We here at Voodoo Walrus Productions would like to wish glorious beleated birthday well-wishes upon one of our one; the ever spectacular Bowler. That's right. Yesterday was the real life Bowler's birthday! So if you love Bowler as much as we do (which is statiscially impossible. You could never adore her as much as we do without breaking fundamental laws of time and space) wish her a happy birthday in the comments section below.
Also, we are currently gearing up to hit our very first ever convention come April ninth! That's right! Next month! Preparation is now well under way! I'm not gonna mince words here folks. We have no idea what we're doin', but we're flailin' around and determined to make things work! So I'm gonna say this right now, as plain as day as I can. No fancy words. No pizazz:
If you'd like to assist Voodoo Walrus Productions in getting to its very first convention (RavenCon in Virginia) where we will be selling a metric ton of awesome shiny prints and giving away various free odds 'n ends, then hit us with a nice juicy Paypal donation. You can find the donate button to the left of this news post under the "Latest Comics" thing.
Here's an even juicier bit... If you donate as little as $20.00 USD to the Walrus, we will totally send you an awesome 8.5" x 11" print of either one of the newer Voodoo Walrus strips (full color and lettering and all!) or a colored Surrealis Grimoire print! And trust me folks, these prints? They look so incredibly awesome that you'll tear up a bit. I should them to Old Man McGillicuttie down the street right? He died from joy. But then again he had a weak heart already.
2 thoughts on “Eggrolls 10: The Impossible Cocking of Fate”
2 thoughts on “Eggrolls 10: The Impossible Cocking of Fate”
Great Voodoo. And a Happy Birthday to the Bowler!
‘Appy ‘irthday!