Musings of a CreepKnight
Dear faithful readers,
By the time you read this, I will be gone; gone back to my homelands for our semi annual Culling of the Barley festival wherein I will be consuming massive amounts of beer, an activity I do not enjoy but I'm told is necessary if we want to maintain our power in the Liechtensteiner beer market. Sadly we do not have high speed internet in my ancestral home and will be unable to view all of your lovely comments.
So if you were waiting for a time when I was unable to defend myself to bash me, that time is now.
You have seven days.
p.s. I don't like beer. I prefer Blitzgrun. And blueberry wine. And lime Jarritos. And Mountain Dew.
Grymm Ramblings
The above comic is based completely on a true story. I would say we've taken artistic liberties, but nothing we could have done would have made the truth better. The only thing we changed was adding Mac into this, since of course Mac doesn't actually exist.
As CK's stated above, he's out of the country for a bit now. I'm here in the castle switching between working on commissions and working on exclusive art for the PDF and keeping things locked down. Might be another week of me being scarce from comments, but I will be watching. Ya need somethin' important, hit up the inbox.
0 thoughts on “Academy Award Winning Epilogue 1: Gramma Eyepatch Would Approve”
Will B
Really Sherm?? Fucking Flipper?? Really think it time you consult your physician about your steroid usage and think about counceling.
And if that doesn’t work I think I could squeeze you in for a complete brain transplant. How does September 19th at 6pm fit your scheduled. Let me know. Will even cut you a break on price since you are friends with Grymm and CK.
To be fair dolphins are the serial rapists of the sea…. though I’d hope dolphins had better taste than that *shudder*
You fucking rat BASTARDS…… Why? Why in the nine hells would you not only give Shmeerm a sister, but one who looks almost EXACTLY like him?!?!? It should be considered child cruelty to make someone look like that man! To even slightly resemble the smallest ASPECT of that man!
So you’re saying we should’ve made her look like their gramma instead?
OH GOD! I’ve smelled both of those scents and you triggered an olfactory memory…I have to go rinse my nostrils with Listerine. Hopefully the burning will get rid of the phantom scent.
THAT’S their grandma?!?!? I don’t think that the ugly tree fell on each of them….. I think the ugly tree used to be a regular tree that turned INTO the ugly tree after one of Shmeerms ancestors was buried under it.
yer sucha cutey jeffrey i juss wanna give you sum sugar yes i do jeffry. where you livin now jeffrey? Gramma will get her sexy rv and cum right over and see you and give you sum sugar yes she will. mm mm mmmm. wet sugar love. gunna have to excuse me cant find my teeth so its gone be sloppy wet jeffry.
Back! I have soap and toothpaste and I’m not afraid to use them!
oh you don’t got to freshen your breath up for me jeff-jeff. Gramma loves the taste you just how you are that stuff twixt your teeth and all. have to excuse me gramma had one o her incident this morning and now the left side of my face is all numb so i might dribble on ya thats okay though you like it don’t you jeffrey? my little jeff-jeff.
I meant I’m not afraid on using the soap and toothpaste on YOU! I’ve heard of your kind and how the touch of any kind of cleaning agent is like acid to you….. And It’s also kinda scary that you just came close to randomly guessing my real name.
going to make you a big o pot of soup jeffrey make everything better uh huh
Tell you what, I’ll drink your soup if set yourself on fire and die. Should be easy enough. Your very BREATH is greasy enough to set a grease fire.
Haha… actually I can attest that everything about this is a true story. They didn’t give Shmeerm a sister, he has a sister. And… that message box is about how that conversation went.
… I never thought I would say this… but shmeerm is now on my list of heros for this.
Truely dolphins are the most punchworthy animals of the sea.
While that fish that swims up your uretra and extends spines is the most punchworthy animal of the amazon. And yes… that is actually a real creature. Truely mother nature hates us… for good reason. An the amazon is proof that she hates us.
What’s more horrifying is that little fish isn’t the most horrifying thing in the Amazon. I’ve watched “River Monsters” it’s enough to make me swear never to venture into any water that’s not clear and chlorinated.
Well yeah. There are creatures like the bullet ant. Ants that not only have bites that hurt like getting shot, not only attack on mass, not only SCREAM as they attack you… they attack you… by jumping out of trees on you. Imagine, walking under a tree, thinking of climbing it to safety for the night… WHEN SCREAMING ANTS FALL ON YOU!
Nature hates us.. she really doezs… and she is insane.
From experience, I also find that SeaWorld frowns upon those who attempt to jump into the water and mind-meld with Shamu.
How does anyone expect you to get better at mind melding if they refuse to let you practice? its just not right!
as for what his blowhole is for… well I will tell you what it is not for. And then you will know why I can never go back to seaworld.
Do you not want me to sleep? Is that why you keep showing me things such as this? The face of Shmeerm’s sister shall hunt my nightmares.
That’s the great thing about Shmeerm and Mac interludes! Its a roulette of wonders and you never know if you’re going to land on Nightmare Fuel, Fetish Fuel, or Over the Top Mega Bloody Japanese Action Movie Ultra Violence!
*giggles* I just spotted a typo “Ves$ik1”?
Will B
Don’t think it a typo hun. Think it is his screen name. The dollar sign for all the money he works with.
The dollar sign is not the typo, the typo is the whole name. The screen name is supposed to be ‘Ven$ik1’ not ‘Ves$ik1’. Look closely, you will see it.
Sandra Prickett
Naa, It’s a typo, He forgot the n and the c and added another s in the Ven$ick’s name. Ven$ick1 to Ves$ik1 back to Ven$ick1.
Perhaps it’s just me, but I know a lot of writers and this is usually the sort of thing that’s more polite to mention person-to-person in an email than calling the writer out in a public forum.
Just a thought.
*sheepish* Sorry… That did not honestly occur to me. I figured it was a post writing error or for all I knew it could have been intentional to toss us off Vensik’s potential involvement with those unsavory sorts.
Unsavory? I prefer to think of it as cultured.
After all, Shmeerm’s no one’s dummy. He knows who he should be trusting for financial advice!
Yes, but it can be said even Ebola is cultured…makes it no less lethal and horrifying.
CJ Landis
What did he punch Mickey, too? Come one! I know it’s tempting, but…
I do not care for people in mascot costumes…they provide too much padding when I want retribution for someone getting fresh.
With Shmeerm we can only hope it was because he punched Mickey. The other reasons Shmeerm might get baned are distubing indeed.
That is what vodka and matches are for. Nothing says “I disagree with your antics” like a face full of fire. MAN those suits light up nice.