Grymm Ramblings
Originally a news post was going to go here. I pulled it though. It wasn't anything important and it can wait till next time or next week. Let's leave the focus on the comic above. Things are going to be... interesting for the next week or so. Buckle in. We won't let you done. At least not physically.
Also, looks like this is gonna be another one of those "Light on Grymm weeks". Expect to possibly see a lot more out of CK and Mirth commentary wise than me. There's work to be done. I've already started drafting the all new, never before seen artwork that will be the cover for the Year Zero PDF collection. On top of all the commissions, the actual comics for next week, and my desire to continue working on the ConQuest of the Aerolith-Mortis comic project.
You need my attention. email me at Otherwise, I'll be watching silently from my inbox.
0 thoughts on “Academy Award Winning Comic 11: A Class Five Free Roaming New Tenant”
Bowler has a damn good point. However judging by the look on her face I think the boys are in for an adventure light arch of getting back in her, Mirth, and any other present, affiliated women.
I suspect Bowler’s stalker/asshole ex has something to do with the money disappearing.
I agree…
I disagree. Not really but I have to say that because of my contract. COURSE YOU DREW CAREY! I WILL FILL ALL YOUR SOCKS WITH MARSHMALLOWS AND YOUR AIR FILTERS WITH CHEESE!
OI! That’s my minion’s job!
Will B.
Rose know you protective of your cheese based attacks, but March is the on who drew straws for Drew Carey. He won it fair and square so both of us agreed to step back and let him enjoy the slow torturous death that his twisted imagination could come up with. So keep be a lady of your word and bring the bourbon. Okay??
I know we’re all impatient for Carey to die, and make that funny gurgling sound on the way down, but things – are already in motion. We all have a fear, a dreaded task that causes us to wake at night, soaked in sweat (and not for a good, naughty, sweaty reason). I found Carey’s. Everyday his body lurches awake, and performs this blasphemed task, his mind locked inside. Every day, Drew Carey lives his worst fear, the thing that makes him shake for loathing: plays host to the Price is Right. And has to smile every time. The man lives in Hell.
Fine, fine, but only if I get black tapes of his tormented sessions of torment! I demand them!
Grymm always has the most insightful comments to make in comic, Yes Grymm, the nice Steampunk lady is not a ghost. She’s far too pretty to be a ghost.
Obviously you’ve never had the pleasure of meeting the Boo-tiful, Boo Burlesque in the outskirts of Annapolis, Maryland. She might be spectral, but she’s still saucy after 112 years.
hehehe this comment reminds me of the existence of I must now go ogle the pin-up girls.
That would be true, the closest I’ve been to Maryland is Washington DC and that’s hardly the capital of insightful or witty commentary, dead or living. *holds fedora over heart* Bless the dead soldiers lying cold in the ground, no offense meant to them. They were completely so in life.
If I happen to ever be in Maryland, I will stop by to chat with her!
You’ve obviously never been to one of my seances.
You must not have met some of the ghosts I have. I even considered offering one a job as my lab assistant, but that would have been rather pointless as I’m lucky enough to
have an Igor from Uberwald, and have little need for any more lab assistants.
CreepKnight demands to know why there are still mice in his walls!!! What Lovecraftian horrors await me?! Why won’t they let me sleeeeeeep?!
Rose, I’m going to have to insist you reign in your minions or cull the interlopers. You’ve angered one of our wonderful leaders (or at least rallying points).
OI! MICE are not RATS those little monsters are out of my check list, I can send in a strike force of Ratties if you care to? But not if cats are involved, cats and Rats tend to end up plotting world domination together…I don’t need my minions having to be culled thank you very much.
I could feasibly lend you a cat for a bit?
Venture not into the caves beneath Castle CreepKnight! The truth of your family, and your ultimate doom await you there!
But seriously, don’t come down here – I’m not decent.
*blink* Are any of us decent? I run around in my undergarments in public.
I’m never decent, in garment or behavior, but our good hosts don’t wanna see some things, and I respect that. Also, I’m wearing a towel.
Goddammit March!!! It’s you, isn’t it? You’ve somehow managed to bypass my security measures and have taken up residence in my catacombs, haven’t you? That’s it, I’m telling my man servant to release the hounds!!!
My hounds are of a Stygian nature. Also, they have lasers. And squeak toys.
Wait… do you have a rent check?
I do, sir. It’s on your desk, next to the black label Scotch. And since that’s covered, can you get Frankenhobo to stop trying to kill me? It’s endearing, really, but I have commissions to write, and can’t spare my whacking hand at the moment.
Are you going to keep the beard Creepknight? It looks really good on you.
If the archieves tell us anything is that Creepknight’s facial hair is not an object like mine or a sentient entity like Grymm’s rather it is a FORCE OF NATURE DAMN IT! It ebbs and flows, comes and goes like the tide… AND THEN CONSUMES YOU IN HAIRY MASCULINE DEATH! FOR THE SECRET IS OUT! CREEPKNIGHT’S FACIAL HAIR IS THE REAL FIFTH ELEMENT AND WILL CONSUME US ALL! CTHULU HAS NOTHING ON THE CURLS OF HIS CHINNI CHIN CHIN!