Grymm Ramblings
Hi. Its entirely possible that you're new to the site as of the past couple of days that we've been running some of our Project Wonderful ads pretty hard. If you're new, then let me just say Hello and Welcome to the Walrus's smooth tusky embrace. I'm Grymm Grymmowski. Your friendly artist and rambler. Please, take a stroll through the archive and the various odds and ends in the nav menu above. There's additional entertainment to be found in the form of Ferretman, the cast bios, and the FBI Files. Feel free to take part in the running commentary below this page. The neither the Walrus creative team, nor the regular commenters will bite. Unless you're into that kind of thing and ask nicely.
Now on to the regularly scheduled ramblings....
The 2010 Wrap-up begins now! Let's start with Marron. For the rest of December we'll be peeking in on each of our prominent characters and while we're at it, we'll bring a little bit of closure to some stories, a bit of alluding to the future of things, and maybe just a dash of what-the-fuckery to top it all off. Now then. Its that time again for me to be a shill. Not for Voodoo Walrus, but for myself. This past weekend I spent entirely too long poking at my personal art archives. Reformatting. Laying things out. Measuring, welding, sacrificing children and vagrants alike to create something very special. With the help of, I have made the entire first chunk of the Surrealis Grimoire available for print in a handy dandy +40 page full color print book! For those of you out of the loop, the Surrealis Grimoire is an 80 page sketchbook project I've been working on for the past couple of years. Full of strange, surreal, creepy, fantastical, sometimes post-apocalyptical art. This bound version collects the first fourth of the black and white pages, their digitally colored companions pieces, and the strange scratchings and ramblings of narratives that each inspired from me. This thing is like one of my three magnum opuses. Opusi? Opuseseeippi? It means a lot too me and its some of my favorite stuff of mine I've ever done. So of course I want to share it with world. But you can see most of what's within the book just by poking around my DevArt gallery. Save for a couple of extras.This is for those of you that want something pretty to look at even when you're away from your tech. And maybe something to instill nightmares in the brain sacs of others. Buy The Surrealis Grimoire Volume One here.
0 thoughts on “Make It So”
FYI – for newcomers, certain code words are invitations for biting
Ahh it feels good to be back infront of a dimly glowing monitor with a worn out keyboard under my fingers. As soon as I start getting paid in anything other than free pizza and travel costs for the amount of jobs I do for people I’ll be jumping in the line for a print but until then I’ll have to wait. It’s these jobs that take me away from technology for extended periods of time which is why of late I’ve only been able to comment here maybe once or twice a week instead of participating fully in the discussion. I really do miss this place when I’m sitting with a lighting desk, an audio mixer and my tech bag in a random location for crappy concerts and shows. Oh how I hate school plays…
Incidentally I am definitely going to borrow the phrase “what-the-fuckery” for general use in my day to day life
New guys – He didn’t lie exactly; most of us don’t bite, but we do on occasion stab, cudgel, cajole, plot and unleash phantasmal horrors from beyond the walls of sleep on each other. Welcome to the free-for-all. Bring a helmet.
Muleface – Good to see ya. I’ll just use ‘opusi’ myself, as much of my life is “what-the-fuckery” and I’d hate to define it so. Better left unsaid.
Grymm – Congratulations and viscera to you. It warms my heart (not actually connected to me, but pitching in) to see an artist enter the glorious realm of self-finance. Go forth and terrify.
Today’s comic is 100% Marron approved. Not that any of the other comics aren’t. For curious fans, “Sweet Shatner’s ghost!” is only one of my catch phrases. I’ve also been known to use, “By Riker’s beard!”, “Live long and get the hell out of my face”, and “Your mother is a Klingon.”
Huzzah! Marron approval for a Marron strip! Its good to appease the Webmistress. Really its just good to have a webmistress. Have I mentioned how fun it is to claim “We have a Webmistress?”
On that note, remember to always pay proper respect and sacrifice to Marron kiddies. She’s not just a character that we pretend to post as on occasion. She’s real. She’s awesome. And she rules over Nevada with a leather clad fist. On that note, remember she also runs Its my number one stop for news that relates to me.
Fucking Christ I’m wordy this week.
