Eye’s Wide Open 33: Just A Quick Chat

Grymm Ramblings

Good sweet lord. I can't believe we started laying groundwork for Mirth, the King In Purple, and The Dark One Dr. Eichholtz all the back in THIS 2010 year-ender page. It's been a long, weird, sad, hiatus filled road. Hey, wanna check out the next t-shirt design we're hashing out? We've got it over on the Patreon! Wait wait! Don't worry! This one's a public post so everyone can check it out! There's also been another public post that's just a better look at the sigil button designs CreepKnight's been sporting for the past story arc and a half. Made mainly because I needed to haveĀ  good reference for them that didn't involve pulling back old strips every time. But hey, I figured some folks might be interested in the little details like that! And of course, if you do support us on Patreon, you can see the next finished page right now! Along with the work in progress pages for the page after that one! I literally just finished the color phase last night! So, anyone check out this new show Glitch Techs on Netflix yet? We've been slowly working our way through it over the past week and it is just goddamn delightful. Thinks Gravity Falls blended together with Ghosterbusters and some dashes of ReBoot and Scott Pilgrim. Good shit, indeed. Right-o, I'm headed back to the art dungeon! We'll see you back here in two weeks for the next page! Until then, keep an eye on the VW Facebook or the Patreon page for updates and goodies throughout the week! We love you all!  

0 thoughts on “Eye’s Wide Open 33: Just A Quick Chat

  1. Show him mirth! Show him friendship isn’t magic.. Magic is a tactical flensing of bones at point blank range!

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