Grymm Ramblings
Hiya folks. First off, on behalf of everyone who is part of Voodoo Walrus, thank you. Thank you for being sharing/reblogging etc. last week when I mentioned it. We definitely saw a small spike traffic on the site itself and a surprising spike in views on the Facebook page. It's always need when a post ends up getting twice the number of views than the number of people actually following the page. I really don't have much to say beyond that. You folks are awesome, and any chance you have to share the Walrus with the rest of the internet or just friends and family, will always be greatly appreciated. Oh, there was one thing I've been meaning to ask. I think we asked something similar to this a few years back, but it's worth taking another crack at now: "What are some of the other webcomics you enjoy?" or alternately "Are there any webcomics that Voodoo Walrus remind you of/ remind you of Voodoo Walrus?" Mainly this is being asked for purely selfish reasons. We'll end up taking a look at the sites you suggest and see if there's any advertising opportunities to be had there to further promote Voodoo Walrus. Because hey, why not?
0 thoughts on “Kill Your Heroes 4: Begging Will Get You No Where”
Damn, Grymm’s far more of a badass than I ever imagined…Looks like his anger is starting to manifest something pretty heavy there…Can’t wait to see how this turns out!
I’m not reading a ton of other stuff right now, but looking over what I DO read, nothing reminds me of the Walrus. Between Failures, OGLAF (damn you, Grymm), Yet Another Fantasy Gamer Comic, Ape Not Monkey, The Atheist Pig (when it updates), Bloomin’ Faeries, Pulse, and most anything that comes out of Interrobang Studios when they get around to updating stuff. I know we’ve talked about it before, but I’m going to try to take the plunge into Homestuck once my show’s run is over and I have time.
Grym you are the greatest joy to watch work as always. Its kinda sad. I wanted to see Mac turn that lovely shade of indigo that indicates lack of oxygenated blood going to the brain and the build up of venous blood.
As for webcomics! I enjoy Manly Guys doing Manly Things, Homestuck, Lack a Daisy Cats, OGLAF is a really good one, aaand those are about the few besides Voodoo Walrus I keep up with! I used to enjoy Hannah is Not a Boys Name but it hasn’t updated in quite some time.
I recommend Paranatural, Excellent webcomic that seems like what would happen if X-Files and Invader Zim had a love child. Fun, Silly, and pokes fun at alot of things.
I have to say I read a LOT of web comics and even the comics centered around crazy hijinks don’t come close to the emotional investment I’ve put into Voodoo Walrus. Here’s a small sampling of what I do read though that might gain you awesome new readers.
Something Positive – Questionable Content – Goblins – Curvy ( – Eerie Cuties (and other comics in that universe including Vampire Cheerleaders) – School Bites – Bear Nuts – Devilbear – Flaky Pastry – Skin Deep – Scandinavia and the World (and other Humon drawn comics) – Exiern – Manly Guys doing Manly things – Charby the Vampirate – NicBuxom – Chimney Speak (and likely whatever else they do when this ends) ……seriously this is only the tip of the iceburg
Webcomics I enjoy? Heh. Hehe. Mwhahaha.
I am currently up-to date or bookmarked for around two hundred even. Some I just keep an eye on, some are dear favorites (VW high among them)
In no particular order: Penny-Arcade, XKCD, Questionable Content, Dr. McNinja, Gunnerkrigg Court, Sam&Fuzzy, Derelict, Guilded Age, Supernormal Step, Grrl Power, Monster Soup, Crimson Dark, Dead Winter, Paradigm Shift, String Theory, Star Cross’d (the artist sings like a alt-rock angel), Boxer Hockey, Next Town Over, Skin Deep, Star Power (from creators of Dominic Deegan, and Finder’s Keeper), Run Freak Run, Pahantekija.
Consider this the abridged list. Consider me obsessive.
Do any of these relate to VW? Boxer Hockey and String Theory, maybe.
I dunno Next Town Over could be relate-able given its hoodoo and magic and creeptastic moments, not to mention /steampunk/ man. Bowler is like the queen of it.
Oh yes and the undead woman with the now machine frankenstiened horse chasing down a single man with an unerring urge to KILL. -Points to Grym’s current mood- Similar in this case.