Something, Something, Rhymes with CreepKnight
For those of you paying attention, the time is now 3am or shortly thereafter and I just got home after a long evening of stuff I may or may not want to talk about, because that's my prerogative. The point is that I'm tired and I want a sammich. But that's not important right now. What's important right now is we're still suffering random bouts of October crud. No, that's not really important either considering we spend a good bit of November trying to gain admittance to primitive plague hospitals only to be shooed away because we look too contagious. Or something.
But believe it or not, we're okay. Just adjusting to some new personal scheduling and what not. How've you guys been? It feels like forever since we've talked.
Also, it's unseasonable warm here in Virginia. I want that to not be the case. I like the cold. It reminds me of home.
0 thoughts on “Wrath of Con 48: Nothing Good Happens After 5:35 P.M.”
Welcome back guys – I missed the insanity.
Mr. Gothikka
Hooray! Back to our regularly scheduled madness! I missed you guys.