Grymm Ramblings
Hey everybody. How the hell are ya? I think its safe to say now that as of this page... Meatnecks only has two pages left. From there... its all gravy. We've got this pretty spiffy idea of how to bring in the end of the year. Far, far, more entertaining than last year's "Grymm needs a break so we're just gonna post character profile bio things well into January". No my friends. We're gonna have actual story arc updates right up till New Year's as per the regular schedule. And from there? We start what we're considering The Second Year of the Walrus. 2010 was the First Year of the Walrus. Everything that came before 2010... well... that's the preamble. I feel the need to use this moment to repeat myself a little. I just want to say, possibly for the second or fortieth time... we appreciate you. We appreciate your comments. Knowing that a small sampling of our readers are exactly the kind of people we want reading our comic (intelligent, well read, plotting, scheming, possibly current or future supervillains, complex thinking, sadistically gleeful) warms the industrial sludge pump that I had that Norwegian surgeon implant to replace my blood mover-arounder. (Fuck... FUUUUUCK Grymm's about to get wordy! Abandon the fucking ship guys!) You see, we started this thing back in... like... what... Hold on. I'll check to see if the hold Tripod site is still up... JESUS CHRIST ON A POGO BLENDER! Two thousand fucking six? We start the old original proto-Walrus in '06? That was forever ago. To be fair it was like another year or so before the Walrus as it is now started. Then there was that like entire year between the Black and white era and the beginning of Hobo-Geddon... But I digress. After four years, we are finally just now starting to reach the point we want to be at. We're entertaining the masses. Not just friends and locals. But you glorious villainous souls in Texas. And you all in the Netherlands. And that smattering of you UK dwellers. And of course those of you here in Virginia. Or those of you who are US troops strewn throughout the globe. We are reaching out to you with our gnarled hands, stained in ink and graphite. You're reaching back to embrace, nibble, fist bump, or high five our twisted digits. You do so because you're entertained. And dammit, that's what we've always wanted to do. And we know we're doing it right because some of you are commenting. And if a half dozen to a dozen of you are commenting and enjoying the comic, that means that there's probably thirty times that number of you enjoying what we do but you're just too shy, busy, or without idea of what to say. And that's okay. Be silent. Because as long as you're silent, you'll never chance having us try to correct and grade your grammar and spelling. Or tell you that you're wrong. The year's not over yet. But I consider the first true year of the walrus to be a success. In the coming weeks expect announcements for some interesting things. Things previously mentioned. Things we've kept under wraps. And something that pretty big that we're gonna roll out completely for free. We love you. Greasily. And forever. Now make us breakfast in a sexy manner and we'll be entertaining your brain matters.
0 thoughts on “Meatnecks and Boomsticks 17”
well im back after another coursework filled term, think ill update my avatar later…
the meatnecks a boomstick sagas brilliant so far, cheers
What’s sexier for breakfast making: cooking bacon wearing only your shirt or riding an ostrich naked until it drops it’s eggs on the hot lava rocks to fry?
woo netherlands!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@Jakwolf Using words like brilliant and saga make us all warm and tingly inside. Our kind thanks!
@Khavren Why choose when you can have both?
I’m back! I’ve got to stop leaving internet accessable locations for long periods of time. I miss this place when I go…
As for breakfast in a sexy manner that I can approach. How does a fried egg, mango chutney, tabasco, haggis slice, hash-brown (I don’t know what they’re called over your end of the world but it’s not drug related. Honest.) and potato scone served in one roll sound? Thats my luxury breakfast when I’ve not got enough food in the cupboard to make a propper meal or a decent fry up, not so little that it wouldn’t satisfy my hunger and just the perfect amount to fill an Electric Bakery week-old roll. Everything tastes better with mango chutney and tabasco.
A year of true Walrus – it has been good. Violent, uncomfortably erotic, greasy – like a cheeseburger.
We will stand by your work, and snicker our support in the night.
Welcome back Muleface, it’s never quite right without you.
Sexy breakfast? An interesting concept. How’s mixing spicy chorizo and eggs, diced potatoes, green onions and tomatoes, sprinkling with cheese, stirring into an omelet over tortilla chips?