I fully expect a life size CreepKnight cut out in the store asap.
Grymm, is she standing behind you with the whip as we speak? if so, I highly approve.
@AMK Just for you, I’ll start looking into the printing costs!
@Curator Nah. We have a glorious business relationship built on shameless cross promotion, mind shattering art, sharing instruments of evil and devastation with one another and respect. No femdom required.
My question is – where did you find all the cash for the ‘free shit’ above? The collective dirty coinage found during a thousand hobo murders? Or perhaps Kaboodles legal counter-suit against those nuns you crashed into back in the day?
Another day commission free is another day of sunshine. I don’t know how you do it Grymm.
@Marchosias Heh. the Walrus has always been an act of love, sacrifice (bloodless at that), and selfishness. Every time a page gets worked on, it means its taking away time I could be working on commissions and making money.
Money to keep things up and running have come right from my own pocket or CreepKnight’s pocket so far. Material costs for paper and pencils (By the dark gods of graphite the Walrus BURNS through HB pencils). The money sent to Marron to keep the domain in our clutches. The money that we’ve recently spent to ride hard on Project Wonderful advertising. Its all part o’ the sacrifice part.
We love doin’ this. We love entertainin’ the masses because we don’t trust the job to anyone else. And we’ll keep paying necessary costs out of pocket until the time comes that the Walrus actually starts bringing in not only enough money to support itself, but for us to be able to maybe make the Walrus more a full time 5 day a week type of project. But for now, that’s still a bit off.
Money for material – the bane of existence. That, and zombies.
But you can’t shoot the concept of economy. Yet.
5 days a week Walrus? Trying to wreck existence, are we? Can the fabric of the world take so much random in such frequency?
Marron’s sexy, just sayin
Yes, I am. Thanks for noticin’. How’ve you been, by the way? I feel like I haven’t talked to you in a looooong time.
most left lower pannel:
great just when i was getting sleep you manage to ruin it for me. why do i keep reading this commic? oh yeah its just plain ass awesome. and as a dutchman i know awesome
I spy a new commenter. Welcome Vensik. I hope your stay is as interesting as the rest of ours.
@Muleface Nah. Vensik is old hat. He’s been lurking ever since his first comment right before Hobogeddon started. He’s just been more active here recently. He’s also the only person on here that can say that they’ve seen and read the pre-Voodoo Walrus work of Voodoo Walrus Productions.
Ah~! Tis the Mule! Welcome back again Mule, and Grymm if you ever manage to make this a five day a week thing, than someone somewhere is going to nominate you both for president for being so freaking awesome. I’d vote for y’all.
And Maaaaaaan, talk about spoiling a web mistress, lookit those goodies!
@Rosey I can’t speak for Vill, but I’d have turn down offers of presidency. Last time I got a presidency bestowed upon me it… it just didn’t end well. For anyone. Everywhere. Myself included. Oh god… the blood. All the blood… THE BLOOOOOOOOOOOD! Ah! Its inside of me BLOOD IS INSIDE MEEEEEEEEE!
Grymm – That can be fixed.
@Marchosias It sure can. That’s what I have robo-slaves and a Fronkobo for.
“He’s also the only person on here that can say that they’ve seen and read the pre-Voodoo Walrus work of Voodoo Walrus Productions.”
And Grymm is one of 2 people on here who can say he’s seen what’s in my pants. Both of which were glorious sites to behold.
Woah… I like the keywords in this post or something… all 4 of the Project Wonderful ads on my page right now have breasts in them…
Avatar test?
@Vensik I noticed that a little while ago too. They’re all from the same publisher. They must be running a wide spread bid campaign.
Oh. Did I forget to mention that CreepKnight and I share a long and sordid and hilarious history with Vensik? Cause we do. But those are our stories. OURS!
Yes, from chasing rabid mongoose through the waters of the ivory coast to disproving the very existence of matter. It is a long and sordid history indeed. Grymm knows what object all conversations naturally gravitate to though.
Aww… there’s a little squid in the top right one now. The conquest of anatomy over adspace is over.
@Vensik Consider your avatar test a success.
i love this page i really do
Its the impossible studly CreepKnight cut out that makes it for you, isn’t it?