And Now, A Word from Our Sponsor
Greetings friends. Say, are you tired of the perils of gravity? Does having to keep your feet on the ground fill you with a rage so all encompassing that you just can't help but stand on top of your desk at work and shout "Fuck you, gravity! How dare you keep me from reaching out to the stars?" Well then, you should stop. Because gravity is your friend. Gravity is the duct tape of the universe. Gravity is what keeps us all from spilling out into the vast vacuum of space, where we would all be dead inside of thirty seconds without an air tight space suit. Do you have a space suit? Of course not. But on the off chance that you do, just remember that oxygen in an air tight suit is an extremely limited resource that would only prolong your inevitable death long enough for you to think back on all the things in life you'll miss. You know who has plenty of oxygen? We do, right here on Earth. And do you know why?
This message has been brought to you by Gravity: without it, we'd all be screwed.
0 thoughts on “Entropy 101 28: Oh Bother -or- The Consequences of Gravity”
Ah gravity. Though fickle heartless bitch. You’ve foiled many a grand escape attempt.
Poor Rook even in the past he’s doomed to so much failure at the hands of the Voodoo. I do notice the good news that his acne has cleared at the least.
And as ever, the resident purveyor of follicular mayhem ends up a simple swath of red strands. I’m quite jealous. I wish I could tame my hair to be so useful.
Magic proximity effect. He MIGHT have a sensitivity that causes him to age more rapidly than he should resulting in all his hair falling out and him being the horndog manchild we encounter in the future.
Of course that’s just me speculating.
Uh yeah! What you two said and totally not the fact that I simply forgot to add 20 gallons of grease into the Rook! recipe this update.
Though obviously from the look of his shirt, there was at least 10 gallons of grease that made it in…
That said, for those curious, the Rook! recipe is as follows:
30 gallons of used fast food grease.
Four cups of grit.
12 hair picks forever lost in the SHAME-FRO.
Old lint from the dryer (however much seems right at the time).
A couple of hours worth of X-Files recorded onto an old VHS tape with the commercials cut out.
The burning plastic smell of an overused CRT monitor that’s finally dying and the picture keeps warping and flickering and going black every few minutes.
Ominous legs are ominous.