I have done a thousand dreadful things As willingly as one would kill a fly, And nothing grieves me heartily indeed But that I cannot do ten thousand more.
This random moment of historical badassery written by shakespear is brought to you by Books… READ ONE BEFORE I BLUDGEON YOU WITH A TREE!
Don’t worry, Bowler, technically Starscream and Evil Lynn were minions too. Rip is decidedly more Skelator than Megatron so feel free to use him as a puppet if he survives this.
*Hands Bowler a box of latex gloves* I hope you didn’t think I meant figuratively.
I often read this webcomic just to see how much more egomaniacal Rip can get. I’d love to hate him, but he’s too stupid to be hateable, so he keeps growing on me like a fungus.
0 thoughts on “Kill Your Heroes 16: This Is Not A Test”
I have done a thousand dreadful things As willingly as one would kill a fly, And nothing grieves me heartily indeed But that I cannot do ten thousand more.
This random moment of historical badassery written by shakespear is brought to you by Books… READ ONE BEFORE I BLUDGEON YOU WITH A TREE!
I feel quite close to you right now.
Don’t worry, Bowler, technically Starscream and Evil Lynn were minions too. Rip is decidedly more Skelator than Megatron so feel free to use him as a puppet if he survives this.
*Hands Bowler a box of latex gloves* I hope you didn’t think I meant figuratively.
Tsk, tsk. Meat-puppets are always the answer.
I often read this webcomic just to see how much more egomaniacal Rip can get. I’d love to hate him, but he’s too stupid to be hateable, so he keeps growing on me like a fungus.
Excellent. Everything is going according to plan. *evil fingers*
*sustained screaming*
Well he seems quite reasonable.