Grymm Ramblings
So, who likes custom art? How about Halloween art? Right now, I'm offering a commission deal for Halloween inspired art. $15 5" x 5" pieces featuring either the commissioner themselves, or their original characters altered for Halloween. Perhaps vampire-ified. Or Frankenstein-anated. Or Zombified? Maybe even done up like a mad scientist. If you have an idea for how you'd like to be twisted, let me know! If you'd rather leave it to me, I'm cool with that too! For $15 you'd be getting a 5" x 5" piece of fully inked, and digitally colored art. Once finished, the full size, high resolution file would be emailed to you for you to use in whatever way you'd like! And this would all happen BEFORE Halloween! So I people need to lay claim to these as soon as possible so I can get started! And if you'd like to be greedy and snag more than just one for yourself, go ahead! If you're interested, please contact me at and we'll do an easy exchange of necessary info. I'll be honest folks, it'd really help me out if I got some takers on these. I'd love to do some Halloween themed art in this last week of October. Also, the sad fact is, I kinda need the extra cash too. I'll be accepting Paypal payment for these seeing as how its quick and easy.
0 thoughts on “Meatnecks and Boomsticks 7”
Don’t forget, at least half of your readers are Megalomaniacs hell bent on world domination… at least one of us are likely to succeed, then you dine on their entrails, and guzzle wine from their skulls while watching their fan base get torn apart by lions in your very own private Colosseum.
As soon as I start earning enough money to afford more than bread, butter and Relentless (quite literally all I survive on some days) then I’ll buy a print of this for my wall as the six most important steps known to man!
Hats off to you Shmeerm, you have given us 6 easy steps with which to teach all minions everywhere proper minioning. Oh if only the poor Ninja’s had known….*snerks* We just get to enjoy the gore and blood shed~! Onwards~!
Should have a tag for lesbian singer
Adon Rose
Can i skip the first five steps? I only want to fuck and roar
Tactical entry is a beautiful thing. Like puppies, flowers. and lesbians.
And I’ll see you on the commission front, Grymm. I need to creepify my Samhain this year.
Okay, that’s just weird. We have a “Rosey” AND an “Avon Rose” commenting. Anyway….
Curator: We spent so long thinking about taking the world over. Its nice to know that really we can leave it in the hands of others and simply keep creating awesome entertainment for the new world over.
Muleface: Hey just let us know. We’re totally set up for awesome “print on demand” capabilities.
Rosey: The poor ninja bastards forgot the most important rule about ninjaing. One ninja is unstoppable. Anything more than Two ninjas with their faces completely covered is a massacre waiting to happen.
Khavren: Hmm.. Yes. This would probably pull in a few more search results!
Adon Rose: Hell yes! You fuck and roar to your heart;’s content. And if anyone has a problem with it, tell ’em that CreepKnight and Grymm gave you permission. Unless you do something horribly illegal. In which case… who are you again?
Marchosias: If there’s one thing I love to do its creepify things!
The Gauzeman
The Gauzeman: **scratches his head, dusts off abit of lint buildup on his shoulder, rev’s up the dual chainsaw baseball bats he’s fashioned himself, and goes on a murderous killing spree throughout Phoenix, Arizona. Seriously, who’s going to miss that retirement hellzone anyway..besides Grandpa Underbreeches?**
~( The Gauzeman, is Watching )~
(o) (o)
(//////////)o<;;;;;;;;;;;;;/ <–Gauzeman /w Scarf