Grymm Ramblings
Hiya folks! Wow, there's a lot of bruising up there isn't there? You have no idea how glad I am that I'm not Grant Morrison right now*. So, I wanted to ask a favor. Nothing to big. In fact, it might be something some of you already do or something that's just never occurred to most reading. It would be really appreciated if whenever you saw a Voodoo Walrus page you really like, you shared it on whatever social media you might opt to use. Hell, if you've liked and follow the Voodoo Walrus Productions Facebook page, it's as simple as hitting the share button. Or tweet a link to the page you're enjoying. Or share us with your friends on Tumblr. Or if you happened to use Reddit or Stumblupon or one of those strange, mystical content feed things that confuse and bewilder me, share us through that. Really, we just want to get the Walrus spread as far as possible and it'd be awesome if you could help us in that! Any little thing you can do potentially helps us a lot! And we appreciate it! Just don't go spamming or anything. That never ends well. Come back Friday for more blood, bruising, and beatings! We love you all. *For those not in the comic loop. Grant Morrison, the real Grant Morrison, is a Chaos Magician and Scottish comic writer who not only managed to boost the flagging sales of his comics series The Invisibles by asking his reader base to masturbate to the thought of the series selling more, but he also designed one of the main characters of the book after himself. But when the story reached the point where said character was beaten and shot and left with rather significant internal and external damage, a series of events led to similar injuries being inflicted upon Grant himself. He chalks this up to the high levels of emotion and magic he tethered between himself and creating the comic.
0 thoughts on “Kill Your Heroes 2: There Was A Rude Awakening”
…I feel an intense rage at seeing Grym sheared. It took me years to get my hair to grow back to a decent length when it was cut once. Seeing the well loved head of red hair barren of anything save stubble actually makes me more angry then just about anything I have seen before in the comic series. I actually kinda /liked/ Mac in that ‘I’m a psychotic bitch and respect the rights to be a psychotic bitch’. But this…Oh how I hope she goes down and stays down.
I’ll confess, I teared up the day the comic it happened posted.
I always retweet you when I see you and you are liked!
As for Grant Morisson, and his… *SIGH* No, I’ll keep my mouth shut and let nature takes its course. It makes me less head explodey.
Shall we simply leave it at “Grant Morrison is a very, VERY special man and it’d be in everyone’s best interest to simply smile and nod until he’s trundled off somewhere else.”?
And also yes! We totally see your awesome retweetings and such and we adore you for that! Well that and you’re just generally awesome anyway!
I’ve always adored the little details throughout the comic…Story and art-wise. Blood dried under Mac’s fingernails in panel 4. Love it!
It’s not fair/right that Rip has the longest hair in that car at the moment.
Grymm…. is not smilling… not panicking… just… looks… pissed… Alright boys and girls time to find a nice safe bombshelter on the opposite side of the planet. Smoke them if you’ve got them. You might not get a second chance. Considering the collateral damage Grymm and Lord Creepknight do on ACCIDENT… we might not survive what is coming so you know what. Forget the bombshelter. Relax, take a load off. Might as well take off your pants and chill and enjoy the last of time and space while you can.
To borrow a turn of phrase from the digital vernacular as it were…
^What he said.
..The website has changed and I can no longer see the comic. I FEAR. I fear. But yay new things?
Be calm, my pretties. All shall be well. Marron is working her dark digital magics on the dark, dank guts of the site. Snipping here, stitching there, changing out the old, dirty Orphan Soul oil, pouring fresh orphans into the thresher/grinder/squeezer (all orphans are different, you have to be prepared).
There is much excitement at the site changes! Even if now I must defeat my OCD. The icons aren’t straaaaight aaaaah but oooh new shiny orphan soul oil~