Grymm Ramblings
Well we're back. You guys were awfully quiet over the weekend. Am I to take it you were simply awed at the beauty of the guest art Marron did for us? That's how I'm going to choose to take it.
I love me some DickBlick. They are my one true source of art supplies of all types. Despite the fact that the materials I use are pretty narrow in scope. Design drawing pencils. Black FW acrylic ink. Strathmore Bristol board. Prismacolor Premier markers. Prismacolor colored pencils. That's about it. And really that list is way shorter when speaking of producing the Walrus. That's nothing but the boards and the pencils.
Anyway for any who might have missed it last week simply because you didn't check the site for thinking there was nothing new to find...
You're going to want to check out the second episode of CreepKnight Answers Your Fucking Questions. Remember, send you question to
0 thoughts on “Bad Cheeese from the 5th Dimension 1”
Sunshine The Destroyer
Coolest teleport sound ever.
Mercenary Clown
as a side note…..
if mirth gets your hands, brain and feet….can i have your bones…i can use them to make awesome weapons…and maybe some bullets for fun….
This ain’t no free for all. Ya gotta have Walrus brand clout to lay claim to Walrus brand organics.
Mercenary Clown
If by clout, you meany cloth (or clothes) then I’ve I’ve already got me some…
If you refer to something else, then all I can ask is where do I aquire some?
Welcome back – your insanity has been missed.
As to clout and pathological samples… I want your hair. Your deadly, deadly hair.
Tis rather nifty ain’t it?
Sunshine The Destroyer
Yup! So much cooler than those lame ass pops most people make. Or that crappy pop music you hear….wait those are ring tones aren’t they? Ah well either way…what was I saying? Ooooo, shiny thing.
At this point there’s really no different between a “new pop music single” and a “ring tone”. After all, its not all that subtle when songs blatantly focus on phones, cell phones, or ring tones.
CK’s new facial hair is almost sinister…I like it!
He lends himself spiffy new fashions and stylings.
Yes, my freak out results in momentary catatonia. Like when gaming with friends at a diner and the waitress pauses to molest my hair while I’m moving a game piece. Apparently the guys I game with find my look of abject horror “adorable”
damnit! wrong reply… this should be with the other discussion.
I’d Blamf her…
Haven’t you blamfed enough of the Walrus cast already?
One can never have too much blamf.
To be fair, my profiles on most sites warn people I have a fetish. I also never touch without asking.
Tis a good rule to go by. After all, you never know who might freak the fuck out from human contact. I know several such people.
Because I am in the grips of a biblical (metaphorically of course – the book burns me)
writer’s block, and wrapping your deadly red locks over my head like a cap might cure me.
And technically, hair is inanimate, so you are part object.
Your logic holds no sway here sir! I have animal crackers! Animal crackers in the little cruelty infused circus looking box with the handy carry string! REAL animal crackers. They trump all things save for double stuff E.L. Fudge cookies.
I too desire thine hair. Simply because I can finally meld it with my own insanely long locks and produce a poisonous hybrid not unlike a Blue Ring Octupi that lies in wait for my command…plus your hair is jsut such a pretty shade of red m’dear~ it’d go so well with my killing Corset.
Will it help me write again? Will it? Will snapping the heads off starch based animals help me write? Tell me!
I give in then, my people. All may partake in the Grymm Hair. But if any of you try to grab it as hand hold as you’re falling out of a car, my vengeance shall be swift and all consuming! I’ve had that happen once before. Never again.
I’d never do that!
I hate it when people tug horribly on my hair like that, tis painful and it makes my hair frizz like a beast. Considering the difficulties I have with ass length wavy hair, that makes me want to kill something when it poofs up. So no, no pulling or grabbing during death defying stunts.
Excellent. I’ll just take a snipping for my own uses. Perhaps I’ll wear it to the devaintArt shindig in March. Stroke a bright red soul-patch while critiquing better artists.
You’re going to be at the Austin Devmeet?
Yep. Free food, artists, and hobnobbing.
GAH! *fets* NOW I HAVE to Try and make it! I could totally kidna-errrr…borrow you without permission for an extended period of time. *coughs*
Sake knocks out my upper neurologics pretty well.
Yes! In fact vivisection and ingestion of tiny animal shaped snacks help fight a variety of ailments including but not limited to:
Upset stomach
Liver discoloration
Social anxiety
Inflamed brain
Lung trauma
Liver Flukes
Discontinue use of animal crackers if you begin to experience hallucinations, collapsing lungs, constipation, paranoia, inflated lymph nodes, unexpected growths, lesions, demonic possession, or rickets.
Mercenary Clown
Can I have your bones?
Which ones? I have bunches.
Mercenary Clown
i want em all…i know i can make some badass weapons and maybe some peices of decorative armor add ones with CK’s bones
Sunshile The Destroyer
You sir both fascinate and disturb me in an odd odd way. I applaud you in succeeding in this.
Look elsewhere. We’re using all of our bones.
Mercenary Clown
i was suffering to when you didnt need them anymore Grymm
@sunshine- i have that ability…but at least i fascinate you….
most people find me to either be downright creepy/freaky
or completely unhinged….or both
Sunshine The Destroyer
Don’t be too flattered I meant it more like ‘something I want to dissect it’s brain to find out WHY?!’ way.
Mercenary Clown
Sunshine….slicing my head open would be hard….and a very dangerous game
@Mercenary Clown
Nope. I’m taking my bones with me when I go.
And isn’t that really the most we can ask for?
@Sunshine There’s something about women threatening invasive exploratory surgery on people that just brings a smile to my face. Throw in you wearing goggles and a shiny labcoat during the proceedings and we’re talking major awesomeness.
Sunshine The Destroyer
Well those are required for such things. Cant be getting blood all over my clothes now can I?
Currently on an Archives binge, now three hours in. Holy hell, CK. Put a rum and coke in your hand, and you’re totally channeling Julian from TRAILER PARK BOYS.