Naked. With a cowboy hat.
I think Marchosias has bested me in this…
Zombie enjoyed Walrus… from beggining….

It really has been a marvelous year, I found this site entirely by happy accident…and have never looked back once. The insanity~ the laughs, the eroticism in all its varied and potentially squicky ways and not to mention~
How I adore the devil with a fashion sense that is Bowler, Grymm continues to delight and amaze with his follicular nightmares and his witty brilliance, And Creepknight not only remains sexy but he still knows how to dish out a beat down in style~! Cryadee remains a villian of the best sort, totally insane, utterly unkillable, and ineffectual in his own madness. Smeerm…is Smeerm. Best left at that. Mungo was a touch of heart warming lessons about not judging based on speech impediments~! And so many more~
tldr; THE COMIC IS AMAZING~ Grymm and Creepknight, never stop. As to my fellow readers/commentors/ y’all are awesome too!
AS for sexy breakfast…how about I whip up some home made waffles from my family recipe as well as making strawberry topping and whipped cream to go with it~ in a leather corset and edible panties with the option of eating off of me.
2006… I guess if The Walrus is all that matters in life…
What about all the old comics… decades ago now. Some of those were damn good story lines. And beautiful guys with flowing blonde hair.
Oh, and as discussed at lunch. You’ll see 5,000 hits over the next few days. Just to see what happens.
@Vensik I was speaking about just the Walrus by itself. But I wouldn’t go as far as to dismiss or forget what blazed the way. And you might be one of our only readers who recognizes some things that going to be popping up in the coming year. We’re talkin’ way old school popping up in the forefront.
@ EVERYONE Okay. I don’t know when the sexy breakfast thing turned into a contest but I’m officially declaring Rose the winner at this point.
What?! I fucking LOVE waffles. And leather.
Shit. Its 3am. I should sleep.
Also, we have the most awesome readers of all. I love and fear you all you sexy, evil beasts.
First off, I am honored that you like the idea of my waffles~!
Secondly, we wouldn’t be awesome readers without y’all to give us something to be awesome with. I’m looking forward to the new awesomeness you’re going to show us next!
@Grymm: that last comment reminded me of lady gaga. your comment looked like a lady gaga comment. i don’t know if it’s an insult to you or not so i just say it.
A return of old school Walrus can only mean a screamingly awesome year to come.
Rose – I bow, and turn in my cowboy to you. I never held a candle.
illyria – It’s not just gaga -ish, it’s true: I’m evil and Rose is sexy.
GaGa dances around in shiny fetish wear and huge things that shouldn’t be headwear but are used as headwear anyway. She’s one of my artistic heroes. Plus, I rather enjoy Bad Romance.
Hell, everyone remembers this strip right?
Oooo~ I miss the revenge of Captain Thud~ I need to reread those.
@March: *takes it gracefully* This shall go with my collection of fedoras to add to their collective awesomeness. You flatter me with your words~ you make a fine opponent~
It is your wit that makes one strive on, even in the face of a fashion sense to swoon over.
I never stood a chance against either of you. Theres quite a low limit to how sexy a Scot can be when cooking breakfast.
So get this… the latest search query to bring someone to the Walrus is “how do you pronounce marchosias?”
I fine old name, from when biblical kings dared bind souls from beyond the black walls of sleep.
Seriously? That’s how people get here? Walrus bacon and 17th century syntax?
Oh we have had all kinds of fun queries to bring people to the site including just the terms for the past couple of weeks like:
Frosty Walrus
Comics of headache
Comics about cooking
How to destroy a marriage in 1 easy step.
Team Grymm (This one makes me afraid that there’s some kind of intersection between the the Twilight fandom and the Walrus Embracers)
and Mean Resignation Letter
@March At least I know that I was pronouncing that properly. And you really know how to flatter an evil genius female. I make sure to bring my best for my fellow commentators, because everyone is just so amazing, anything less and I would embarrass myself.
And when was bacon a part of this?
can zombie still enter sexy breakfast?
he has wonderful ideas for grymm…..