Musings of a CreepKnight
Sometimes I shame myself, which is odd considering I had my shame gland removed ten years ago when I entered a theater BFA program. I don't want to say this strip is bad; truthfully, I think it's quite humorous. But I made it a rule a long time ago that when writing characters with live counterparts I would do my best to depict them semi-accurately, at least in terms of interests and personality quirks that are then retrofitted to the greater Voodoo Walrusverse (that's a real word now as I've added it to my dictionary). Even Shmeerm, whom I've never met and never spoken to, is written in the spirit of his real life counterpart. So when Grymm and I decided to pay homage to our friends over at, I was more than a little nervous about adapting them. I'd like to think I've done a good job and that I haven't written anything here to offend either of them, but in the event that I had I offered them both a preemptive apology via Twitter. But alas, there is one more apology I need to make and I'd like to make that now:
Dear England,
I know you created the English language and, despite your catchy-yet-often-baffling slang, you are not anywhere near as unintelligible as I have portrayed you herein. It's just that when you try to capture the quintessence of a young person living within your borders it's easy to get carried away. I would just like to point out that I refrained from making jokes about bad teeth, fish'n'chips, and the word "posh," as most Americans are wont to do. Please take this into account the next time I have to land in you to visit my family in Liechtenstein. And if it's not to much to ask, please don't put me in the Tower of London; I would not do well as a tourist attraction.
I clearly know nothing about England, except that Doctor Who lives there sometimes.
I should delete this, as the apology is ever so much more offensive than the actual comic. GO THERE! IGNORE ME! I AM NOT CLEVER!!!
Grymm Ramblings
Ponies. People love ponies. The internet has been telling me this for months now. On my galleries. On the Facebook. On the Twttier. Ponies, ponies, ponies. As such, I've decided to celebrate the pony love with an attempt at bridging the gap between Voodoo Walrus and My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. Behold:
Marron's Stolen Typing Space
Just to let you know how very accurate this comic is, every single conversation I have with my sidekick, and Geek Life senior editor, Rob is exactly like what you see above.
Now, in honor of Chuck Jones' birthday this week, here's a picture of a Pony:
GrymmRamblings 2: Bride of the Grymm Ramblings
I feel a little twinge of same for not knowing it was Chuck Jones' birthday this week. I miss you Chuck. Animators and cartoonists could learn a lot from you still. You were one of the true greats.
Revenge of Musings of a CreepKnight
I like symmetry. That is all.
0 thoughts on “Meanwhile… In Vegas 2: Return of the Geek Queen of Quadrant 42”
I am all nostalgic now for the Loony Toons Wagner tribute with Bugs as Brunhilde.
Some people hear Apocalypse Now when that aria plays. I still hear I Killed the Wabbit.
My other favorite aria is No More Rice Krispies, but that may go back too far for many of our fine correspondents to have had the pleasure.
Ah….. The Brits….. Is there anything they CAN’T talk you into using their funny way of talking? Funny compared to what we’re used to hearing that is. That said, Happy Birthday Chuck Jones. You brought us all some great times.
meh, as a full blown “brit” i’d just like to say “proceed”, that whole chat bubble didn’t offend, just made me giggle.
And if anyone thinks that what you said was confusing they should listen to my dad talk.(uber scottish, even the english words sound like gibberish to me sometimes)
honestly. He lost me at “these blokes are on the level” obviously the man is insane or didn’t listen to her story right… I mean.. Lord Creepknight and Sir Grimm as as cool as the artic and twice as awesome… but no way would I go up to say ‘hi’ without a bulletproof vest on… and a helmet incase of flying money cases…. that said with such gear I would so go up and say hi… so… that said if a man in a helmet and a bulletproof vest ever comes up to you, says ‘hi’ and then braces for impact that would probably be me.
Raron, you may also want a face mask, some shin guards, and maybe a cup. Also, steal toed boots, knee pads, and plenty of padding on your backside in case there is a need to run away hurriedly and you get knocked down.
Hahahahaha Mirth’s such a kidder! She talks like we’re known for abusing fans and that’s not accurate! Not at all technically accurate! We would never purposely and permanently hurt our readers. At least not physically. Now who wants to see Shmeerm and Gramma Eyepatch naked and riding a Rape-asaurus Rex?
i love the my little walrus ponies. the Mirth one is so cute. and i love chuck Jones. he made some great tom and jerry cartoons and also did the origanal the grinch that stole christmas. totally awesome
I think if I ever get my hands on some abused or blank pony toys I’m going to have to break out the sculpy and make myself a set of Walrus Ponies
…To the Thrift Store!
If you do then send pictures!
Indeed. Send pictures to and we’ll totally put them up here on the site for all the Walrus readers to see.
I will. but first I have to get the ponies and figure out where the sculpy got to.
“Nyarlathotep’s Bride?” That sounds unpleasant. Alone all day while He’s out, tormenting dreamers, ravaging souls, tomcat-ing. And He never comes home till late, smelling of ichor and Wild Turkey.
I’m back, by and by.
You were gone?
For a while, yes. Largely for reasons relating to the fellow who hacked my account, and my furious hacking of him…. But yes, I missed joining in with the community for a touch.
Honestly, besides me and another guy commenting on how we’d do gay for the tenth doctor, you didn’t miss all that much.