the Revenge of the Nerds movies? Like, the general theme of them? How there was always like a big burly butch jock who saw nerds as like infestation on the world and wanted to nuke them from orbit? Mac would totally want to have angry, screaming, violent sex with that character, Then she'd smoke a cigarette after 7 and a half hours of riding the guy like a pony while he wonders how she got a gimp mask on him without him noticing. Then she'd jab the cigarette butt in a nerd's eye and go out a kill Booger for looking at her feet a little too excitedly. Because Mac Little hates filthy, overly stereotypical nerds. Especially when they serve her no purpose. That, and its possible that she's a wee bit insane these days. What should you take away from all this? That despite the fact that I've barely seen even the entirety of one of the Nerd movies, I'm still pretty sure I've guess dead on about Booger having a massive foot fetish and would love to see Mac in shiny, black strappy heels. Now you're all feeling slightly dirty and uncomfortable. My mission here is done. See you on Friday! We love you all. Spread our infection through printable propaganda and free icons and such!
0 thoughts on “Epilogue The Second Part One: i cn has walrus nao plz?”
What’s the best strip to start folks with?
Not a clue honestly. Personally, if we had it our way, we’d consider “Brand New Morning” the jumping in point for folks since that’s currently the point we see as us having reached a new pinnacle of our craft.
Indeed, there is a lack of artfulness, intellect, and effectiveness inherent in the ‘blog’ societal meme. Take our comments as example: small, concise, oft-poetic pieces of word-craft. My own are more complex perhaps, but there is an art, a respect to ones self and the readers thereof to be considered! I use hundreds of living people as scrap paper, the refuse being turned into a dish that shall remain nameless, which with the addition of chili cheese, sells quite well on Coney Island. There is actual effort put into these egregious violations of human conscience, colloquially known as ‘comments’.
I shall be re-posting this on deviantArt, for perpetuity sake.
I was contemplating furthering the point made by Marchosias but what he said sums up every point I could ever think to make. I find the part about using other people as scrap paper particularly thought provoking and highly interesting. It has given me food for thought for the next few hours while I ponder this and attempt to confuse others with its many nuances.
Bravo, good fellow. Your words are greatly admired.
Facebooked: If you enjoy surreal bizarre thought patterns, disjointed concepts that might someday lead to genius or madness, this might be the webcomic for you
It warms my heart that we have readers that not only comment, but are capable of forming complete sentences and paragraphs and still have higher brain functions intact.
*Deep bow in Muleface’s theoretical direction*
Thank you, comrade. Your words warm the onyx walls of my little black heart. I do try.
Again, danke.