Grymm Ramblings
Hey look. Its all those guys again. Let's see what they're up to for a while. Well, specifically Vensik, cause Vensik's awesome. By the way, the turning people into piles of coins is only a temporary effect. Golzak will return to normal in about 15 minutes.
If Golzak's surprised and anguished cry seems familiar to you then congratulations, you've probably seen Phineas and Ferb, one of the best animated shows currently on air. Seriously, its fantastic. Its like watching a cartoon from the mid-nineties, back when television animation was at its peak. Ignore the odd designs of the main characters, its the writing, the humor, and the soul of the damn thing that's glorious.
Its got that lovely kind of fusion of being a show for kids, but having a number of jokes, exchanges, scenarios, and dialogue exchanges that only adults will get. After all, how often do you see a cartoon work the words "bourgosie" and "proletariat" into a musical number? Not to mention that it finally breaks the mold of cartoons featuring kids that MUST take place in school. Instead, its just the opposite, kids, on summer vacation, doing the most insane, imaginative, and impossible things possible. In their backyard.
Its one of those shows that actually manages to soothe away from of my rage for the animation industry and for that, I'm all too grateful.
Also, hey, check this out. This is something that I made months ago and forgot to show off here. I reminded by such when I saw comments referring to Andrew Hussie's Homestuck earlier this week. Behold Voodoo Walrus Trolls.
If you have no idea what this is a send up to, well there's this comic called Homestuck by this guy Andrew Hussie. Its kind of nifty. You might like it.
0 thoughts on “Negotiations 1: The Power of Money”
Michael Alexander Reaper
i seem to have a sudden craving for popcorn….
Maybe it’s just me, but I would have totally taken that 15 minutes to put all those coins into a soda machine. Or a candy machine.
Wait, both. Yes, both candy and soda machines.
There was this time at school that a girl put a dollar into a machine to get a soda. The machine gave her three. And still read the dollar. Me and a friend EMPTIED that machine. Didn’t get in trouble or nothing. I got, like, 30 FREE sodas.
And this is why you never mess with accountants. Especially those who have god-like powers of money.
So their money manager runs off of coffee, can hack into computers with jusr his mind, and can LITERALLY turn anything into MONEY?!?!? That’s it. What’s this guy’s number? I want him on retainer.
I would totally use Golzak to was my laundry and then buy a soda while I wait. Maybe, if I’m feeling cruel, play some pac man. Essentially see what happens when the effect wears off in many different machines.
Oh wow… I just noticed the sound the guy makes as he got transformed… I did not see that before… I feel sad that I missed it… but smiley that I see it now. Nice touch.