Musings of a CreepKnight
I used-to-could fly. But then gravity kicked in. Now I don't sass the Mirth, who can teleport and is also incredibly cute. And she makes pecan bars.
Hint, hint.
Gimme cake still.
Grymm Ramblings
Its 7am on yesterday morning. I'm listening to the new Homestuck Soundtrack (the End of Act 5 flash is finally out and it is epic as all hell. and taking a break from working on Halloween themed commissions. In nine hours we begin the last leg of Creepy Hollow work for the season. We have water. We have like two cases of 5 Hour Energy. There's nothing but injury and disease surrounding us. The sad part is that we're not even responsible for any of it. I fully expect to enter November without a voice.
There's Walrus stuff planned for next week. Though at this point I'm not quite sure if we can pull it off. And by we I mean me, because I have deadline commission work to do. But I'll see about getting something cobbled together. It might not be a comic. But it'll at least be something brand new.
Also, hey, check that out. Could that be a Blondestar shirt that Mirth's rocking? I think it is. And you can own your own Blondestar t-shirt too! Just hit up our Redbubble store!
0 thoughts on “How to Make A Comic 4: Gaining Perspective”
I’ve already seen the new flash on Homestuck. It. Was. EPIC!!!!! That was DEFINITELY worth the wait! And this comic is also funny. Next thing you know, CK is falling down……
use-to-could, is a redneck word. yaaaaaaahhhhhhh!*splat*
*blink* I’m trying to figure out whether these tears and bloodshed belonged to a third party.
Will B
TELL THE JOKE!! Broken bones heal. Pain goes away. But opportunities to make your friends blush come only once in a while.
Much like political assassinations, or profane alignments of the ancient stars.
In an entirely related situation, the National Guard is knocking down my door. Literally. Tell me you got that teleport working again?
Will B
The power is working. But the test subject was atomized. Something to do with the feed back loop. Can release the “present” though. Just remember to wear your blue and black jacket. Otherwise won’t recognize your pattern.
My gods… the Apocalypse Kitten. Such a terror… Are men meant to wield such power? To play God? Mortal men were not meant to harness such things.
*sharp crack as a military battering ram splinters a carved mahogany door*
Bugger conscience – that door was expensive.
Will B
Remember the jacket. Kitten is now awakening.
He could so pull out a grappling hook and just zip away if he does fall.
….Funny, it almost seems like CK is trying to tell me something in the “Musings” section, but for the life of me I can not guess what…
Also, I totally want a Blondstar tee with stars on the side like that, I would even get him to sign it for me!
I know, it would be awesome wouldn’t it? Bah to RedBubble’s limitations