My God…I know that text.
I thought he was /dead/. Old man can’t die! Crawled from the pits of his tormenttttt…..!
Stygian management techniques apparently also include a course in grim reaper negotiation…either that or even Billy didn’t want him downstairs.
See… that is horrible… but their neighboring room mate could have been someone much much worse. Like… someone who had memorized every babysitter club book ever and recited them ceaselessly from memory and then started reciting them out of order and then back in order and then everytime you start to lull and go with the flow he starts screaming out lyrics to a song from the sound of music.
… My mind contains horrors… but then so does everyones. Even you. Yes you reading this right now. You should still be ashamed about that thing with the wombats you know.
0 thoughts on “Kill Your Heroes 20: Them Old Prison Songs”
My God…I know that text.
I thought he was /dead/. Old man can’t die! Crawled from the pits of his tormenttttt…..!
Stygian management techniques apparently also include a course in grim reaper negotiation…either that or even Billy didn’t want him downstairs.
Oh Lord I remember that song. I remember it being sung badly. That hideous earworm is back. Make it stop. DAMMIT! MAKE IT STOP!!!
Gah! The mental image!
See… that is horrible… but their neighboring room mate could have been someone much much worse. Like… someone who had memorized every babysitter club book ever and recited them ceaselessly from memory and then started reciting them out of order and then back in order and then everytime you start to lull and go with the flow he starts screaming out lyrics to a song from the sound of music.
… My mind contains horrors… but then so does everyones. Even you. Yes you reading this right now. You should still be ashamed about that thing with the wombats you know.