Grymm Ramblings
Greetings and salutations everyone! Been a while since there's been anything substantial to report. Until now. We're currently gearing up for a lot of major stuff that's going to be happening this year, primarily a rather hefty story arc that we're referring to as a spiritual sequel to the Eggrolls/Roadtrip arc from a couple years back. That said, we might need an extra bit of wiggle room to work on it and catch our breath before diving into after this current arc. So we thought we might try something new that would directly involve you fine readers. How would you feel about opening up an in-comic Q&A? Basically, you send us your questions we VW characters to answer them in lieu of the normal updates for about a week. Now, first off these questions could only be concerning Voodoo Walrus and the stories, characters, and or events therein. This is NOT "Ask CreepKnight a Question". Nor is this the venue to ask me any questions about the art. It is a chance for you to maybe directly ask a particular VW characters about something though. If this sounds interesting to you, please send your questions to If we get enough questions to work with, we'll make this happen and have some pre-epicness fun. If not, we'll probably still take a week off and simply post a preview on one of our other projects that has absolutely no bearing on Voodoo Walrus whatsoever.
0 thoughts on “Flashback! 2: Meanwhile… On the Grymmowski Family Estate Proper…”
Yes, Rip, it’s very valuable to learn something new each time you get your ass handed to you. The average person would learn how not to get pummeled for the same offence, but you seem like a special kind of guy.
Well… This explains CK love of liquor. I wondered how he was able to enjoy it as a young boy. This explains it.
love how grymm slithered down to the ground. His hair does more tricks than Bayonetta!
Oh Rip Rip Rip…You’re such a silly boy.
Voodoo Walrus: Come for the beatings, stay for the promise of robots.