Grymm Ramblings
Soooo.... yeah... This upload is being made like 15 minutes before it should go live despite CK getting the finished page to me hours upon hours ago. I kinda passed out. Winter is a terrible time in which my body seems to call for entirely more sleep than I'm comfortable with it having. And the more sleep it gets, the more it wants.
I don't have much else to say here.
Let's do a quick "Where to get more Walrus goodness" thing.
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0 thoughts on “Multiple Meanings 2”
Mercenary Clown
huzzah for the bloody walrus
Voodoo Walrus: “Bringing the masses impossible blood, huge eyebrows, and interdimensional horrors since 2008”
My eyes would probably “spount” blood too if I had to lie that hard.
Blood spounting a rare medical condition. If you believe your Grymm may be suffering from cranial blood spounting, contact a doctor immediately. Discontinue contact with your Grymm if suffering side effects akin to shortness of breath, chronic exhaustion, bending of space/time, loss of gravity, or complete and fatal liver failure.
Also, welcome to the commentary board Highsox. despite what your fellow commenters may say, they will NOT in fact eat your eyes. Unless you give them your address.
haha. Thanks for welcome! And keep up the great work!
No worries there. At this point, we’re physically unable to cease doing what we do. Its a sickness. And the only cure is giving into it. And you know… more cowbell.
Lying to Bowler… am I the only one that hears the threat of other bleeding orifices in that last panel?
Bowler would NEVER hurt the guys… Much… Except for that one time… And that other time. But.. those were accidents!
Ahhh this made me laugh more than I have in a long time
Mission…. accomplished!
Oh Grymm, blood spouting eyes or not its impossible to lie to the Bowler. She’ll sense it as soon as she turns the TV on and you start sweating in horror. I do agree that there are other punishments soon on the way.
I could definitely see where you might think that, but there’s a protocol we long ago instituted to prevent such a terrible tragedy; it’s officially called Protocol Kappa-12, but we also call it “Code Chocolate.”
But in all seriousness, fuck Dr. Pepper and Skittles.
I second that last statement as both are disgusting and combined would be horrific.
Don’t diss Dr.Pepper. That’s my substitute when I walk into a fast food place that doesn’t have Mountain Dew. It’s like the whiskey of the soda world…..
But I agree on the combination being disgusting. I NEVER do that. And skittles depend on the occasion. Hhhhhmmmmm…… I could just eat some skittles and get out of my wedding to get get my stomach pumped….
I tried to drink Dr. Pepper once. Only once. No one ever saw or heard from the entire state of East Dakota ever since. I’ll leave it at that.
Hm. I used to rather enjoy skittles. But that was when I was a small tiny Grymm. Its entirely possible that they taste horrible now. Kinda like how Fruit Loops cereal and Cookie Crisp used to be delicious back in the early 90’s and now they’re terrible. I blame high fructose corn syrup.
You know what I miss? There was this off shoot of Reeses candy. I think they were Reeses Bites. Just little Reeses in a ball shape that came in a bag. They were delicious. They were proof of the “The smaller Reeses candy is, the tastier it is and the larger it is, the more vomit inducing it is.” But I haven’t seen evidence of their existence since like 2005. And yet Reeses Puff cereal still exists. And that stuff is atrocious. Its not right!
Gods of chocolate and peanut butter, why have you forsaken your flock? What sins have I committed? Is this about that whole enjoying Cadbury eggs thing? I swear its a once a year thing! A small vice in a huge universe! Are you listening to me you bastards? Don’t make me come up there! I have a lamp and a t-square! I HAVE A LAMP!
Someone send me a pizza and 4000 CC of Coke stat.
You would tremble to know…I live in the town that consumes it weight in Doctor Pepper. Because my town is the /home/ of the stuff, it tastes like Syrup in my opinion, give me coke any day, though The DEW is delicious.
Fancy girl that likes industrial. My eyes would bleed just from that.
Also, can bleeding eyes disease be bottled and shipped? The locals need a serious dose of insanity and death.
Nope. So far its just my own private illness most commonly seen when lying too hard. Or when I’ve been kept from my drawing table too long. Or when attempt to help the people I love deal with their doomed romance problems. Or when I’m sleeping. Or when I eat food that’s too spicy…
In other words – in order to rid central Texas of fools, fundamentalists and exchange-student Frenchmen, you have to come here and eat Thai food.
Lodgings can be provided.
Oh most definitely. Though not thai, thai is not spicy enough…no no…you need authentic Cajun~! Though it depends…is the Frenchman very French or only a little French. Its a very important difference.
I have a recipe for fireball chili I can lend you for this noble mission.
Mercenary Clown
@grymm- reeses pieces are what they where called if i remember correctly…i can still get them on…errr…..that place where i work with restricted access
Nope. Reeses Pieces have the hard candy shells like M&M’s and are still plentiful and abundant. I speak of little orbs of chocolate with peanut butter cores that have most definitely been discontinued.
WHY DID THEY GET RID OF THEM?!?!?!? I remember those things well….. I actually know a guy in the candy business, who once found a bunch of discontinued candy in some freezer and those were among them. Unfortunately, this was before I threw up on his car, and dog, and shoes, and I refused to pay the bills. FLAMETHROWER!!!!!!
Gone the way of the butterfinger BB and caramel M&Ms they have.
Butterfinger BB’s were fucking awesome. Butterfingers obviously fall under the “smaller is tastier” theory as well.
I agree with this theory. I think I might have to see if I can track down miniature orbs of popular candies and test this more thoroughly.
Just sayin’
You know you love it!
Awww… I am so glad you feel safe enough around us to come out on here!
I’d like to think its proof that the Walrus is just a place that people feel safe and comfortable in. Truly its the highest of compliments.
A place where one is not judged by sexuality, unresolved psychological issues, extra limbs or mass murder. You have created a haven for the nut-jobs of the world.
A saintly act.
I completely agree on the sleep thing, it’s just the lack of daylight in the winter, and if your like me all of your best work is done at night. Freaking awesome artwork on this one!
Tim court
Hilarious post especially the last illustrations. bleeding eyes or not, there are always ways to tell if a person is lying.
The artwork is fine and so is the humor.
I don’t think there’s such a thing like bleeding eyes. I
just didn’t like the idea, that’s all. But I enjoyed the humor though.
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If he’s lying then he’s got a nasty way of showing it. I can’t believe he’s got bleeding eyes and he’s not even consulting a doctor. Anyway, it’s sweet that she told him that they’re together but since he has bleeding eyes, she got disappointed.
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I can’t believe he’s done it. He lied and so his eyes are bleeding. If he’s got that syndrome when he’s lying, then he shouldn’t have just lied. Good graciousness boy! Stop it.
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He’s so sad poor thing. And the first person to offer him something else offered him a date, and I’m thinking,, he’s probably not lying. It must be joy. Girls, let’s not be like this all the time.