Just gonna toss this out here again since there was so little feedback last time:
We're currently in the brainstorming phase for the Volume 2 Voodoo Walrus PDF (because it is now very close to being greenlit) and would like to know what kind of exclusive extra goodies you'd like to see included/what extras would further entice you you buy a copy for yourself?
Let your voice and suggestions be heard!
The Volume 1 Voodoo Walrus PDF collects the B&W era and Hobogeddon along with exclusive art and extras that will never be available anywhere else. It carries a price tag of just $10 and every cent of purchase goes to site costs and the material costs that help create each page! As always, it's all for you!
0 thoughts on “Wrath of Con 6: Violating Your Privacy to Violate Your Heart”
Is that the “Killlll” of I was woken to the worried tones of my buxom sex partner or just the general reaction of someone waking you up?
Also, I’d total go for both Ona and CK… but for me creativity is an aphrodisiac and I have poor impulse control. I bet that would make for an epic naked cuddle pile too.
….Aaaaand that above thought process tells me it’s time to call the special friends that keep the world safe from my libido.
Voodoo Walrus is not the place for my random erotic fantasies and sexual escapades. At least not until they start doing convention tours and I get an official Voodoo Walrus paddle to haze new embracers of the Walrus with. Most of them might like it.
See… this is why I always do research on people before I break into their houses to wake them at odd hours. Tends to make things better for everyone involved. Remember a prepared waker is a less broken waker. Write that down.
0 thoughts on “Wrath of Con 6: Violating Your Privacy to Violate Your Heart”
Will B.
And now we have a dead T-square. Told him not to do that.
Mercenary Clown
He shall learn in time
T-Square, RUN!!!!!!!
I don’t know about you guys, but I love the last two panels of this comic. Even without the words, the artwork speaks volumes.
Also…love that ass.
Will B.
You are correct. Last two panels rock. (Not gonna mention Ona’s ass though cause I do not want to be in the casket next to T-square.)
Dude, you can comment on her ass. It doesn’t bother either one of us (to my knowledge).
You can comment on my ass, too. TELL ME I’M FABULOUS!!!
…and that’s enough Blitzgrun for the evening.
Will B.
Dude you may the most fabulous ass in the whole South, but that don’t mean I want to see it.
There never enough Blitzgrun in the evening. In the morning maybe but never the evening.
…you totally want to see my butt.
Is that the “Killlll” of I was woken to the worried tones of my buxom sex partner or just the general reaction of someone waking you up?
Also, I’d total go for both Ona and CK… but for me creativity is an aphrodisiac and I have poor impulse control. I bet that would make for an epic naked cuddle pile too.
….Aaaaand that above thought process tells me it’s time to call the special friends that keep the world safe from my libido.
To answer your question…
The world is safe from me… for now.
*slips on Jayne hat*
I could stand to hear some more.
Will B.
Followed by “I’ll be in my bunk” right??
Voodoo Walrus is not the place for my random erotic fantasies and sexual escapades. At least not until they start doing convention tours and I get an official Voodoo Walrus paddle to haze new embracers of the Walrus with. Most of them might like it.
See… this is why I always do research on people before I break into their houses to wake them at odd hours. Tends to make things better for everyone involved. Remember a prepared waker is a less broken waker. Write that down.
May I suggest using the bedroom window next time? Easier to fix than the ceiling. Just for future reference…
Grab some drinks and put on some Cradle of Filth people, CK’s about to get his Murder Ranger on.
Cradle of Filth?
I’m insulted. I’m genuinely insulted.
Everyone knows that all of my fight sequences are carefully choreographed to Rusted Roots’ “Send Me on My Way.”
I… I don’t even know what that would look like. I’m hanging up my steel-toed boots and brass knuckles – I don’t deserve them anymore.