Grymm Ramblings
Well. That's that for Skip Weasel Joe's. Though I'll tell you this much... don't believe for a second that the Achmed Brothers let themselves get caught in a torrent of buttery laser death. Oh no. One more page and The Greasy Spoon will be all wrapped. Then we move into a story arc we've been planning for at least three months now! In other news, the semi-irregular web trawl has produced an interesting result for sites mentioning Voodoo Walrus! This walrus related blog not only mentioned us, but the awesomeness that is the Voodoo Walrus logo t-shirt! I thought that was rather nifty. By the way, just gonna throw this out there... Would anyone be interested if we were to start offering awesome, high quality glossy prints of Voodoo Walrus pages? They'd be $10 a pop (plus a little extra for shipping) and look even better than what you're seeing on your monitor, smart phone, or evil wi-fi enabled scrying pool. Just let us know. Cause we can totally hook you up.
0 thoughts on “The Greasy Spoon 8: Just Desserts”
How large of a print? And what about archives for sale on cd/download?
Print size would be 8.5″ x 11″! Download, no idea… CD archives however… that’s a possibility considering we’re not quite at the point of being able to produce a type print collection book yet!
Excellent. This would be good in print, or CD, floating angel-like over the black seas of publication, far above the rush of books about pussy-ass hemoglobin deficient fags.
Also, to continue the discussion of Coke and world domination: Original, uninfected, fructose-free Coke is still made in Mexico, in glass bottles. See if your local Mexican import place has it.
If not, I may be able to send you some. Just cause you’re awesome, and awesome deserves Coke.
Consider thumb drives for alternative publication.
Oooh, a nice custom thumb drive preloaded with the archives and the “Walrus Virus” would be an interesting option
Ok, that’s interest in prints, CD’s, AND THUMBDRIVES. Also, there is now talk amongst the inner circle of CD’s and possibly thumbdrives containing not only the archive, but also audio creator commentary. You would finally get to hear and swoon over our voices.
We thumb-drives sound good. However we call them pen-drives over here for some silly reason; the thumb prefix is much more reasonable.
The important thing is that while thumb drives have a certain draw, CD’s are hardcopies, and cannot be deleted or altered. There may be a way to make a drive defile-proof, but I’m hardly the expert. My skills are limited to looking at this giddy blasphemy.
Either way, when it comes down to it, we’ll probably offer a choice between things rather than an either/or kind of thing. CD’s are definitely going to be made available soon. Complete with creator commentary. Prints are going to be available even sooner. Thumbdrives are going to be put on the table for discussion. Since I think we’d have to so a little more looking into them in regards of price versus capacity versus how much data the archives equal out to.
Would the prints be jsut of the new Walrus or the archives as well?
Oh we’re talking the whole shebang. Though the old black and white era pages would be… touched up a bit to make them more awesome and more print worthy.
Aw come onnnn.
Why do you have to go after all of the amusing, personable Food Network chefs?
Go after the awful ones!