Grymm Ramblings
Greetings all! As I've mentioned before, we're busy with numerous things here at Castle Walrus and one of those things is a little run of pieces to put the Voodoo into Voodoo Walrus proper! Now we're not going to say what these new pieces are for yet, but I will say that there will be at least four different pieces made and all will be in full, glorious ink and color and will be made available in a number of ways.
For now though, one person has the chance to own the original hardcopy ink work for the first piece off the line featuring Mirth.
It's a 9 in x 12 inch, black and white, hand inked piece on illustration board. Signed by both myself and the real life Mirth.
Price: $55 USD. Yes. That price does include shipping (Unless you live outside the United States, in which case I'll need to know where you're located before I give you the final price after shipping charges.)
Paypal, money orders, and personal checks are all acceptable forms of payment.
The art will be protected in shipping by being enclosed by heavy duty cardboard to help keep stripey henchmen and pigmen for bending it.
The buyer will also be receiving a free , full size, high resolution, digital version of the final colored print once it's completed.
If interested, contact Grymm at or at
Again, this is a single original hand drawn piece and one of a kind. So this is a first come first serve type of deal. The first person to say "I want it!" and sends their payment in for it, it's theirs.
As long as this news post goes unaltered, figured that the piece is still for sale and up for grabs!
0 thoughts on “Wrath of Con 17: We Don’t Know Any Fake Spanish”
Before my brain explodes from the awesomeness of this particular comic, I must ask. WHY was Blondestar driving some kind of rocket-powered beaten-up pickup truck in reverse for the Masked T-Sqaure?
Grymm Grymmowski
Oh that’s an easy one! Because they ruined their previous SuperPowers Council Money Wagon (as seen here fighting the Rhode Island Goatman Incursion (Classifed).
Marron Marvel
Because that’s what people drove in the 80s and Blondestar is perpetually stuck in the 80s.
Villemous CreepKnight
Because I said so.
A better question is why those two are allowed to drive PERIOD!!!
Mirth Shangri-La
Grymm! Have I mentioned you are amazing! Love it! Also, I totally want a hat like that!
Rhaina Kincaid
It looks like the awesome combination of (marvel) Loki’s crown and a pimp hat.