Grymm Ramblings
Hey its those guys. You remember those guys!
Just a fair warning. We kinda think in animation terms. So we sometimes hear very specific voices in our heads for certain characters. In the case of Mirth's Dad here, he was written with a voice similar to Sergeant Hatred's in mind.
Huh. Apparently there are no decent youtube links to link you folks too. Anyway, Sergeant Hatred is this huge former supervillain on The Venture Brothers. We adore his voice. And Mirth's dad's voice sounds kinda like that.
Outside of that, there is absolutely no explanation for this comic whatsoever. Come back Friday when things make... slightly... more... sense. In that way that the Walrus ever makes sense.
0 thoughts on “The Greasy Spoon 6: What… The Buggering… Hell?”
We asked for a dead bastard, and you delivered. You gave us necromancers and unholy beings from beyond conception and perception. You gave us wraith-y Stooges. You are what Graciousness wants to be when it grows up. If Graciousness was a little fucked up, which, if you’ve ever met a truly kind person, is undoubtedly true.
This needs to be a poster.
I wish I understood who Guy Fieri is. Over here we’ve got a bunch of self-righteous foodies that are trying to make Britain a healthier place and are trying to make schools uber healthy. They seem to be succeeding in England but we in Scotland shall continue to fight back by deep-frying every low-fat, low-cholersterol and organic piece of filth that Mr Olvier shoves under our noses until they’re all dripping with fat and batter. All hail the almighty deep-fried creme egg!
I might have got a wee bit carried away there…
On a lighter note it’s been quite a while since we’ve seen the Achmed brothers although this time without their vast medly of extrinsic oddities.
Curse uber-healthiness! We’re human dammit! Its our purpose to look at things and say “Huh. Can’t I cram that in my mouth without ill effects?” and to find new and interesting things to deep fry that shouldn’t be deep fried. Deep fried Coca-Cola anyone?
In a nutshell, Fieri’s a guy that goes all over the US sampling the culinary delights of diners, drive-ins and dives. He does other stuff too I think. I’m not entirely guy as I don’t watch TV any more.
As far as the Achmed’s and their oddities go… well… what do you think the entrees are being prepared from?
Good thing he had his poking stick with him. Don’t want to get any Guy on your hands
There’s a few places in Glasgow which will deep-fry anything you give them for a nominal fee. We’ve managed to deep-fry beer so Coca-Cola shouldn’t be too different…
“Foodie culture” is an excuses for megalomaniacs to use food to elevate themselves above the writing, filthy masses. Their day against the wall will come.
And I’ll be there, with a bacon cheeseburger.
What is the recipe for fried beer? I’m dying to market this to Texans. Then fried tequila shooters.
Khavren: One should never be without a sturdy pokin’ stick. They’re just so handy for all kinds of things: Moving corpses, poking hard to reach buttons, whackin’ things, deterring stupid people, creating impromptu puppets… The list goes on!
Muleface: Here in the States, we just have to wait for the local state fair to roll around for our things that should not be deep fried crimes against arteries. Though it seems like KFC is aiming to fill the void with some of its… interesting culinary achievements.
Marchosias: If fried beer is anything like fried Coke, it basically involves creating a funnel cake, but swapping all liquid for substance of choice and then pouring more of that substance on top of it either in liquid or syrup form.
I smell lawsuit!
We inject it into bits of ravioli in a very similar way to that of those Texans Khraven mentioned… I too can smell lawsuit! We must think of something more strange to deep fry to counteract this news…
Deep-fried people maybe? Nah, delicatessens are too squeamish. And deep-fried rattlesnake, and rattlesnake chili, is already common here. Although you have to catch it first. Perhaps I can speed up the process? A deep-fried snake cart? Like a giant, serpentine corn-dog. Fangs sold separately.
Hey, I like Guy Fieri! He’s a good dad to his sons, apparently.
Also, he started out by winning ‘Next Food Network Star’ so he started out with his own show called ‘Guy’s Big Bite.’
And I don’t know if this is still going on but for a while he was on this idiotic game show called ‘Minute To Win It.’
Actually we’re rather fond of the man too. But Vill and I do enjoy picking on those we love. After all, we’re both huge fans of Grant Morrison. Despite us having him thrown out a window and appearing naked twice too often here!